Nuclear Dawn: Stealth Media


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Despite the controversy surrounding the modification, there's one thing nobody can deny: Nuclear Dawn puts out a regular stream of top-notch media. The latest is this, a few screenshots and a render of the Stealth class, who sneaks around nearly invisible to skewer unsuspecting enemies on his blades. These delicious shots reveal the Stealth ingame, as well as some impressive-looking custom level content that leaves nothing to be desired.[br]

With a low calibre pistol packed in the rare event of a muffled cry for help reaching his next target before his blade does, this deadly assassin usually performs his duties undetected, weilding his high-tensile steel blades with surgical precision. When you cross paths with a stealth trooper you don't dice with death, death quite literally dices with you ...and then some!

If your mouth is watering, head over to the Nuclear Dawn website and feast your eyes on the rest of the media there.
and no one cares.....

err, I wasn't supposed to say that was I?
looking great....... for more soild proof of the ND conspiracy!
Hazar said:
and no one cares.....

err, I wasn't supposed to say that was I?
You can say whatever you want. Commenting on news is intended for people to show their opinions. I know a lot of this site dislikes Nuclear Dawn, but I'm obligated to post their news regardless ... because a lot of people like it, too.
It looks pretty. That's all I'll say. Nobody can deny that the modelers and skinners on the team are extremely talented.
I agree, regards to the texture artists and modellers, super stuff.
Well, it's good to see non-tilted screenshots. This will convince people more that Nuclear Dawn might not be vaporware.
What's the controversy with this mod? Vaporware? What?
Why do a lot of people dislike the mod, was it because they said "we're better than everybody else" or something?

It looks pretty good anyway.
This mod looks great, I hope they're still on track for 4th quarter release because I want to play it :D
Kudo's to the ND team, excellent work. Love the predator feel of the stealth-guy.
Hope the gameplay matches the graphical quality.
Looking forward to this one :)
you know they could qualech a lot of the peoples questions if they just released a 30 second gameplay video...
I'm going to have to jump in right here. Your posts make me EXTREMELY angry, the things that you're saying are not true at all.

I was a mapper with Nuclear Dawn for a good few months, and I contributed a map but had to leave for personal reasons, it's one of the few things in my life that I really hated having to do. The team were amazingly talented, and the amount of work they put into creating art and new, innovative gameplay ideas was simply astonishing. Every time I checked the dev forums, there were some new brainstorms and ideas aswell as new models/textures what have you. The team playtests every few weeks, and the mod is constantly being balanced and is very playable as it is.

A quote that made me laugh particular:

"Unfortunately this art does not exist as a game, which you have all been misled to believe exists in any remotely near playable form."
-Excuse me? Who is this guy? Was he an ex-team member, and if so he hasn't been on the team in the past 6 months because that's completely false.

I admit, some of the stuff was photoshopped because ND simply hadn't implemented the HUD yet. But that was 3/4 months ago and even at that stage, the game was playable.

It just pisses me off that people flame a mod when they haven't seen both sides of the argument. All you guys ripping ND to shreds; you'll be the first ones to play the game when it's released. Mark my words.
All you guys ripping ND to shreds; you'll be the first ones to play the game when it's released. Mark my words.

Amateur psychology ftw.
Im not trying to analyze anyone, just wanted to make a statement. Don't start making witty comments; atleast post comments on my ideas, rather than flaming me.

Oh, and what a dull hanger. But maybe its a fake dull hanger? Who knows.
Do you wanna mark my words Pogo?

ND has built up too much hype around itself(stealth media :roll:) and is going to take a big belly flop. Mark my words.
i like the way ND started of with the countdown timer, that was very cool. i like ND's style etc and love there media releases. if my mod would have three pages in a magazine i'd photoshop a hud on a screenshot to. there not trying arrogant fools i think, there just showing of there work.

^Ben said:
ND has built up too much hype around itself(stealth media :roll:) and is going to take a big belly flop. Mark my words.

Haha, I missed that. Stealth media. lololol
PogoP said:
Im not trying to analyze anyone, just wanted to make a statement. Don't start making witty comments; atleast post comments on my ideas, rather than flaming me.

That was in way, shape or form a flame. I just found your assertion amusing.
Samon said:
Haha, I missed that. Stealth media. lololol


Stealthy! Not to mention that Ennui is a mod over at the ND forums :stare:
I give up. I only came trying to show you my opinions of ND. I've played the game for God's sake and it's damn good as it is. I don't mind your opinions, just give the team some appreciation; they're making this mod for the public for free. Atleast give them that little bit of decency and respect.
The thing is, people aren't just attacking for the forged medias. It's the subterfuge and the attempting to bring down other mods that the team leader has taken part in. The guy sends messages to people I know telling them their mods are going to fail, so just join him. He even damn well phoned one of them up in the middle of the night to tell him it - quite how he managed to get hold of his number is beyond me. The guy sits there and attacks other mods if they show any promise, because "he doesn't like competitors". Your team lead's attitude is one of the key reasons for the death of the old-style modding community.

The actions of your lead are having a negative impact on the actual quality work the rest of you are doing. And you know what? He doesn't actually do anything. He's the epitomy of "ideas man".

Plus, he sent a mailbomb to Planet Half-Life for not putting ND on the "Most Anticipated" list.

-Angry Lawyer
Good points Angry Lawyer. I personally really like Dave because he's been nothing but nice to me and I wasn't really aware of anything of that sort going on. I knew he was a competitive guy that wanted the best for his mod. But still, other people shouldn't slate the work of the guys on the team. For example, that person who called the Hangar, "dull." Robert Briscoe is an amazing mapper and an amazing chap, don't start flaming him, because he's done nothing wrong and has made one of the most amazing maps I've ever seen on Source.
The problem isn't that he wants the best for his mod. It's that he wants the worst for the other mods.

-Angry Lawyer
Didn't Dystopia do this about a year ago with less grabbing and waving of e-penises?
PogoP said:
Good points Angry Lawyer. I personally really like Dave because he's been nothing but nice to me and I wasn't really aware of anything of that sort going on. I knew he was a competitive guy that wanted the best for his mod. But still, other people shouldn't slate the work of the guys on the team. For example, that person who called the Hangar, "dull." Robert Briscoe is an amazing mapper and an amazing chap, don't start flaming him, because he's done nothing wrong and has made one of the most amazing maps I've ever seen on Source.

Samon was expressing his opinion - if he thinks it looks dull, then you're not going to convince him otherwise. He didn't flame brisck in the process.
Kangy said:
Didn't Dystopia do this about a year ago with less grabbing and waving of e-penises?

As far as I know, Dystopia's leader didn't attempt to sabotage anyone else.

-Angry Lawyer