Nutrigrain, I feel GREAT

Yeah thats why i wondered if i should not have put the avatar stuff in the email.
Wow, I got here kinda late =/

/me waves IFG flag.

Edit - Ha, it's funny going back to the first page with all the people saying "WTF!?" now have IFG avatars :p They should replace the forum standard... what a classic. I could watch the first scene endlessly.

"...what? Oooh yeah I feel great..." :D :D
w00t...this thread is the best...sticky stick stick! sticky stick stick!
This is gonna die down soon..I promise..and most of us wil lose our avatars too I think the fad is over ;( :naughty:. Its time for a new one.
I couldn't wear contacts for 24 hours because I had protein build-up on my right eye so my vision was blurry, and I just listened to crappy music for four hours, but I FEEL GREAT!
Letters said:
I couldn't wear contacts for 24 hours because I had protein build-up on my right eye so my vision was blurry, and I just listened to crappy music for four hours, but I FEEL GREAT!

I just got turned down BIG TIME by a very hot girl, she won't answer my calls, I have lots of shit to do and I'm also up for a root canal treatment, but I FEEL GREAT!! OHHHFFF!!!
mchammer75040 said:
This is gonna die down soon..I promise..and most of us wil lose our avatars too I think the fad is over ;( :naughty:. Its time for a new one.

Good for you jimbones! your a geat guy with great skills and a good sense of humor, I think Im gonna have root canal treatment too, nut hey! what the hell im coming with ya! OOOHHH YEAHHHHHH OOOOPPPHH
Its monday morning here and still no reply, But they where closed last weekend too so hopefully they will email me today.
mchammer75040 said:
This is gonna die down soon..I promise..and most of us wil lose our avatars too I think the fad is over ;( :naughty:. Its time for a new one.

I am thinking sacrificing him to the Nutragrain god!!! :flame:
No bumping the topic unless you have something important to say with your post.
I feel great!

No really, its actually starting to grow on me. At first I just thought it was dementedly stupid, but I keep hearing new things in the dialogue.
By the way to turnpike have any other good ones on there?
I dunno what we should do. Maybe making cool IFG animations in Flash or Eazytoon or summin like that. Oh and we should make our own IRC channel! To organise IFG-cult game servers raping. :naughty:

Oooohh Yeeeah I feel GRREEEEAAT!!!
Bad^Hat said:
By the way to turnpike have any other good ones on there?

The Starbucks coffie one was pretty good...but then again, compared with I feel Great, it cannot compare
CrazyHarij said:
I dunno what we should do. Maybe making cool IFG animations in Flash or Eazytoon or summin like that. Oh and we should make our own IRC channel! To organise IFG-cult game servers raping. :naughty:

Oooohh Yeeeah I feel GRREEEEAAT!!!

There's actually a cult? Are there any prerequisites to join?

/me knows he'll regret asking that :O
Bad^Hat said:
There's actually a cult? Are there any prerequisites to join?

/me knows he'll regret asking that :O

Wooo SOUNDS GREAT... and yea I changed my Avatar... gota kinda sick of looking at steve... sorry :)
Deadline said:
* Deadline knows he'll regret asking that

Heh, you too? :p

Yeah, I'm getting tired of looking at Steve too... but not hearing him! OHHPFFFF!!! :thumbs:
Its Tuesday and still no email. :(
hmmmmmmm maybe we should flood there mail server. with emails. :)
Bad^Hat said:
There's actually a cult? Are there any prerequisites to join?

Bad^Hat knows he'll regret asking that :O

Oh , yeah.. No outsider can be allowed to know about the cult. BOIL HIM IN OIL!
thenerdguy said:
Its Tuesday and still no email. :(
hmmmmmmm maybe we should flood there mail server. with emails. :)

What the hell else would we flood their mail servers with?!
jeez that rant: humorless moron.. hitler ha ha hitler is always 'sposed to be funny, eh?

i think this thread is more popular than gabe newells thread
I had a nutrigrain bar today! What they put in those things?! Crack?! OOOHHHFFFF!
Letters said:
I had a nutrigrain bar today! What they put in those things?! Crack?! OOOHHHFFFF!

Hm, I don't know *csmighty leaves the room and dissapears for a minute. And he is now entering the room with a nurigrain bar*
let's see! *delicitly opens the wrapper and looks bored while he is taking a bit out of it*
Well, I think there just trying to mislead you into....wait a minute....this...I.....I feel...GREEAAATTTT!!! OHHHHHHHFFFFF!

yep, they do