Official Hadron Collider / New Resonance Cascade thread

I'll probably go crazy, if I see another thread about resonanca cascade.
I'm going to go buy a crowbar. And inherit the rights to the use of Zero-Point Energy.
Let's see you bitches get through this now.
'I've detected a payload anomally of approximately 8 and a half pounds...' :(
Hawking radiation, it just sounds so plausable it must be true.
it'll be much harder to identify a black suit and briefcase wearing ****er in there, cos there'd prolly be a shitload of em
Ok im gonna buy a crowbar and a dirt bike helmet (id like to see a headcrab try and eat my face with one of those on. : D )

Lol @ gordon freeman working at SCERN.

****ing hell not this again.

A) 50-50 chance? Are you ****ing mad, more like 50-50 chance of it even working.
B) A resonance cascade caused a portal storm via a planet that they had already had contact with, not to mention its completely fiction.
C)If you knew anything about the formation of blackholes you will realise that the only way a blackhole is so powerful, is because it is created when a star, within the vacuum of space, of unimaginable mass and gravity impacts in on itself and that huge amount of gases colide the whole degree of space time itself gets completely distorted to crazy levels, causing a rip in the fabric of space time leading to a point of singularity. I think the possibility of a little machine on our tiny planet having the capability of doing that is very low.
D) What you worrying about anyway, the world doesnt end until 2012! The calender knows all!
E) All you doomsday imbeciles really need to get a life.

This thing seems pretty cool. But if I had to bet on the outcome, I would bet on it being dull.
C)If you knew anything about the formation of blackholes you will realise that the only way a blackhole is so powerful, is because it is created when a star, within the vacuum of space, of unimaginable mass and gravity impacts in on itself and that huge amount of gases colide the whole degree of space time itself gets completely distorted to crazy levels, causing a rip in the fabric of space time leading to a point of singularity. I think the possibility of a little machine on our tiny planet having the capability of doing that is very low.

To put it simply.

1. Big star runs out of fuel or cannot sustain it's temperature say from a large hunk of mass coming along which lowers the stars temperature somehow.
2. Big star crumples under it's own gravity from lack of external force.
3. If the star doesn't collapse into a denser star it will form a blackhole.

Or even simpler

1. Runs out of fuelz.
2. Gravity collapse.
3. ???
4. Profit!

During the big bang densities were much greater which possibly allowed for the formation of any blackholes.
During the big bang densities were much greater which possibly allowed for the formation of any blackholes.

But this experiment wont generate anything like the density's of the actual big bang, they are just creating a super small version of one to turn the theory into evidence, like looking at a miniture version of a city.

The blackholes that form will be stupidly small, dissappear as soon as they form (as they have tested it) and will only be a few and far between. Not to mention, I dont think blackholes grow at all, they stay constant depending on how big the effect was, before it was formed, as with the huge capacity in galaxy formation, which generates supermassive blackholes. And if anything was to go wrong, once they shut off the catalyst, the experiment and all processes will cease, the blackholes being formed only remain inside the vacuum created by this machine.

And anyway, I dont think it will work, their entire theory on the big bang is completely theoretical, they experimenting to see if they are proven right about what the ingrediants were of the big bang. But at the end of the day, stop worrying about it, because nothing will happen, I think remember the head of the operation saying ages ago that it was almost impossible for there to be a worst case outcome.

Hopefully though it does work, and we can get a really awsome insight into the formation of the universe, will be very interesting.
"We've buttured the Administrator that nothing will go wrong."
There is not a 50-50 chance that something will go wrong, there is virtually no chance that something will go wrong. This is not the first accelerator to be put up, but it is certainly the biggest. This will be an exciting thing in the world of science and will help us explain a lot of mysteries of the universe. I'm stoked.
I bet all it'll reveal is the most exciting way to shoot particles at each other. Fast.
It's not fiction. The Half-Life games are the G-Man's secret plot to acquaint a specific individual with this alternate universe and prepare said individual for transportation to said universe.

/me grips her crowbar


Sorry, women only have supporting roles!
Its the heart and soul of .
No. The colon and sphincter of is more like it. :p

That is, if your talking about the Lounge.
But yeah, prepare for a hostile and ruthless extra-terrestrial/Combine takeover come this October.
Theres a poster about it in my physics class about it. That's how big it is. There is also a poster about how physics now affects video games etc.
If for some reason this machine does cause the end of the earth, woo ****ing hoo.

I won't care one bit.
Is anyone else so bored with life at the moment that they actually want a resonance cascade to happen?
Is anyone else so bored with life at the moment that they actually want a resonance cascade to happen?

Exactly my point, get ****ing lives jesus christ.
****ing hell not this again.

A) 50-50 chance? Are you ****ing mad, more like 50-50 chance of it even working.
B) A resonance cascade caused a portal storm via a planet that they had already had contact with, not to mention its completely fiction.
C)If you knew anything about the formation of blackholes you will realise that the only way a blackhole is so powerful, is because it is created when a star, within the vacuum of space, of unimaginable mass and gravity impacts in on itself and that huge amount of gases colide the whole degree of space time itself gets completely distorted to crazy levels, causing a rip in the fabric of space time leading to a point of singularity. I think the possibility of a little machine on our tiny planet having the capability of doing that is very low.
D) What you worrying about anyway, the world doesnt end until 2012! The calender knows all!
E) All you doomsday imbeciles really need to get a life.

Exactly my point, get ****ing lives jesus christ.

You need to chill out
Maybe you should just chill the **** out, then.
It begins tomorrow.

If the world dies, we'll be sure to tell the guys who are half a day behind :)
They start the process tommorow but it takes ages to get the thing to get going, like someone said earlier, wont be any collisions until October I reckon.

And you might as well rule out any possibility of bad stuff happening right now, because its completely ludicrous. First of all, this isnt this first time they attempted this experiment, they have had a very similar one running for the past 4 years or something, this is just a bigger and more powerful, and has a lot more sensors etc to observe the collisions.

In fact I saw a little article about it on a tv show, and they interviewed the leading expert in particle physics and he said its more likely that a flying saucer will come out of the sky and land on the back of the loch ness monster, than it is for something catastrophic to happen. I think we can trust the experts rather than these doomsdayers, if there was any chance for something to go wrong they simply wouldnt be going ahead with it.
It begins tomorrow.

If the world dies, we'll be sure to tell the guys who are half a day behind :)

So do you want to give me your phone number, so I can contact you if everything goes pear-shaped :cheers:

"Hello, who's this?"
"Does it matter, we're f*cked!"
They start the process tommorow but it takes ages to get the thing to get going, like someone said earlier, wont be any collisions until October I reckon.

And you might as well rule out any possibility of bad stuff happening right now, because its completely ludicrous. First of all, this isnt this first time they attempted this experiment, they have had a very similar one running for the past 4 years or something, this is just a bigger and more powerful, and has a lot more sensors etc to observe the collisions.

In fact I saw a little article about it on a tv show, and they interviewed the leading expert in particle physics and he said its more likely that a flying saucer will come out of the sky and land on the back of the loch ness monster, than it is for something catastrophic to happen. I think we can trust the experts rather than these doomsdayers, if there was any chance for something to go wrong they simply wouldnt be going ahead with it.

and what if the ovni lands ont top of the lochness tomorrow eh?EH?!