No T & A at E3 2006

Nooooooo, the boobies! ;(

Seriously though, meh. I couldn't care less, even if I did have a job that allowed me to go to E3. I'm there for the games and not the booth babes. It's the same with car shows or sports events. Not really interested in the "side attractions."

All that being said,
Uriel said:
Real Men dont need porn/booth babes.
you have become my mortal enemy, sir. Pistols at dawn; I DEMAND SATISFACTION!
satch919 said:
We have some real prudes here.

The girls aren't groping you nor are they saying, "hey sexy, bend me over this console and give it to me rough!!!!" A lot of these girls like the attention and I'm sure the game companies pay pretty well. If the girl gamers wanted to have men in speedos, fine. It's just harmless fun. It's not like the guys there are walking around with hard-ons all the time. The girls just make the experience better.

Would you guys also support a ban on female beach volleyball or women's tennis because they wear bikini bottoms or short skirts?

Lighten up people.

I think a more worthy comparision is do we want to see booth babes at film festivals and art exhibitions.
Real men don't make sweeping generalizations and force their opinions on others :thumbs:

Personally, while my libido is unhappy, I'm rather pleased at this. Not because the booth babes were objectifying women... but rather because they detracted from the experience. I mean, Badger's right. It really discredits the whole thing. And furthermore, the less excess crap there is, the more we get to focus on the actual games.
ComradeBadger said:
I think a more worthy comparision is do we want to see booth babes at film festivals and art exhibitions.
Yes! :cheers:
ComradeBadger said:
I think a more worthy comparision is do we want to see booth babes at film festivals and art exhibitions.

I think your on to I will want to see booth babes at formal dinners and funerals.
If the E3's hardware sucks, then what will the magazine guys take pictures of?

Kancho battles?

C'mon now.
CptStern said:
"prohibited on the Show floor, all common areas, and at any access points to the Show"

unless it's outside on the lawn somewhere it's not getting in :)
I'm just trying to say that I think it's a good thing getting rid of the booth babes but not adult games.
ya I know but under the new rules adult games or games that show partial nudity or are sexually suggestive (that pretty much includes every game with a female in it) is prohibited
CptStern said:
ya I know but under the new rules adult games or games that show partial nudity or are sexually suggestive (that pretty much includes every game with a female in it) is prohibited
Except HL2 :D
CptStern said:
ya I know but under the new rules adult games or games that show partial nudity or are sexually suggestive (that pretty much includes every game with a female in it) is prohibited

so dont show the adult cotent at e3 and the games that are based on that content dont get any coverage anyways.
yup I agree :)

I cant remember a game before or after hl2 where the female protagonist wasnt wearing either a skimpy bikini top or bottom ..ok the female nazis in RTCW but they were wearing tight leather uniforms

Glirk Dient said:
so dont show the adult cotent at e3 and the games that are based on that content dont get any coverage anyways.

you dont seem to get it ..ANY material that is suggestive is off limits ..that means that a game like Sims:flirt your lifeup can be prohibited or if they truely wanted to take it far enough, no more Laura croft, no more Ghost, no more Ut2007 etc ...basically ANY sexually suggestive material CAN be prohibited because it's up to the discresion of the e3 organisers ...what if a company had worked months on say a DOA: beach volleyball e3 preview, only to find out days before the event the video wasnt allowed due to content, they just spent potentially 10's of thousands of dollars producing something they cant even show. And it doesnt have to be nudity ..just sexually SUGGESTIVE content
it sounds to me that they're not banning women, just naked women.

I'm sure there will be plenty of clothed women still there, not that I'm going to go or have ever gone.
booth babes are allowed ..just not ones wearing a bikini bottom or a revealing top
CptStern said:
booth babes are allowed ..just not ones wearing a bikini bottom or a revealing top

I personally would like booth babes if I went. However since I can't it will be better for the gaming world over all as there will be more coverage of the games at e3 vs the booth babes. They add nothing to the event for us that don't go and those that do they usually grab attention away from the games.
I dont know what sites you guys are visiting but I have to search if I want to find booth babes. All the legit sites stress e3 games content over T & A

I cant believe once again the gaming industry bows to public pressure and the majority of you fold like a deck of cards saying it's ok

removing boothbabes isnt going to change the mind of Sally Soccermom that games are evil, the only way will be if games are legitimized as an art form through more mature themes and a deviation from the current "blow em up real good/pretty graphics" games that the industry seems to churn out ..I'd much rather they brought in adult themes (not just sex and violence ..a good complex story would be nice for a change) instead of taking things away because everybody knows gamers arent mature enough to make a wise choice as to what's appropriate or not

sometimes I wish the gaming industry would grow a set of cajones
Booth babes were great, some more eye candy besides the video game. It's not really sexiest IMO, I mean they probably get paid a GOOD amount of money just to stand there in clothing and take pictures with people for a few days.
CptStern said:
I dont know what sites you guys are visiting but I have to search if I want to find booth babes. All the legit sites stress e3 games content over T & A

There is an entire site devoted to just booth babes at every e3 event. ;) ;) :P
see this is what I mean!!! this will be the death of our beloved industry, <much gnashing of teeth, grumbling and pulling of hair>

/me quietly bookmarks
CptStern said:
Click Click Click

Bastard! I was taking a nice nap until you had to start all that bookmarking racket!
I dont know how I missed answering this before:

Uriel said:
What about Murder and Rape?

please explain how that has anything to do with what we're discussing

Uriel said:
Okay, where the hell do I say its degrading to admire someone for their intelligence?

you're missing the point: trade intelligence for beauty ..why is one ok and the other not? it's just one facet

Uriel said:
If anything I'm saying people focus on looks rather than character.

since when does a spokesperson's character matter? they recite rehearsed lines written for them ..all that matters is their superficiality in the context of being a spokesperson. You're reading far too much into this

Uriel said:
Dont put words into my mouth. Putting a girl into a bikini to look at I believe is degrading.

so I guess you dont play many video games because according to the entire genre females have huge breasts, non-existent waists, always wear revealing clothes and have some ungodly ability to keep their "bajungums" from popping out every time they do an acrobatic flip or decapitate a bad guy.

Uriel said:
Thats what a Booth Babe is. They are not there to have an intelligent conversation with you.

they're there to promote a product, not expose themselves, have sex with convention goers or film a pornography movie:



Uriel said:

your "women of substance" link should be called "religious women preach on what they believe is bad behaviour, watch their show every week on Christian television, hallelujah praise the lord " couldnt have picked a more biased source

Uriel said:
Id be glad if someone could post more, with my sister in the room and me preparing to serve an LDS mission, its not the greatest idea for me to include the word pornography in a google search engine.

omg avert your eyes! the word pornography may burn into your memory causing you to *gasp* shift uncomfortably in your chair and break out in a cold sweat ..say a prayer and all will be well

..I'm not rediculing you, I'm just pointing out how rediculous your precautions sound to someone who isnt of your faith shun a WORD of all things's just a freakin word

Uriel said:
The people who are bitching.

no one is bitching ...except you. And on top of that you ignored the bigger issue: censorship of content

Uriel said:
Okay bud, lets use some common sense. Yah I thought she was attractive before hand, but I wasnt looking at her body.

ya becvause if she was morbidly obese or if she had some unfortunate farming equipment related mishap and was called "lefty" by all the girls in town I'm sure you wouldnt have noticed

Uriel said:
I wasnt wishing she was in a bikini.

so you're implying everyone else does? if I look at my wife, I'm picturing her in a bikini?

Uriel said:
I didnt focus on her body nor act on my impulses because I'm saving that for the person whom I will marry.

your loss

Uriel said:
Even if it is her, Ill wait for marriage because sex is something sacred to me. Lust has a lot to deal with this.

your opinions on sexuality are about as valid as a lay person person's opinion on nuclear physics

Uriel said:
What an asinine statement. First off, there are over 10 million Mormons worldwide.

operative word being "worldwide" are a minority

Uriel said:
Membership is growing extremely fast. Easily one of the fastest growing religions. 12 Million may not be a large amount compared to 6 billion, but it is growing extremely fast.

now it's jumped to 12 million?

Uriel said:
Second, Christians world wide period. I'm pretty sure most Christians would agree with me about Removing Booth Babes,

no they wouldnt ..maybe the fundys but not your everyday christian ..if that were true there wouldnt be cheerleaders in any sport, television would only ever air episodes of the Waltons or Little House on the Prairie or Touched by a freakin angel (mildly insulting dreck that is an embarrassement to entertainment as a whole)

Uriel said:
but we both know nearly all Muslims would agree with me, although I do not like to include them because many of them take it to the extreme.

dont lump them into one catagory ..they're about as diverse as christians

Uriel said:
And just like you said The Majority of the Game Developers also agree with me :upstare:

how and where? I said that developers are there for other reasons than the booth babes. ..well no shit sherlock, they're there because THAT"S their industry

Uriel said:
Frankly Stern what pisses me off about you is that for some reason, you think you hold some knowledge that makes you smarter than all those with a different opinion.

nope, you dislike me because I represent everything you're not, everything you're against ..and I couldnt care in the least

Uriel said:
No I am not the smartest individual, but there are many others a heck of a lot smarter than you that would share my opinion.

which opinion is that? that booth babes = pornography? I'd like to see you get ANYONE to agree with that

Uriel said:
I am not some religious Zealot

yes you are. definition you are a fundamentalist

Uriel said:
who defends my religion because i've been "brainwashed".

hmmm having faith in something despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary ..I call that brainwashed ..or naive

Uriel said:
I am someone who questions actions, ideals and thoughts, even of those of my own religion. I am not a Moron.

you are extremely close minded and judgemental ..everything your religion is supposed to teach you not to be

Uriel said:
One more question, ask your wife about pornography. Do you know her view?

yes I do ..and booth babes ARE NOT PORNOGRAPHY

Uriel said:
Dont make assumptions that I am a social retard because I actively post on forums.

:upstare: you self-censor content ..that doesnt make you a man of the world that makes you cautiously pessimistic that you'll be somehow tainted by the rest of us
CptStern said:
I dont know what sites you guys are visiting but I have to search if I want to find booth babes. All the legit sites stress e3 games content over T & A

I cant believe once again the gaming industry bows to public pressure and the majority of you fold like a deck of cards saying it's ok

removing boothbabes isnt going to change the mind of Sally Soccermom that games are evil, the only way will be if games are legitimized as an art form through more mature themes and a deviation from the current "blow em up real good/pretty graphics" games that the industry seems to churn out ..I'd much rather they brought in adult themes (not just sex and violence ..a good complex story would be nice for a change) instead of taking things away because everybody knows gamers arent mature enough to make a wise choice as to what's appropriate or not

sometimes I wish the gaming industry would grow a set of cajones

But it won't sell.. kids buy all the games nowadays and that's why the game industry sucks.. maybe in 50-ish years the business may have shaped up abit.
ya but the devlopers have realized that the gaming industry isnt growing like it has in the past few years ..we're going to witness a scaling down of gamers if gaming doesnt shift with people's tastes order to bring in other diverse age groups (women) they need to cater to that demographic or at least diversify the games they create. It's what happened to comics in the US and is why to this day thje comic industry in north america is seen as a kiddie industry ...comics used to have far greater circulation then they do today but interference government/parent groups and publishers unwilling to deviate from a set business model all but killed the comic industry never matured beyond the "men in tights" genre that it has in the rest of the world

there's far more at stake with the gaming industry so they'd better diversify or continue to see dwindling returns as the market gets further saturated and gamers lose interest as their tastes change

there's always hope ..specifically in the pc world as small developers have a chance to compete with the big guys
vegeta897 said:
Beer and Car ads can keep their women. Gaming is an industry unlike those. And I want to keep it that way.
Tell that to Team Ninja. :E

vegeta897 said:
I'm pretty sure literature and film don't use women in their ads.

Riiight, like this movie ad? Or what about these movie ads?

Or this book cover? Or this one?

vegeta897 said:
(Does literature even have ads?) :p
Yup, they sure do. You've never seen a novelist advertising their book during the local news in the morning, for instance? If you are near a major metropolitan area in the US you probably have. And they are the worst commercials on the airwaves!

The worst one I can think of was for James Patterson's Roses Are Red. The commercial consists of him delivering a couple of lines of ridiculous rhymes about the book and its just awful! I wish I could find it somewhere on the Internet...I will update this post if I do :)

ON-TOPIC: I doubt if this year will actually be much different from past years. Companies will gladly pay the small fines that they might receive for getting scantily-clad women showing off their wares(the company's of course ;) ). In the past, the policy was pretty much the same and it has never really been enforced. So this year: fines? Maybe. Less skin? Nope.
the booth babes have their uses - sex sells
but when sex is the only thing selling a product thats where you draw the line

and Uriel grow a set of cajones ffs
Oh they are there. I had an online inspection a while back. And im not bitter and saying these things because i cant get girls either.
Ohhhh, you mean the guy standing next to me with the gun and knife pointed at me? He also says

CptStern said:
no you're saying it because someone told you to

oh btw:

There is only a small percent of gamers at e3. So only a very small amount are effected by the booth babes innate ability to seduce gamers into buying games...however that doesn't tranfer into picture. I have never looked at a picture of a girl in a car magazine and ran out and bought the car. I will buy something because of what it has, not whats sitting on it.

Booth babes don't add much anything for those of us not at the event...and if you get your jollies off of pictures alone then you may need to be introduced to internet pron. I will definately prefer the reporters that cover the booth babes now cover more games instead. Preferably the non main titles so they can get some coverage as well.
And im not bitter and saying these things because i cant get girls either
lol dude dont put me in the same boat as your sorry ass :E
from the sounds of it you've never had a girl ever
E3 isn't a show for gamers - it's a trade show. The whole idea is that developers attempt to attract publishers and vice versa. The booth babes are a shallow (yet effective) attempt to attract people to your stand. In a lot of cases, they exist purely to distract people from the fact that the product you are display sucks.
Loss of booth babes = no loss at all.
john3571000 said:
lol dude dont put me in the same boat as your sorry ass :E
from the sounds of it you've never had a girl ever

You mis-read my reply, "either" meaining somewhat similar to BY THE WAY. And yes, ive been with a girl and still am bud. Shes gorgeous.