No T & A at E3 2006


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
"Say goodbye to booth babes; this year's E3 is putting restrictions in place to clean up the show floor a little. The exhibitor's handbook apparently includes the following rule:

Material, including live models, conduct that is sexually explicit and/or sexually provocative, including but not limited to nudity, partial nudity and bathing suit bottoms, are prohibited on the Show floor, all common areas, and at any access points to the Show. ESA, in its sole discretion, will determine whether material is acceptable

....the censorship means that showing adult games or games with partial nudity won't be allowed."

is this what Booth Babes will look like this year?


I say boooooo to e3, BOOOOOOOO!!!
actually good riddance :)
I dont really have a problem with this. Wtf is wrong with people? Must we get our jollys everywhere we go? I thought e3 was about games and not half naked women.
Guess I'll just have to drug some hookers :naughty:
Uriel said:
I dont really have a problem with this. Wtf is wrong with people? Must we get our jollys everywhere we go?

yes ....errr excuse me for a sec ............................. ok what were you saying?

Uriel said:
I thought e3 was about games and not half naked women.

half naked women compliment games just like half-naked women compliment new cars and beer commercials ...T & A sells as does ads involving puppies and babies's an old marketing trick; give them boobies and they will come (sometimes figuratively :naughty: ).
As a person that's actually been to E3 twice, I must say that this is a let-down. Sure, you go to see the latest and greatest games but when there's a beautiful lady standing there, it just sweetens the deal. Besides, no one under 18 is supposed to be in there anyway.

What is this world coming to?:|
Booth Boys \o/

wait... why am I \o/'ing at that? :x
Awwww. :(

I liked seeing how many women Gary Coleman could pick up.
I dont need chicks at the E3.its all about games or atleast it should be.

edit:stern, you have been very frisky lately ^__^
I dont understand why people are bitching about this. You have a computer Stern obviously, go look at porn if you like that kind of thing. If a girl was shaking her bajungums at me in the street, trying to get me to buy a pair of galosh's, id probably give her a glare. Next thing we know, you're going to McDonalds looking at the menu with a naked chick holdling a double patty.

Uriel said:
Next thing we know, you're going to McDonalds looking at the menu with a naked chick holdling a double patty.
I would sooooooo buy that patty.
Uriel said:
I dont understand why people are bitching about this. You have a computer Stern obviously, go look at porn if you like that kind of thing.

? wtf? are you really that square that you would compare booth babes to porn? when you go to a sporting event do you complain that the cheerleaders are pornographic?

Uriel said:
If a girl was shaking her bajungums at me in the street, trying to get me to buy a pair of galosh's, id probably give her a glare.

heh, jesus teaches you not to judge others ...but seriously who cares? dont like it dont look at it

Uriel said:
Next thing we know, you're going to McDonalds looking at the menu with a naked chick holdling a double patty.

kinda dangerous with all that splashing grease ...but seriously who cares? you're far too uptight over sexuality ...nudity is natural, the sooner you realise that sooner you'll stop seeing women as objects

Uriel said:

live and let live, judge not lest you be judged
lol, If you want the real reason.. their not there cause i pimped them.

I keep them in the shed out back.
CptStern said:
kinda dangerous with all that splashing grease ...but seriously who cares? you're far too uptight over sexuality ...nudity is natural, the sooner you realise that sooner you'll stop seeing women as objects
I find that one of the most hilarious contradictions in the Bible... Man and woman were created equal and naked, and everything was perfect.
And now all the ultra-conservative people are saying OMFGWTFYUORNEKKID?!!! GTFO
Uriel said:
I dont understand why people are bitching about this. You have a computer Stern obviously, go look at porn if you like that kind of thing. If a girl was shaking her bajungums at me in the street, trying to get me to buy a pair of galosh's, id probably give her a glare. Next thing we know, you're going to McDonalds looking at the menu with a naked chick holdling a double patty.


Why wouldn't you want a beautiful lady right there talking to you while you play the game? It's fun and it provides for a very interesting atmosphere. I don't want some ugly, hairy, and stinky guy telling me how to play the game. Would you?

That analogy with McDonalds is bogus. They don't just sell products to the 18+ crowd. Remember that the average gamer is a 30 year old male. I don't think anyone's going to be offended by some T&A in that demographic. And if they are, get the f**k out!!!
CptStern said:
I say boooooo to e3, BOOOOOOOO!!!

I'd rather keep my mind on the task in hand.

Interesting stuff about banning games with nudity or partial nudity though...
Uriel said:
If a girl was shaking her bajungums at me in the street, trying to get me to buy a pair of galosh's, id probably give her a glare.

If you call 'em "bajungums", chances are you have have to no reason to worry about women shaking their breasts at you. :P

I do think this a good idea though. If games are going to get broader acceptance, marketeers are going to have to act more mature.
Maybe its just because they couldn't find any good looking chicks to be half naked and walk around a bunch of nerdy geeks this year. ;D

jondy said:
I'd rather keep my mind on the task in hand.
"Stay on target...."
I forgot, Stern posted this, Religion must be discussed. BECAUSE THATS ALL YOU TALK ABOUT. Before I was Mormon I still didnt like nudity/pornography/etc. I view guys who involve themselves with that as shallow and weak. Real Men dont need porn/booth babes.

CptStern said:
? wtf? are you really that square that you would compare booth babes to porn? when you go to a sporting event do you complain that the cheerleaders are pornographic?

Do you whine when they're arent cheerleaders at a game?
I agree with it. We want to make games more accessable to all, I don't think women find naked chicks that appealing, plus its sexist so....
Stern, the leader of booth babes!
okay on a serious note, this kinda sucks.

i think gamers get enoug crap thrown at them from people like Jack the douchebag....i don't think censorship at E3 is needed.
as already mentioned, people under the age of 18 shouldn't be there anyway :P

and oh, whats wrong with you Americans? censorship this, censorship that...geeze.
satch919 said:
I don't want some ugly, hairy, and stinky guy telling me how to play the game. Would you?

Chances are, the people playing the game are hacker trash.
Uriel said:
Do you whine when they're arent cheerleaders at a game?
You have one too many things lodged into your buttocks.

Nobody was whining, its just simple discussion. It isn't like people are going to burn down E3 because of this new rule. It just kinda sucks. I don't even know; I've never been to it before.

And yeah, Dr. Freeman. Censorize everaything pleaze amerikans?!
Solaris said:
I agree with it. We want to make games more accessable to all, I don't think women find naked chicks that appealing, plus its sexist so....
I kinda agree with the fact that it might be sexist. But its pretty safe to assume that the majority of the gamers present will not be female.

The point is, if people put up with it in things like Cars, Wrestling, Football, and stuff like that... they should put up with it for us gaming nerds, too :P
oh well they might atleast keep them in a back room for the game devs.
Uriel said:
I forgot, Stern posted this, Religion must be discussed. BECAUSE THATS ALL YOU TALK ABOUT. Before I was Mormon I still didnt like nudity/pornography/etc. I view guys who involve themselves with that as shallow and weak. Real Men dont need porn/booth babes.

this is not nudity nor is it pornography, lighten up. And if you find booth babes in any way titilating then that speaks more about your character than anything else ..go out, get laid it may help you understand that sexuality is natural

Uriel said:
Do you whine when they're arent cheerleaders at a game?

I dont care either way
Uriel said:
I forgot, Stern posted this, Religion must be discussed. BECAUSE THATS ALL YOU TALK ABOUT. Before I was Mormon I still didnt like nudity/pornography/etc. I view guys who involve themselves with that as shallow and weak. Real Men dont need porn/booth babes.

Do you whine when they're arent cheerleaders at a game?

:laugh: Who are you to say what a "real man" is? I respect your dislike of porno and nudity; however, I think you're too quick to say that guys that look at that stuff are shallow and weak.

I enjoy looking at the female form because it's just beautiful and has a hint of sensuality to it. Look at all the masterful artworks of sculptors in ancient history. Did they sculpt those nudes just because it was sexual? No, they recognized the beauty and complexity of the figure. Not all nudity has to be sexual. I think societies insecurities and their religious beliefs have turned it into some stigma.
Thank God, now I can watch E3 coverage on our big TV downstairs without having parent's go 0_o when they decide to show a bunch of girls dancing around in short skirts or something.

The way I see it, it's just stupid to have booth babes. Sure it may be nice to have, don't get my wrong I'm not without my hormones, but look at the image it projects for gamers... Hormone crazed teens...

Uh, no thankyou. Let gaming be about games, and games without the need for sex appeal to sell or spark interest.

The people who use the excuse of "But E3 is for 18+ anyway!" are obviously not considering that kids of any age can find coverage on TV very easily, and most do.

Edit: Thankyou Mullinator.
If the gaming world wants a better reputation to the general public then this is a good idea. It will just make the event a lot classier.

Besides, games should sell themselves on the E3 floor. They shouldn't need booth babes to attract attention to them.

Sure a lot of people will be disapointed by not seeing booth babes but there is a reason why many other expos and shows don't use them.
satch919 said:
:laugh: Who are you to say what a "real man" is? I respect your dislike of porno and nudity; however, I think you're too quick to say that guys that look at that stuff are shallow and weak.

I enjoy looking at the female form because it's just beautiful and has a hint of sensuality to it. Look at all the masterful artworks of sculptors in ancient history. Did they sculpt those nudes just because it was sexual? No, they recognized the beauty and complexity of the figure.

he would have been part of the movement that demanded the statue of david put something on or that the Venus de milo should be wearing a t-shirt
It's so funny how you guys try to pass off the need for booth babes as admiring the female form or something, hahahahahaha :laugh:
Uriel said:
I forgot, Stern posted this, Religion must be discussed. BECAUSE THATS ALL YOU TALK ABOUT. Before I was Mormon I still didnt like nudity/pornography/etc. I view guys who involve themselves with that as shallow and weak. Real Men dont need porn/booth babes.
So by your definition i am a real man then?
short recoil said:
So by your definition i am a real man then?
Oh yeah, the ability to force away feelings of sexuality makes people "real men." :upstare:
short recoil said:
So by your definition i am a real man then?

you are a god amongst men, an Übermensch if you will dont count ;)
vegeta897 said:
Thank God, now I can watch E3 coverage on our big TV downstairs without having parent's go 0_o when they decide to show a bunch of girls dancing around in short skirts or something.

The way I see it, it's just stupid to have booth babes. Sure it may be nice to have, don't get my wrong I'm not without my hormones, but look at the image it projects for gamers... Hormone crazed teens...

Uh, no thankyou. Let gaming be about games, and games without the need for sex appeal.

I'd tell my parents to lighten up and that it's all in good fun. They're not there to try to get you to have sex with them for christ sakes! It's just about having a good time. The girls are having fun, the guys are having fun, what's the big deal?

I'm going to guess that you've never been to an E3 event. There's a lot more suits/ties and businessmen than you might think. So your "hormone crazed teens" assumption is just that-an assumption. From what I could tell when I was there, a lot of people were about 20-30 years old. And anyone that did some research on it knows that they don't allow minors into this event.

Sure, it is about the games but what's wrong with having some extra nice scenery around. It'd be rather flat and uninteresting to go to one of these events without seeing some kind of hottie. It's like a party! You can still have a good time but having ladies there just changes the atmosphere.

vegeta897 said:
The people who use the excuse of "But E3 is for 18+ anyway!" are obviously not considering that kids of any age can find coverage on TV very easily, and most do.

Perhaps those kids' parents should be paying more attention to what they watch then. If you don't like it, DON'T LOOK AT IT!! Don't spoil other's fun just because you're not allowed to look at it or embarrassed by it.
It's essentially the same thing. They're selling you the girls and not the game.

Booth babes are stupid and I don't care to see them go.

*thumbs up to Uriel* Putting up with this humanist worldview.
Jesus people are looking waaay too into this. stop analyzing so ****ing much and moralizing this and that. It's just for the fun of the whole thing. not that i care about e3.

boobies rule, kthxbye
satch919 said:
I'm going to guess that you've never been to an E3 event. There's a lot more suits/ties and businessmen than you might think. So your "hormone crazed teens" assumption is just that-an assumption. From what I could tell when I was there, a lot of people were about 20-30 years old. And anyone that did some research on it knows that they don't allow minors into this event.
Hence "image" I'm not talking about MY impression of E3, I myself know for a fact that E3 and gaming in general is not all about hormone vacations.

A vast majority of people HAVEN'T been to an E3 event, and HAVEN'T dont research on it, so therefor they have that IMAGE that I described, even though it's a false one. It's the "Joe Public" concept.

It'd be rather flat and uninteresting to go to one of these events
Would it? Gee, I've always thought the focus was the games. You know what? I just realised why this is better. Now it's less camera shots on the babes, and more on the GAMES. This is good news indeed.

If you don't like it, DON'T LOOK AT IT!!
I never said I didn't like it... I don't think anyone said that. It's quite obvious every guy here likes to look at girls, don't misunderstand us just because we aren't disliking the idea of no booth babes.