Now to point a stern finger...

Am I getting warm?

  • Maybe, maybe not.

    Votes: 43 37.1%
  • Newb.

    Votes: 15 12.9%
  • *sizzle*

    Votes: 58 50.0%

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This thread is now about as exciting and compelling as oatmeal
but hes right, this has gotten 10 times more attention then the doom 3 leak which was actually playable. its not the end of the world. everyone just keep your diapers on. im sure valve will catch whoever did it and they will pay for it. just cause someone belongs to a group that exploits games and cheats doesnt mean they are the culprit or not entitled to thier opinions. chances are they are more educated about how the person got the source and how its going to effect HL2
Don't count on it being true... then again you people could always email Gabe and ask him if he did indeed talk to my-g0t, i eally don't care either way, but this thread is pretty fun to read.

I can't wait until their clan comes and spams the forums and starts showing us their "elite skillz".
reasons why I think this is true..

- If it was a hoax, its quite a good one for how fast it was made
- No reason to think Rur would lie about it
- ***** and other clans like it are not the most honest people in the world, and would do something like this.

why its not..
- One of the people got a phone call from gabe, I dont think that would happan
- Its abit odd Rur can find this out by comeing into a room at just the right point, and also talk to just the right person

But right now I still belive him.
Weak minds are easy to predict aren't they? :dozey:
Originally posted by Ruroni
No, the guy who is protecting the guys who did this. And it was due to valve's foolishness. I keep my word, but I will let some info out, after im done.

It just hit me that im involved in such a big thing, a worldwide thing. *ponders*

Prepare for the supeona.

Have a nice day:cool::devil:
Originally posted by Rico
Weak minds are easy to predict aren't they? :dozey:

At this point, after 6 redbulls and a second allniter in a row, I am ready to believe anything!

Also, can I laugh at you when this turns out to be true? I'll let you laugh at me when its fake!
Originally posted by Rico
then again you people could always email Gabe and ask him if he did indeed talk to my-g0t

Perhaps I'll ask him when I meet him on Monday...that is, if he doesn't want to take my offer to reschedule due to needing to work on this stuff :/
lol sure 4port, i never said i was right, im just throwing stuff out there i love just speculating and arguments in general.

I wonder how many pages this thread will have by tomorrow?

Some of it is true, some of it isnt. A few things dont add up. But still, I gave everyone something that occupied them. And I know for sure, that it revolves around that little world of ***** and friends. Just cant get it absolutely straight.


What seems like fact to me after review:

HL2 was leaked. People are upset. Apparently an unfirewalled box was hacked into, mail maybe. From there the network was compromised, everything was free. Once in the hands of the hackers, was given out to a few people, and some of the people in this ring of few were ***** members, some of them anyway, who were the first to distribute widely publically, and have gotten tons of publicity.

That is about all that can be said to be true, or help me God.

"- Its abit odd Rur can find this out by comeing into a room at just the right point, and also talk to just the right person"

Well, ive been around these people for several months, and it just hit me. Because it made terrible sense.
Yup i would say those are pretty much the only things resembling facts in this thread, eveything else could be just fabricated.
Originally posted by Ruroni

Some of it is true, some of it isnt. A few things dont add up. But still, I gave everyone something that occupied them. And I know for sure, that it revolves around that little world of ***** and friends. Just cant get it absolutely straight.


What seems like fact to me after review:

HL2 was leaked. People are upset. Apparently an unfirewalled box was hacked into, mail maybe. From there the network was compromised, everything was free. Once in the hands of the hackers, was given out to a few people, and some of the people in this ring of few were ***** members, some of them anyway, who were the first to distribute widely publically, and have gotten tons of publicity.

That is about all that can be said to be true, or help me God.

as long as you helped out, things should be cool
Good way to end the night.........o it isnt.
its stupid to believe this, because no matter how big the guys balls are that did it, or how big the ego of the people behind it are. Whoever did it is probably scared $h1tless by now.
You would be surprised as to what the effects of desperation may bring...
lol yeah ur right. i better be carful what i say or some guy my HACKSOR ME to compensate for his tiny weiner
anyone with a hacker-type enemy online can point their finger at him and say he was the one who leaked the hl2 source code. so no one should get any closure about anything said yet until evidence is found.
My contact, Anon, has just sent me information about the group of people who this post was originally about. This new image is shocking, look at all who is in the room. image here

EDIT: apparently they block out the name of my image for some reason, i guess they dont like that group of people? anyways look at my site and scroll down to the red text that says "major update" its under that.

more information at my hl2 page
I asked them about the source leak so here are some screens from the [JAPS] irc channel at

Click here
Originally posted by Gtwy
My contact, Anon, has just sent me information about the group of people who this post was originally about. This new image is shocking, look at all who is in the room. image here

more information at my hl2 page

edited picture that does not seem to show anything.. wow
My point? I was in JAPS as that was happening. And gtwy got a network and info all wrong. Like, completely. There are quite a few networks.

K, now im really going to bed, I cant stand the speculation anymore.
lol yeah ur right. i better be carful what i say or some guy my HACKSOR ME to compensate for his tiny weiner

dont make fun of my tiny weiner!
aha, I knew it! The forum god's blocked out the word, but I guessed it right. That's okay, but I won't tell :p
if you look at the my-got website, they have posted the HL2 partial source for download
For those who are involved and would like a safer way out of this then simply narcing

If you wish i can put him into contact with federal agents who would be more then willing to work a deal with him/her/them for information.

I would of course talk to them and verify that they would be intrested in striking a deal with him before any communications between myself and the agents would take place.

I offer this as a means for him to avoid any possible legal ramifications. And i urge you to let him understand the breadth of such charges and the fact that punishiment for such charges as of nov1st will double in length.

I do have ties to FBI and Local law enforcement braches that deal with Cyber Crimes. I am an active memeber of several hacker/profesional infosec groups and to be honest i tend to sit on the side of the fence your buddy is on. If need be i may be able to provide him a safer venue out of this then most people. Trust me i know how FAST things can go sour when your just having fun with your buds online. (been there done that a few times and hell i even have the t shirt)

I am offering this to anyone who wants to come forward with the POSSIBILITY of levergering that information to sidestep legal actions against them. I AM NOT A FED AND I AM NOT A NARC


You can expect that they will want some information to weed you out from the crowd of fan boi's who want attention. I MUST REPEAT I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW SHIT ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED!! I am offering a NON BIAS and netural position here in the hopes of spurring someone who does know what happened to come forward. I will do everything in my power to protect your identity from whomever seeks it. (lets face it tho the feds dont **** around) Needless i do have a relationship with several local and federal cyber crime agents that i may leverage to help who ever has information out. I DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH HELP THIS CAN BE BUT IT WOULD BE BETTER THEN NOTHING.

So shoot me a pm and drop me a email addie or jabber name if you are willing to come forward. And to which ever groups have beef with who ever check that shit at the door. This offer stands for anyone and everyone who is involved or has information and doesnt want to be involved. I am once again doing this as a service to those who would rather side step possible legal action.


***** made a silly decision doing that as that is IP theft even in the country the server is located at heh.

I do hope valve reroutes the legals through china, seriously. Nothign would be better thans eeing the ***** kids and the j4aps deported to china, for "questioning"
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