Official "I have Doom 3" thread.

Mr. Redundant, My friends installed the 1700 version reloaded yesterday, and it had nothing. I am sure there are many versions out there some of them with what you had. sad and anoying init :( :|
ARGH, Damn UK release date.

Seriously, 10 days to wait. And nothing to entertain me till that time. 216 hours to wait.
Feath, it suks init ? :|

hmm, Why we always have to be the last to recieve the technology, not just games I mean everything from mobilePhones up to hairstyle :E
Mr. Redundant said:
same here.

heres my doom 3 story:

preordered a while back, had the whole "who is gonna have it in store first fiasco", got too excited yesterday and downloaded it
it had a MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR virus, made me format, (not a big deal, since I have partitions for my windows drive)

(Im being serious, it was 1.7gb it was the whole game, all 3 cds it was reloaded but it had a major virus attatched, apparently norton and AVG didnt pick it up though)

anywhoo, Instead of cleaning it I took that as a sign, and just deleted it.. I deserved it for being impatient (and yes I know some of you have to wait even longer.. 13th aug)

but meh.

anywhoo I have had the retail game (I had already pre-paid, I just had to pick it up) since early this morn.. in fact I got the first copy they put on the shelves.

now Im waiting all damn day to play it at night.... I dont wanna spoil it for myself... Im sitting with the game in my hands, and its a lot easier to resist cus.. I have it now.
I installed it, set it up.. and let my dad give it a go.. (he said it was awesome) but I went and watched HIDALGO (pretty boring movie actually... then again I got D3 on the brain)... so now its 2:30PM and a long ways of from the night... I guess its back to more "Need For Speed Underground"

Wait? You've got it and won't play it? SEND IT TO ME!
Game seems pretty cool so far. I wish i had a better card for it. I can't wait for my kids to go to bed so i can really get into it.
Here is the list with all 268 commands:

aasStats shows AAS stats
addarrow adds a debug arrow
addChatLine internal use - core to game chat lines
addline adds a debug line
aviCmdDemo writes AVIs for a command demo
aviDemo writes AVIs for a demo
aviGame writes AVIs for the current game
benchmark benchmark
bind binds a command to a key
bindRagdoll binds ragdoll at the current drag position
bindunbindtwo binds a key but unbinds it first if there are more than two binds
blinkline blinks a debug line
centerview centers the view
checkNewVersion check if a new version of the game is available
clear clears the console
clearLights clears all lights
clientDropWeapon drop current weapon
clientMessageMode ingame gui message mode
clientVoiceChat voice chats: clientVoiceChat <sound shader>
clientVoiceChatTeam team voice chats: clientVoiceChat <sound shader>
closeViewNotes close the view showing any notes for this map
collisionModelInfo shows collision model info
combineCubeImages combines six images for roq compression
compressDemo compresses a demo file
conDump dumps the console text to a file
connect connects to a server
crash causes a crash
cvar_restart restart the cvar system
damage apply damage to an entity
debugger launches the Script Debugger
deleteSelected deletes selected entity
demoShot writes a screenshot for a demo
devmap loads a map in developer mode
dir lists a folder
dirtree lists a folder with subfolders
disasmScript disassembles script
disconnect disconnects from a game
dmap compiles a map
echo prints text
editAFs launches the in-game Articulated Figure Editor
editDecls launches the in-game Declaration Editor
editGUIs launches the GUI Editor
editLights launches the in-game Light Editor
editor launches the level editor Radiant
editParticles launches the in-game Particle Editor
editPDAs launches the in-game PDA Editor
editScripts launches the in-game Script Editor
editSounds launches the in-game Sound Editor
envshot takes an environment shot
error causes an error
exec executes a config file
execMachineSpec execs the appropriate config files and sets cvars based on com_machineSpec
exit exits the game
exitCmdDemo exits a command demo
exportmodels exports models
finishBuild finishes the build process
freeze freezes the game for a number of seconds
game_memory displays game class info
gameError causes a game error
gameKick same as kick, but recognizes player names
getviewpos prints the current view position
gfxInfo show graphics info
give gives one or more items
god enables god mode
heartbeat send a heartbeat to the the master servers
help shows help
hitch hitches the game
in_restart restarts the input system
keepTestModel keeps the last test model in the game
kick kick a client by connection number
kill kills the player
killMonsters removes all monsters
killMoveables removes all moveables
killRagdolls removes all ragdolls
LANScan scans LAN for servers
listActiveEntities lists active game entities
listAF lists articulated figures
listAnims lists all animations
listAudios lists Audios
listBinds lists key bindings
listClasses lists game classes
listCmds lists commands
listCollisionModels lists collision models
listCvars lists cvars
listDecls lists all decls
listDictKeys lists all keys used by dictionaries
listDictValues lists all values used by dictionaries
listEmails lists Emails
listEntities lists game entities
listEntityDefs lists entity defs
listFX lists FX systems
listGameCmds lists game commands
listGuis lists guis
listHuffmanFrequencies lists decl text character frequencies
listImages lists images
listLines lists all debug lines
listMaterials lists materials
listModelDefs lists model defs
listModels lists all models
listModes lists all video modes
listMonsters lists monsters
listParticles lists particle systems
listPDAs lists PDAs
listRenderEntityDefs lists the entity defs
listRendererCmds lists renderer commands
listRenderLightDefs lists the light defs
listServers lists scanned servers
listSkins lists skins
listSoundCmds lists sound commands
listSoundDecoders list active sound decoders
listSounds lists all sounds
listSoundShaders lists sound shaders
listSpawnArgs list the spawn args of an entity
listSystemCmds lists system commands
listTables lists tables
listThreads lists script threads
listToolCmds lists tool commands
listTypeInfo list type info
listVertexCache lists vertex cache
listVideos lists Videos
loadGame loads a game
localizeGuis localize guis
localizeMaps localize maps
makeAmbientMap makes an ambient map
MakeMegaTexture processes giant images
map loads a map
memoryDump creates a memory dump
memoryDumpCompressed creates a compressed memory dump
modulateLights modifies shader parms on all lights
nextAnim shows next animation on test model
nextFrame shows next animation frame on test model
nextGUI teleport the player to the next func_static with a gui
nextMap loads the next map on the server
noclip disables collision detection for the player
notarget disables the player as a target
parse prints tokenized string
path lists search paths
playCmdDemo plays back a command demo
playDemo plays back a demo
playerModel sets the given model on the player
popLight removes the last created light
prevAnim shows previous animation on test model
prevFrame shows previous animation frame on test model
printAF prints an articulated figure
printAudio prints an Video
printEmail prints an Email
printEntityDef prints an entity def
printFX prints an FX system
printMaterial prints a material
printModel prints model info
printModelDefs prints a model def
printParticle prints a particle system
printPDA prints an PDA
printSkin prints a skin
printSoundShader prints a sound shader
printTable prints a table
printVideo prints a Audio
promptKey prompt and sets the CD Key
quit quits the game
rcon sends remote console command to server
reconnect reconnect to the last server we tried to connect to
recordDemo records a demo
recordViewNotes record the current view position with notes
reexportmodels reexports models
regenerateWorld regenerates all interactions
reloadanims reloads animations
reloadARBprograms reloads ARB programs
reloadCgPrograms reloads CG programs
reloadDecls reloads decls
reloadEngine reloads the engine down to including the file system
reloadGuis reloads guis
reloadImages reloads images
reloadLanguage reload language dict
reloadModels reloads models
reloadScript reloads scripts
reloadSounds reloads all sounds
reloadSurface reloads the decl and images for selected surface
remove removes an entity
removeline removes a debug line
renderbump renders a bump map
renderbumpFlat renders a flat bump map
reportImageDuplication checks all referenced images for duplications
reportSurfaceAreas lists all used materials sorted by surface area
rescanSI internal - rescan serverinfo cvars and tell game
reset resets a cvar
roq encodes a roq file
runAAS compiles an AAS file for a map
runAASDir compiles AAS files for all maps in a folder
runReach calculates reachability for an AAS file
s_restart restarts the sound system
saveGame saves a game
saveLights saves all lights to the .map file
saveMoveables save all moveables to the .map file
saveParticles saves all lights to the .map file
saveRagdolls save all ragdoll poses to the .map file
saveSelected saves the selected entity to the .map file
say text chat
sayTeam team text chat
screenshot takes a screenshot
script executes a line of script
serverForceReady force all players ready
serverInfo shows server info
serverMapRestart restart the current game
serverNextMap change to the next map
set sets a cvar
seta sets a cvar and flags it as archive
setMachineSpec detects system capabilities and sets
com_machineSpec to appropriate value
sets sets a cvar and flags it as server info
sett sets a cvar and flags it as tool
setu sets a cvar and flags it as user info
setviewpos sets the current view position
showDictMemory shows memory used by dictionaries
showInteractionMemory shows memory used by interactions
showStringMemory shows memory used by strings
showTriSurfMemory shows memory used by triangle surfaces
showViewNotes show any view notes for the current map, successive calls will cycle to the next note
sizeDown makes the rendered view smaller
sizeUp makes the rendered view larger
spawn spawns a game entity
spawnServer spawns a server
startBuild prepares to make a build
stopRecording stops demo recording
takeViewNotes take notes about the current map from the current view
takeViewNotes2 extended take view notes
teleport teleports the player to an entity location
testAnim tests an animation
testBlend tests animation blending
testBoneFx tests an FX system bound to a joint
testDamage tests a damage def
testDeath tests death
testFx tests an FX system
testGUI tests a gui
testImage displays the given image centered on screen
testLight tests a light
testmap tests a map
testModel tests a model
testParticleStopTime tests particle stop time on a test model
testPointLight tests a point light
testSave writes out a test savegame
testSaveGame test a save game for a level
testShaderParm sets a shaderParm on an existing testModel
testSIMD test SIMD code
testSkin tests a skin on an existing testModel
testSound tests a sound
testVideo displays the given cinematic
timeCmdDemo times a command demo
timeDemo times a demo
timeDemoQuit times a demo and quits
toggle toggles a cvar
touch touches a decl
touchFile touches a file
touchFileList touches a list of files
touchGui touches a gui
touchModel touches a model
trigger triggers an entity
unbind unbinds any command from a key
unbindall unbinds any commands from all keys
unbindRagdoll unbinds the selected ragdoll
updateUI internal - cause a sync down of game-modified userinfo
vid_restart restarts renderSystem
vstr inserts the current value of a cvar as command text
wait delays remaining buffered commands one or more frames
weaponSplat projects a blood splat on the player weapon
where prints the current view position
writeCmdDemo writes a command demo
writeConfig writes a config file
writeGameState write game state
writePrecache writes precache commands
I got it from eb this afternoon, lucky it was before the lunch break where it was a mad dash for doom 3. Very cool game, MP is a little buggy can't even connect to a server but the SP is really good.
I preordered the game from my local EB and they get games a day behind everyone else for some reason. Most of the time it doesn't really bother me, but I REALLY wanted a copy. So I called eleventeen-hundred stores and finally found a best buy that had the game!!!! I've been playing for 4 hours straight now. There has NEVER been a game that has made me jump this much. And the production values are through the damn roof. I'm not going to spoil anything, but if you have a rig that can run this beast you deserve it to yourself to play it. The MP is fun, but uninspired. The mods will be here soon so no worries there. Oh, as a side note on the MP; there were servers running 16 people on them. I don't know why, because it worked perfectly with 4 people. It sort of gives you this sustained tension, in that you're wondering when you're going to run into your next victim. I won my very first match with 10 frags. :) this game gets a 9.5 from me until i finish. it certainly has the chance to creep up to a 10.
crap, why didnt I just wait one day?! now I have a boot sector virus to contend with.

****ing A. :/

played Doom3 for about 3 hours... OMFG never played anything this cool before.,... I am thus ID's Bitch.

but ****ing virus is making it so that I cant boot into windows
playing that first level of Doom3 got me all excited!! :D
anyway i haven't played much because i have been busy with work and such :|
but tonight that will change as i have tons of time later tonight!
i can't wait for my spook fest :cheers:

Mr. Redundant said:
crap, why didnt I just wait one day?! now I have a boot sector virus to contend with.

****ing A. :/

played Doom3 for about 3 hours... OMFG never played anything this cool before.,... I am thus ID's Bitch.

but ****ing virus is making it so that I cant boot into windows

ouch... thats a tough lesson ur learning... :x
Gajdycz said:
is there any way i can check my fps in game? thanks.

Open up the console (ctrl+alt+~) and then type "seta com_showFPS 1" (without the quotes.)
Euro peeps can order from because they have already started to ship the game. They're selling the game for only £24.99 (shipping is free). Game could get stuck in customs, so bevare.
DarkStar said:
Open up the console (ctrl+alt+~) and then type "seta com_showFPS 1" (without the quotes.)
You can actually just type com_showfps 1 without the seta part. :P
Dr. Freeman said:
playing that first level of Doom3 got me all excited!! :D
anyway i haven't played much because i have been busy with work and such :|
but tonight that will change as i have tons of time later tonight!
i can't wait for my spook fest :cheers:

ouch... thats a tough lesson ur learning... :x

you have no idea bro.....
one day of being impatient has cost me 2 days of not being able to play the game I bought retail.....

my comp still isnt working.. it loads up windows and then just sits there with a mouse pointer.

I have formatted my hard drive, fdisk /mbr, flashed my bios... scanned with AVG, Bullgaurd, Symantec's Norton, Mcaffee... and all say "no viruses found".

I just got things loaded, Im hoping its working now... *knocks on wood*

Im thinking perhaps it was a hardware problem... it might just be a co-incidence that it happened around DOom3 time
Mr. Redundant said:
you have no idea bro.....
one day of being impatient has cost me 2 days of not being able to play the game I bought retail.....

my comp still isnt working.. it loads up windows and then just sits there with a mouse pointer.

I have formatted my hard drive, fdisk /mbr, flashed my bios... scanned with AVG, Bullgaurd, Symantec's Norton, Mcaffee... and all say "no viruses found".

I just got things loaded, Im hoping its working now... *knocks on wood*

Im thinking perhaps it was a hardware problem... it might just be a co-incidence that it happened around DOom3 time

have u tried online house call type scans?
some sites offer to scan ur PC... in the off change that Norton and these other AV's can't catch the memory/boot sector virii

try this link

im sure there are other sites too.. but at least this is a start for u :)
Gorgon said:
Feath, it suks init ? :|

hmm, Why we always have to be the last to recieve the technology, not just games I mean everything from mobilePhones up to hairstyle :E
Because we (US) seem to be the only ones making these technological advances.
phantomdesign said:
Because we (US) seem to be the only ones making these technological advances.
Thats why the US only recently caught up with txting and digital mobile phones over cell phones. And why you prefer gas guzzlers to finding better technology for vehicles


BECAUSE IT NEEDS A Pentium 4 1500 GHz AND ALL I GOT IS A Pentium 4 1300 GHz!!!

Curses, curses, curses!

Who'd have thought that 200 GHz would be all that stood between me and Doom3. What I'm really worried about is that my comp wont be able to play HL2 if it cant play D3, and that would just really chap my caboose.

Oh well, I'm just hoping that Game Stop will take the game back :( :(
my comp seems to be functioning again *knock on wood* played about 3 hours into Doom3.. I must say... it seriously rocks.
ID deserve every penny for this game... its just amazing.
I thought it would look like farcry or something... but no way Doom3 is definately in a league of its own.
DrHaphazard said:


BECAUSE IT NEEDS A Pentium 4 1500 GHz AND ALL I GOT IS A Pentium 4 1300 GHz!!!

Curses, curses, curses!

Who'd have thought that 200 GHz would be all that stood between me and Doom3. What I'm really worried about is that my comp wont be able to play HL2 if it cant play D3, and that would just really chap my caboose.

Oh well, I'm just hoping that Game Stop will take the game back :( :(

dont worry HL2 adapts more easy to older computers than Doom 3..
DrHaphazard said:


BECAUSE IT NEEDS A Pentium 4 1500 GHz AND ALL I GOT IS A Pentium 4 1300 GHz!!!

Curses, curses, curses!

Who'd have thought that 200 GHz would be all that stood between me and Doom3. What I'm really worried about is that my comp wont be able to play HL2 if it cant play D3, and that would just really chap my caboose.

Oh well, I'm just hoping that Game Stop will take the game back :( :(

lol, 200 GHz? :eek: ;)
I have Doom III. Finally. Publishers really should release worldwide on the same time. This really sucks. I bought it at a launch party; the official release isnt until the 13th over here.

Anyhoo, it runs just nicely at 800x600 with details on high on my modest rig (AMD 1800+ @ 1.5 ghz, 768MB, Radeon 9600 w/ 256MB & Catalyst 4.7).
oh man, doom3 is right in front of me, i bought it yesterday but cant play it yet til i get my new computer in abouta week or two!!!(drool!!)!!!!
My Copy of Doom 3 was dispatched at 6:15 this morning. This means I'll probably get it tomorrow.

Feath said:
My Copy of Doom 3 was dispatched at 6:15 this morning. This means I'll probably get it tomorrow.

Who are you buying it from?
JimmehH said:
Who are you buying it from? They are usually quite fast.

I remember once I ordered a book off them at about 7pm on Sunday and it came the next day. I was rather shocked.
Yeah. I've ordered with Amazon too, but I just checked the order page and they're not shipping it until Sunday?!

Arrgh. I preordered at the beginning of July to avoid this sort of thing...
JimmehH said:
Yeah. I've ordered with Amazon too, but I just checked the order page and they're not shipping it until Sunday?!

Arrgh. I preordered at the beginning of July to avoid this sort of thing...

Yeah, my dispatch estimate was the 15th of August. My delivery estimate is still listed as the 16th.

Hmm, I think yours will be sent off today, I'd be surprised if it wasn't.
I got gipped! I had to wait a day later than the americans to buy my copy :( But I got my copy on the 4th, the release date for canada :)
This game rocks.
Got mine from gameplay, arrived in the post this afternoon :thumbs:

Looking forward to playing it later on tonight :)
I've cancelled my Amazon order and gone with gameplay. Looks like a good retailer. Should arrive Saturday now, instead of Monday/Tuesday.
-JeZ- said:
Got mine from gameplay, arrived in the post this afternoon :thumbs:

Looking forward to playing it later on tonight :)

i got mine too!! :D :D :D



first time i've ordered with gameplay and i get it a day early! brilliant!!