!! NV Drivers!!



52.14 and 52.16 drivers just got released. AWESOME i get better framerates now :)
Originally posted by Dhoco X
ps: why www.nvidia.com doesn't have the driver for download ?

It's because they aren't the official drivers. Still beta I guess. Can't wait till the official ones are released.
I'll test this driver and post my comments *tomorrow.

*The time here is now 10:19 PM
I have a geforce 4 mx, think its safe for me to download these drivers? I want better frames but i dont wanna fry my card trying.
I'd ask if its working for those trying them, but if its not then they'll not be able to get back to say so, so err yeah, might aswell try them here too, only got the computer to lose if it naffs up I guess :)
Well, I've downloaded, installed, and rebooted. Right now, I'm downloading the 3dmark2003 demo again, just to see if there is a difference. I have an FX 5900, so I'll post the results. I can't remember my score with the 45 drivers, though. Wish me luck, I guess.
HL1 is very very very nippy now.. but I did notice if I hit a dead body with the crowbar its as if Gordon is on steroids and speed, the crowbar attacks the body at about 200 swings a second lol. Since I haven't seen this happen before installing them, I'd say they might have something to do with it.. The entire thing seemed far faster though, Softimage & Lightwave both appear to run much quicker, haven't tested Maya and Houdini yet. 2D stuff seems a bit smoother

There's deffinately a speed increase but it makes me wonder what it is thats causing the crowbar thing, whats changed for it to do that, weird eh.
Well, I have a slight problem with them. Whenever I run the 3dmark, my computer reboots, at different places everytime. I tried skipping the test it does it in, and it will do it anyways. So I reverted back to 45. But, I did notice that the ogre scene ran smoother. Before, I would get 5-10 fps (AMD XP 2000+, mind you), and with the 52s, I got 20-30, before it rebooted itself. Sucks that I can't finish it up, but oh well.

Sorry that I don't have any numbers or anything like that.

Also, I would've posted this long ago, but I couldn't get into the forums. I don't know if this was just me, or if the forums decided to fart on us.
Originally posted by ProRook
its always done that dude,lol.

lol not that fast ever :) I know its usually fast but I'm talking overly fast, fast enough to gib anything thats dead within a third of a second. I know enough about HL to know that that aint normal or how it was. Normal attacks are how they used to be, other than everything seeming smoother and faster nothing else is different, apart from crouching and hitting a dead body with the crowbar. Why? I dunno, I just ran it after the drivers had been installed to see if it would run or not and noticed it.
Originally posted by EC
Also, I would've posted this long ago, but I couldn't get into the forums. I don't know if this was just me, or if the forums decided to fart on us.

It farted, plus its letting out little gassy spurts now and moving slowly.
just a question, if i download the the 50.whatever drivers and they cause a problem, do i need to completely remove them to reinstall the 45 drivers?
Originally posted by Sparta
just a question, if i download the the 50.whatever drivers and they cause a problem, do i need to completely remove them to reinstall the 45 drivers?

probably the best bet, just to be on the safe side
Well it doesn't matter now the drivers are only for Win2000 and XP and i have 98SE
Originally posted by Sparta
Well it doesn't matter now the drivers are only for Win2000 and XP and i have 98SE

i thought there were some for win9x? look below the win2k/xp ones
They improve speed on cards less than the FX??? Makes you wonder, how good where earlier drivers really? :p
Btw, would be nice to see some user screenshots with the different drivers and some raw FPS comparisons. I still dont trust them, as it should be technically impossible to gain such speeds increases unless the previous drivers where the most unoptimised and crappiest hardware interpreter ever designed.

Btw, hardware anyone? :)
hey i got the fx5900 ultra 256mb how do i run that test from that 3dmark that ec was talking about i want to do that so id there a link thanks.

ps. i know that ati well run the game better then nv but i just want to know if nv card well be able to run the ghame at its best wihth vry thing on just not as good as ati.?

my specs are p43ghz,fx5900 ultra 256mb,1g ram,120g hardrive7200rpm,s,msi neo motherboard 800fsb,56xcdromand a audigy2 plt sound card. thanks
Originally posted by genocide604
Shit ya the drivers are awesome, on my g3ti500....

Got the same card man, old :), you say its all good?
Waiting to download it and try it on my GeForce4 Ti4200 w/AGP8x :)
The reason why these drivers improve speed for the FX series, is because they don't properly implement trilinear filtering for any mode at all. It still works. Kind of. But the image quality for trilinear filtering is not quite as good. It looks almost the same...so I would still use them, but the problem is that they're breaking an industry standard. Hopefully it's just temporary.

Rest assured, I'm betting that if ATi used the same optimizations, they would get a MASSIVE increase in performance. I hope they don't result to that.

There was an article on [H]ardOCP a while back. Just do an archive search. Det 52 vs Det 52, or something like that.
Originally posted by Rice-Rocketeer
Rest assured, I'm betting that if ATi used the same optimizations, they would get a MASSIVE increase in performance. I hope they don't result to that.
That's quite hilarious considering ATI is already doing it. Check this. In 16xAF, the ATI drivers replace full trilinear filtering by some half trilinear - half bilinear filtering. It's not the same optimization as NVidia is using, but it's an optimization nevertheless.Correct trilinear filtering can still be forced by setting it manually in the application or by using a special tool, but performance drops quite a bit if you do that.

And I think I'll wait till I can get the official drivers from nvidia.com.
I like the new drivers, the AA4x is now perfect, i have played SOF2 to test and the driver show me a better BestQuality/Performance.
Can you have two screenshots for the old driver and this one. Please change the pic to more brighter one.
Originally posted by jameth
actualy it has always been that fast

i remember it from my first HL single player experiance

it has not always been THAT fast, its always been fast but not THAT fast

Sod it, doesn't matter, I'm not going to waste my time arguing about it lol
Originally posted by Arno
That's quite hilarious considering ATI is already doing it. Check this. In 16xAF, the ATI drivers replace full trilinear filtering by some half trilinear - half bilinear filtering. It's not the same optimization as NVidia is using, but it's an optimization nevertheless.Correct trilinear filtering can still be forced by setting it manually in the application or by using a special tool, but performance drops quite a bit if you do that.

And I think I'll wait till I can get the official drivers from nvidia.com.
Actually, they arent doing it like Nvidia at all anymore. Compared to Nvidia's all out bitrilinear filtering, they only do it on the layers 2 and up, not the first layer (as did previous Nvidia drivers). Also, the transition is still MUCH smoother on ATI than on Nvidia. That is the core of trilinear, smooth transition instead of sharp bilinear.

The question to ask, is whether its wrong or right. 45.xx drivers only did in UT2k3. Everybody went in an uproar, explained it was the worst 'optimisation' ever. 51.75 did it on the secondary layers across all applications, and once again everybody complained about the horrible loss in IQ. Now 52.xx do it across all layers and across all applications.

It kind of follows the rule:
Kill one man, its murder.
Kill ten men, its massmurder.
Kill ten thousand men, its an honorable fight for freedom with neccesary civilian causalties.
Originally posted by dawdler
Actually, they arent doing it like Nvidia at all anymore. Compared to Nvidia's all out bitrilinear filtering, they only do it on the layers 2 and up, not the first layer (as did previous Nvidia drivers). Also, the transition is still MUCH smoother on ATI than on Nvidia. That is the core of trilinear, smooth transition instead of sharp bilinear.
I don't see any sharp, bilinear edges in this article at all. It's obvious that the 52.XX produces less smooth mipmap transitions then it should be, but it's still far from bilinear.
In fact, the optimizations in the NVidia screenshots only became apparent when they put the optimized screenshot on top of the correct screenshot and started switching between them. In the ATI screenshot the sharp edges are immediately visible at first sight. So it's safe to say that the NVidia drivers produce MUCH smoother transitions then the ATI drivers.

Note that I'm talking about screenshots where the mipmaps were given special bright colors to make them stand out more. In a normal screenshot the differences are very, very hard to spot (on both NVidia and ATI).

The 52.XX drivers do correct trilinear filtering in OpenGL, I might add.
i put the drivers on and from wot i could see....theres a massive drop in the image quality.....hense the massive speed up
Originally posted by Doppelgofer
i put the drivers on and from wot i could see....theres a massive drop in the image quality.....hense the massive speed up
What application? What kind of speed up? Any comparison screenshots?