No T & A at E3 2006

Waiting for what? A reply to your reply? Nothing has really provoked me enough for response, except maybe the stupid comment about numbers in my religion. I clearly stated my religion has more than 10 million. 12 million is more than 10 million.

12 > 10

As for saying Booth babes are pornographic, where did I say that? I did state that it was degrading towards women. And as for being closed minded

"If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."

A partial quote from the 12 articles of faith. Where does it say that I should be open minded to all things in my religion?

Really Stern, most people have faith in a deity and hold morals in their lives. Obviously this frusterates you, get over it.
Give up stern. Some people are way past saving!


Heh. only jokin. :)

But seriously, I dont see a problem with it for anyone involved. Theres no reason to be offended by it..

Saying all that, I never really understood the need. I dont care if they go or not, but i'm not against it. Complete indifference. :)
Uriel said:
Waiting for what? A reply to your reply? Nothing has really provoked me enough for response, except maybe the stupid comment about numbers in my religion. I clearly stated my religion has more than 10 million. 12 million is more than 10 million. 12 > 10

well why didnt you just say 12 million? anyways're still a minority

Uriel said:
As for saying Booth babes are pornographic, where did I say that?


"Real Men dont need porn/booth babes"


"You have a computer Stern obviously, go look at porn if you like that kind of thing. "

Uriel said:
I did state that it was degrading towards women. And as for being closed minded

"If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."

A partial quote from the 12 articles of faith. Where does it say that I should be open minded to all things in my religion?

it's worse than I thought ..not only are you close minded to things outside of your religion but your also close minded about certain aspects of your religion ....that's like ...uber-closeminded

Uriel said:
Really Stern, most people have faith in a deity and hold morals in their lives.

I dont need faith to teach me morals is the refuge of the weak who are too frightened to forage ahead and say "I DONT KNOW" when confronted with the unknown you it's "why know when it's gods will that we dont?" ...weak

Uriel said:
Obviously this frusterates you, get over it.

heh that's funny cuz it seems to frustrate you more than it does me ...I dont live in the middle of a comune or in a religious sect or even remotely close to any form of in your face religious belief system ...see what you religious types dont get is that non-believers really dont care what you do long as it doesnt interfere with my life I dont care if you practice self-flagulation or self-emolation or nailing yourself to a bit of wood
Key words "that kind of thing", meaning they are in the same category, but not the same. Both arouse men (or women). Pornography involves acts of sex, Booth Babes wear revealing clothing. The feeling of arousal is the same, except probably on different degrees.

Now, STATE where it says in MY religion that I should be open to all things? Before you make comments about my religion, know what my religion is about and the beliefs that it contains. What aspects am I "close-minded" to?

Faith is for the weak? You act as if you have proof that there is no God. As for saying "i dont know", what makes you think I'm afraid to say that? I've stated im not the sharpest tool in the shed and Im certainly not afraid to say I dont know. Where do i say its God's will for me not to know? I believe all things will be revealed in the end.
Uriel said:
Key words "that kind of thing", meaning they are in the same category, but not the same. Both arouse men (or women). Pornography involves acts of sex, Booth Babes wear revealing clothing. The feeling of arousal is the same, except probably on different degrees.

so by your loose definition women in swimsuits, the entire fashion industry, dance, ballet etc can be lumped into the same catagory as pornography? that's just hopelessly naive and more than a little silly ....sorry you'll have to do better than that

Uriel said:
Now, STATE where it says in MY religion that I should be open to all things?

oh the irony escapes you ...if it says you must would you? :laugh:

Uriel said:
Before you make comments about my religion, know what my religion is about and the beliefs that it contains. What aspects am I "close-minded" to?

how do you feel about abortion? same sex marriage, homosexuality, evolution, etc etc etc

Uriel said:
Faith is for the weak? You act as if you have proof that there is no God.

can you prove there is? there's far more proof that their isnt a god than there is

Uriel said:
As for saying "i dont know", what makes you think I'm afraid to say that? I've stated im not the sharpest tool in the shed and Im certainly not afraid to say I dont know.

I was speaking metaphorically ...why must everything be so literal? but you do answer your own question below:

Uriel said:
Where do i say its God's will for me not to know? I believe all things will be revealed in the end.

you take things at face value without questioning ...tell me ...who was the first human on earth?
CptStern said:
so by your loose definition women in swimsuits, the entire fashion industry, dance, ballet etc can be lumped into the same catagory as pornography? that's just hopelessly naive and more than a little silly ....sorry you'll have to do better than that

Cmon, common sense. The girls there are dressed that way for a reason.

CptStern said:
oh the irony escapes you ...if it says you must would you? :laugh:

I know my religion. I am not a close minded. I knew about its beliefs and teachings before I accepted it. Quit assuming about my religion and myself, its starting to piss me off. I am not a moron. I question everything including my own religion.

CptStern said:
how do you feel about abortion? same sex marriage, homosexuality, evolution, etc etc etc

The same way I felt about it before I became Mormon.

CptStern said:
can you prove there is? there's far more proof that their isnt a god than there is

Please state this proof.

CptStern said:
you take things at face value without questioning ...tell me ...who was the first human on earth?

Quit acting like every faith-based individual is a moron or will do everything that his or her's religion asks. Do you think ive blindly joined a religion to put to rest my questions about life and exsistance? No. I read and and asked about the beliefs of my religion and agreed with it with intelligence in mind. It made sense to me.
Then you should be responding with more detailed answers than "my religion says its wrong!"

Say why it does! If you've researched it so well and not taken it all on blind trust you should be able to give us plenty of good reasons..

EDIT: I'd like to point out that i'm not strictly atheist. I'm open to all sorts of ideas... whether they be scientific, religous or whatever...

You on the other hand strike me as one of the many who can't be bothered to question the world. I hate to sound offensive but meh.
CyberPitz said:
What has this thread turned into?!

Haha, good point. But shhh! It doesnt deserve to be closed.

I'm gona leave the thread now, stern can debate far better than me anyway. :)
:( Stern stop ****ing turning this thread into an atheist jihad (oxymoron).
:frown: And Uriel, stop provoking him by being stupid:

Uriel said:
Cmon, common sense. The girls there are dressed that way for a reason.

This is true. Here are the reasons:

Girls in swimsuits are dressed that way by necessity. Swimming with clothes is a lot harder than swimming without clothes and most people would rather they do the latter - but they don't want to go naked. Thus, a solution presents itself - a utilitarian piece of clothing, easy-wet, easy-dry that covers only the parts of the body which it's essential to cover! Hence swimsuits. If you're right then men wearing shorts when swimming is simply to be sexually provocative and to entice women. Huh?

The entire fashion industry is not, as you seem to think, based entirely on sex. Sure, that's the root of it - people want to look good. But we don't just want to look good so people want to **** us - we want to look good for the sake of looking good. We want people to form good impressions of us, and regard us as someone cool that we can respect. Now, the thing about clothes is that if you don't want to wear sexually provocative clothes then you don't have to. Thus, women wearing skimpy clothes is not disrespectful to women. It's not like anyone's forcing them is it?

Dance! Ah, of course. Dance is pornographic. The reason ladies wear tight clothes in dance is to entice and exite men. Oh for god's sake, stop it. WOMEN WATCH DANCE TOO. MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE IT'S EASIER TO DANCE IN TIGHT CLOTHES THAN IN BAGGY CLOTHES. MAYBE IT'S FROM SOME CRAZY ENTIRELY NON-SEXUAL ADMIRATION FOR THE FEMALE FORM. HEY WAIT, THERE ARE ALSO MALE DANCERS!

You think the same of ballet?
Refer to my previous statement. Look, it's just up the page there a little. HELLO, BALLET IS AN ART. Obviously ballet dancers only wear what they wear in order to entrance the male audience and get them thinking with the wrong head. Same goes for the male ballet dancers I guess?

Now note. What I'm really objecting to above is your lumping all of those things with pornography - "they obviously wear those clothes for a reason," you say, imlying that said reason is SEX SEX SEX LOL. That implication is pretty ridiculous.

Booth babes are a different matter. Of course booth babes are selling through sex. You're right there. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with it but if I did I wouldn't try to implicate everyone else who didn't think there was anything wrong with it as weal-minded sex maniacs. "lol," you say. "If people don't think booth babes are exploitative towards women they obnviously are crazed with sinful lust and every time they see a booth babe they stop right there on the E3 floor and masturbate!"


It's poseyjmac all over again. Stop trying to make out like everyone who disagrees with you is a whore.

Solaris said:
Absence of proof is proof of absense.

No it's not.
Originally Posted by CptStern
can you prove there is? there's far more proof that their isnt a god than there is

Lets put this conversation down right now. God and proof don't go together. God and faith do however. Proof is for science, faith is for religion. To mix those two can screw the beliefs of many people who deal with science and religon. Now I'm not saying the science and religon are totally seperate, but for the most part, they are. So, do not say "Proof of god" Because you must have Faith in God, and therefore you don't need proof.
Uriel said:
Cmon, common sense. The girls there are dressed that way for a reason.

yes because many of them are dressed as a character from the game they're promoting:



Uriel said:
I know my religion. I am not a close minded. I knew about its beliefs and teachings before I accepted it. Quit assuming about my religion and myself, its starting to piss me off. I am not a moron. I question everything including my own religion.

yet you cant answer simple questions. I'm sorry but you are close minded ..just reading through this thread proves you have problems accepting women in other form besides your narrowly defined pov

Uriel said:
The same way I felt about it before I became Mormon.

a simple yes or no would have been better ...tell me, were you chrsitian before becoming a mormon? what religion is your family? how/why did you choose your religion? ....if you dont mind me asking (it has to do with what we're discussing)

Uriel said:
Please state this proof.

I cannot see/hear/taste/feel god so logic dictates that he doesnt exist ...simple logic. The burden of proof is not up to me is you who believe therefore it is you who should be proving his existance

Uriel said:
Quit acting like every faith-based individual is a moron or will do everything that his or her's religion asks.

I dont ..but you have to admit most christians dont stray to far from their religions stated views ...I've yet to meet a faithful follower of christianity that believes in same sex marriage or abortion

Uriel said:
Do you think ive blindly joined a religion to put to rest my questions about life and exsistance? No. I read and and asked about the beliefs of my religion and agreed with it with intelligence in mind. It made sense to me.

the obvious lack of credible science/facts etc to support your beliefs points to you accepting your religion based on faith alone.

sulkdodds: no jihad, just supporting the fact that booth babes does not equal pornography ...if I must take down religion in the process then so be it :E ;) ...Zeta-Jones is soooo hot in that movie :naughty:
Stern, do you realize that religion itself is based off of NOT NEEDING PROOF, but faith? Do you realize that you can never disprove religion?

Solaris said:
Absence of proof is proof of absense.
According to your strictly scientific viewpoint.
sure you can ....I dont see it therefore it doesnt exist :)
Saying religion doesn't exist is simply ignorant. We all know that the spaghetti god watches over all of us. That is why spaghetti is so good. Saying otherwise is stupid. It's realy because we all know spaghetti tastes good...that is the proof. I win
stern take it to private messaging - its become to personal
while uriel is a blinkered ass there's no reason for you to keep reminding us in everyone 2nd post :E
do your converting between the 2 of you buddy - and see you in the politics forum
personal? it's not personal, if you read my responses I'm being very reasonable and not resorting to insults. And I'm not trying to convert anyone beef is with people pushing their morality to lump us all together as sinners or worse yet, perverts just because we dont object to mild titiliation

glirk ..sigh you dont understand 90% of what I say
CptStern said:
personal? it's not personal, if you read my responses I'm being very reasonable and not resorting to insults. And I'm not trying to convert anyone beef is with people pushing their morality to lump us all together as sinners or worse yet, perverts just because we dont object to mild titiliation

glirk ..sigh you dont understand 90% of what I say

I don't think you understood what I was saying either. I was being hippocritical. Agreeing with you actually.
was it the abundance of silicone? cuz I definately saw silicone
Oh yes, that and the wigs. It's all about the wigs.
CptStern said:
half naked women compliment games just like half-naked women compliment new cars and beer commercials
Except half-naked ladies on beer commercials receive the "well, boys will be boys" treatment, whereas gamers ogling ladies dressed as gaming characters receives the "freaks will be freaks" treatment.
Thus the stereotype of the sociopathic, gun-toting egrigious wanker gaming freak continues and so the world progresses.
Surely I'm not the only one who laments the gaming world's almost gleeful participation in the perpetuation of this myth?
I think the reason there will be no Booth Babes this year is because E3 is not available to the general public. And we ALL know game developers are not interested in breasts.
el Chi said:
Except half-naked ladies on beer commercials receive the "well, boys will be boys" treatment, whereas gamers ogling ladies dressed as gaming characters receives the "freaks will be freaks" treatment.
Thus the stereotype of the sociopathic, gun-toting egrigious wanker gaming freak continues and so the world progresses.
Surely I'm not the only one who laments the gaming world's almost gleeful participation in the perpetuation of this myth?

indubitably! ;)

we perpetuate it because it keeps them out
Actually, I've never understood why half-naked women are used to ornament shit. Perhaps I think people are generally hideous.

...That seems about right, given that I fully understand the appeal of gems, jewels, models of complex molecules, maps, and other such things much more beautiful than humans.

So if they want to ban naked people, eh, I don't care.
Material, including live models, conduct that is sexually explicit and/or sexually provocative, including but not limited to nudity, partial nudity and bathing suit bottoms, are prohibited on the Show floor, all common areas, and at any access points to the Show. ESA, in its sole discretion, will determine whether material is acceptable

whats the point of that, the only people who will be allowed to turn up to E3 anyway are people who have connections to the entertainment industry, including college/university students doing a course related to that, and I think they will be mature enough for an erotic dance
Wow this is an old thread.

Uriel said:
I dont really have a problem with this. Wtf is wrong with people?
I dunno.
Must we get our jollys everywhere we go?
I thought e3 was about games and not half naked women.
You thought wrong!

Joking of course. Doesn't make a difference really, I couldn't care less if they want to remove the sexiness from a video game show. But - pretty much every game that features a female character usually shows them in something revealing. Sex sells, even if they just hint at it by "showing some leg", and that is why they used it. No more. Now they will have to show the damn game they are trying to promote instead of a model in a sailor moon outfit.
Well considering the industry is supposed to be about games, it can be seen as doing the sensible thing, using sex to get peoples initial attention may work : p, but it is the crudest trick in the book. Afterall these are industry buffs that goto E3, its not like your pulling in chavs or horny teenagers who don't have a clue about games.