Official Bad Company 2 thread - no beta talk here!

Well it's not what you prefer to play, because that's not what's annoying as hell. It's the m60 deaths I receive anytime I look at a medic. The only way to beat them is to join them and outskill them, which I do regularly.

Krynn, I'm never joining a game you're in again. I went 1/10 in that rape competition and I did not enjoy the spawn deaths.
I always have the worst luck finding balanced servers. I always join and get put on the side being raped.

But you should have stuck with me while I was sneaking around. Managed to capture a point and sneak up to their deployment zone and have myself a knifing fest on all the snipers.
Oh for a decent autobalance system. Just as it is not fun being destroyed by a complete inbalance it's also not that much fun when you are walking all over the other side because the teams have vastly differing numbers.
Yeah, autobalance needs to be fixed asap. It's also pretty stupid that one side can have more than 16 players. I always try and switch teams if things are badly uneven, but for the most people just seem to ignore the pleas and even go as far as switching to the winning team for the sake of their precious stats. Bleh.

Anyway, had a mixed bag of games with 3ssence yesterday - some good, some bad. Pretty good fun either way. Oh, and who's Irish_Hawk? He said he was a HL2.netter but I honestly don't recognise the name. Doesn't seem to have an account on here either.
Just played a couple rounds where I dominated more than I ever had. I got 10 knife kills in one round, 9 in the other. Got best squad and best player in the first round, even though I was the only one in the squad, lol. Had an almost 3:1 KD ratio, which is amazing for me. Man, I was in the zone. I guess I play better earlier in the day and just get progressively worse as the hours pass.

Patch seems kinda lame. Server Browser fixes are welcome, but it kinda seems like they're skipping over the bigger issues. Hopefully they're still working on them.
Just played a couple rounds where I dominated more than I ever had. I got 10 knife kills in one round, 9 in the other. Got best squad and best player in the first round, even though I was the only one in the squad, lol. Had an almost 3:1 KD ratio, which is amazing for me. Man, I was in the zone. I guess I play better earlier in the day and just get progressively worse as the hours pass.

That's because all of the good people (i.e. me) are at work, "working." When we all return you'll go back to getting beaten down. :afro:
I hope they either create a longer cooldown on the paddles, or make it so people can actually die and not be revived like in BF2. "Critically Wounded" people can be revived, but if you get hit in the head or shot while you're on the ground... or ran over by a tank... I don't think a quick shock is going to bring you back to life.

That's what I suggested.

Really, make rezzing not work on people who've..

been knifed, exploded, headshotted, destruction killed, exploded, exploded, or killed with the drill or pads

also, can you kill people with the shockpads like you could in BF2? I haven't tried yet.
I am having a BLAST on it at the moment for the 360. I have been lucky enough to find some good servers with excellent squads, rush has got to be the best game mode, it has clear cut objectives that progress further through the level before you move onto the next set. Conquest keeps jumping you backwards and forwards and it gets annoyingly tedious. Also one to try out is squad deathmatch, tried it last night with three mates of mine and the battles we had were intense, especially in the urban setting maps.

As for the medics problem, it isn't so bad on the 360, because well its not a mouse and keyboard and thus not as easy to make the kills, but I do find myself being battered by them enough times, they could definitely do with modifying it a bit, for instance making them awful at range rather than having the accuracy of a bloody sniper rifle. I've killed by M60s at RIDICULOUS ranges before.
Anyway, had a mixed bag of games with 3ssence yesterday - some good, some bad. Pretty good fun either way. Oh, and who's Irish_Hawk? He said he was a HL2.netter but I honestly don't recognise the name. Doesn't seem to have an account on here either.

Irish was definitely a HL2.netter, mebbe he's deleted his account now. He was in the CSS clan back in the day alongside me, Dekstar, Ren and others. Good bloke.

also, can you kill people with the shockpads like you could in BF2? I haven't tried yet.


And I agree, some restriction on reviving people. It's 3 seconds *I Think* between shocks now. 5 seconds would be nice. *I'm even a Medic player most of the time, why am I asking to nerf?!*
I just picked up BF:BC2.

I tend to play as either an Engineer or Medic whenever possible in any given game. However, before I even tried to play online, I had read about how unbalanced the classes were. Seems like the Devs went overboard the opposite direction this time around. Whereas in BF2, the weapons did piss-poor damage & were inaccurate as soon as the round left the barrel. Now in BF:BC2, the weapons do uber damage & are uber accurate. Now I like uber damage & for some wepaons to be uber accurate, but when another player is higher the totem pole up than you. It's lights out.

So I am playing through the Single Player part of the game until a patch addresses the balance issues. Has anyone else played through the SP? I know, I know, the Battlefield series has always been about the Online aspect, with the SP being nothing more than a bunch of dumbass bots running around & crashing into stuff. Still, I am finding the SP part to be rather enjoyable actually. The visuals & cinematics are fantastic, as is the audio. The banter between your squad mates has cracked me up several times & more than once I have stopped & just listened to them bicker back & forth.

I am currently at the point where
The device was detonated on the plane & I am fighting my way through the rail yard.

The ability to destroy the enviroment adds a whole new level to gameplay.

Once the balance issues are addressed, how is the actual online gameplay? Large maps? Lots of armor? Do you think the game has the possibility to become as popular as BF42 was? I don't want to play online & ruin my first time impression, which for me, can make or break a game for me...

So far, I do very much enjoy playing BF:BC2.

BC2 Singleplayer was one of the lamest SP experiences in recent memory. Its so generic in every way.

The balance issues are nowhere near enough to stop anyone from playing really. Dont avoid multi just because of it. The maps are pretty large, although conquest maps feel a bit smaller in general. Fair bit of armor, depends on the map really. I think its already more popular than BF 1942 was.
Anyone put Slugs and Magnum rounds in the 870 Combat? Instant kill at pretty much any range. Also, I love the PP-2000.
I was doing soooo good as Recon today with some friends. I'd spot like 5-6 guys and a tank at a time and so many games were lopsided in our favor. not lopsided with player counts but with kills. so much fun today. this game really grows on you when you have a great squad to work with
I think damage is bugged too. There have been several times where I get in a shootout with another guy, and I hit him several times but still end up dying first, but when the killcam comes up, hes running around with 0% health. Its happened at least 10 times that i've noticed so far.
I think damage is bugged too. There have been several times where I get in a shootout with another guy, and I hit him several times but still end up dying first, but when the killcam comes up, hes running around with 0% health. Its happened at least 10 times that i've noticed so far.

Yeah, hit detection has been bugged since beta.

What i hate even more is when both of us end up dying when shooting each other.
It almost feels like as if the kills are delayed. It annoys me every time it happens.
I've often killed a guy with a gun, and then had him knife me at the same time.

Every time it happens I lean back in my chair and sigh.
Yeah, the killing each other drives me crazy.

You REALLY notice it when you're in a vehicle. Someone blows it up, but you get that second or two of 0 life and beeping and no moving. Enough time to get out. So fkn weird.
I think damage is bugged too. There have been several times where I get in a shootout with another guy, and I hit him several times but still end up dying first, but when the killcam comes up, hes running around with 0% health. Its happened at least 10 times that i've noticed so far.

They could be getting healed or have been revived becasue I don't think health is dynamic on the kill cam screen...

But it is true that hit detection is a bit off. I've had it happen on a lot of sniper shots that are a bit closer than standard shots, probably because you can see in great detail how it hit but did no damage. Hit detection is REALLY shotty with knives. Sometimes I'll be running in to someone while stabbing them only to have it do nothing and ultimately be shot/stabbed myself. It seems to be most apparent when someone's crouching.

They need to get some hit detection from Shattered Horizon. That game, despite all of its simplicity, has some impeccable hit detection. I mean granted there's one weapon... but it is impressive.
Looks like they removed Securom from the Steam version. Good riddance.
Really? I still have that de-authorization crap going on everytime i start the game.
I'm really getting tired of helicopter superiority. It's the same shit as in BF2, which ever team wins the first helicopter battle pretty much owns the airspace because all they have to do is go check for the helicopter spawn every few moments and destroy it before it takes off.

The anti-air in your base needs to be a LOT stronger. That flak cannon is a joke, 5 shot, inaccurate, underpowered, bursts...yea that'll scare that helicopter away!
i've played through the singleplayer now (only four more days til home and my 360 internet connection!) at a friends flat, it's okay i guess. game looks wonderful, everything is much better paced than the first but it's nothing really special. a few seriously what the **** moments that nearly had me yelling at the screen but otherwise, standard really.

seriously seriously seriously looking forward to MP next week.
The anti-air in your base needs to be a LOT stronger. That flak cannon is a joke, 5 shot, inaccurate, underpowered, bursts...yea that'll scare that helicopter away!

I've killed so many helicopters with that flak cannon. They go down so fast if you can aim, especially if they're already damaged.
Had some awesome games earlier with 3ssence and Irish, kept up a K/D ratio of like 4.0 over a whole bunch of games. Best was probably a 32-4 with the AN94 on Valparaiso. KDR is now up to 1.61, SPM has been steady in the 290-300 range.

The Carl Gustav with the explosives spec is just hilarious. On Port Valdez I fired into an upstairs window trying to stop the other team from disarming and got 5 kills with a single shot. And while defending the last two M-COMs, I spawned at B with 8 rockets and got 12 kills sniping squads approaching the base of the hill. I saw a guy leaving spawn, gave him a little lead and fired - and before the rocket got there two of his squadmates spawned on him. Triple kill. :laugh: It definitely needs a nerf, either by lowering the lethal blast radius or drastically reducing its damage at long range. Giving the rocket an arming distance would probably be a good idea too.
I've found those burst weapons to be better than the full auto weapons. AN-94 and M16 are both pretty beastly.
Yeah I've pretty much been whoring the AN-94 since I unlocked it. A lot of people say the M16's better, but I dunno... I haven't really found it to be that great at longer ranges. In fairness I've barely used it, same with the M416. The AN-94 with magnum ammo just seems pretty dominant at all ranges to me. With the ACOG you can pretty effectively snipe distracted recons peeking over ridges with a few quick bursts, and it just cuts through everything in close quarters.
Last night was a blast ! We must have got best squad 4-5 rounds in a row ? We were just tearing it up ! Working in a good squad makes this game, it's just not the same otherwise. I did go a little Rambo towards the end of the session though, resulting in too many avoidable deaths. But it was awesome fun.


One of the things i love about this game is that when i'm playing it i can forget about stats and just enjoy myself. As long as my squad and team are working well and we are getting the job done, i'm enjoying myself, regardless of what my k/d ratio etc are.

Whereas for the many years i played CSS i would be upset if i ever had a k/d under 2:1 and wouldn't be that happy unless it was 3:1 or more ! It's refreshing, or maybe as i get a little older i've mellowed, who knows !
Yeah I've pretty much been whoring the AN-94 since I unlocked it. A lot of people say the M16's better, but I dunno... I haven't really found it to be that great at longer ranges. In fairness I've barely used it, same with the M416. The AN-94 with magnum ammo just seems pretty dominant at all ranges to me. With the ACOG you can pretty effectively snipe distracted recons peeking over ridges with a few quick bursts, and it just cuts through everything in close quarters.

I'd take the AN-94 over the M-16. The M-16 is more accurate but the damage of the AN-94 really makes the burst power what it is. Also it's a two round burst so you save a little ammo per shot. The M-16 seems to be a little more effective at maintaining accuracy when you're hit. If you start getting shot while you're shooting the AN-94 aimed, you pretty much lose all of the accuracy benefits.

The reason K/D ratios aren't generally has high as they are in games like CS is because well... first of all you respawn after like 10 seconds... and you can be revived and heal. Also, there are far more ways to die. Dying is much easier than ever getting a kill. Someone in a tank (like myself) could get a dozen kills before they're taken out... especially if someone is repairing it.
You can jump in an apache or Hind and tear people up if you have a good gunner and good pilot. Plus you can be the top of the list in points and still have a negative k/d ratio if you're still doing things right.
completely unlocked the Assault and Engineer class, also I only need like 5 more trophies, this game will still be sweet after i get the trophies too. still love every minute of it