Official Overclocking Thread- ALL questions go HERE

Illegal Amigo said:
I want to overclock my 9800PRO to xt speeds, but I'm nervous of doing so. If I get artifacts, are they forever? Or can I bump the core/mem down and they go away? I'm scared of burning out my card. (I have a Vantec pci fan card that also cools my video card).

The only way you'll hurt your card is if you OC by a lot at a time. If you slowly increase your speeds by small increments, like 5mhz, you should be fine. If you run into artifacts, lower your speeds by 10 mhz or so until you don't get artifacts anymore, and then as a precaution, go down another 10 to be safe.


Check a few posts down for a nice guide.
Hi all. I have been trying to overclock my 2600+ processor into something a little more meaty, but so far I haven't had any success. I think i've located the proper bios settings...

I see two options that are grayed out. CPU multiplier and something else. When I set 'CPU Speed' to manual, they become active. The multiplier is set to 12.5 and the something else says 166/33.

Now I have tried increasing the multiplier to 13.5, but when I restart the system nothing happens (no post). I turn off and on again and it takes me back to the bios with the message 'System hung because of improper frequency settings' or something like that. I have also tried adjusting the other setting with the same results.

What am I doing wrong? I can be more specific on the setting labels and the error message if I have to...
Increase the multiplies in much smaller itterations if possible, 0.5 is reccomended. As you progress you'll eventually have to increase the Vcore to keep the system stable, with the drawback of more heat etc.
*sigh* No luck.

Stock settings are:

CPU Frequency Multiple: 12.5
CPU External Frequency: 166Mhz
CPU VCore: 1.65v

I'm not supposed to mess with anything else, am I? I tried increasing the multiplier to 13 (up by 0.5). It hung. I tried increasing the External Frequency to 200. It hung. I tried both of the above (seperately) with a voltage increase to 1.65v. It hung! Nothing works. Should I give up on overclocking?
for you people who are afraid of accidently destroying your gfx-cards when trying to OC them.
sapphire has some cards that wont void the warranty if you oc them, they even encourage you to OC them because with the card they send some apps for Ocing.. if you want the name of the cards just send me a pm or something.. but its probably faster for you to google for them or something cause im on a modem so im not online much.. rawrr out.
i just overclocked my radeon 9100 from 250.0 core/200.0 mem to 265.50/221.63 using the ati tool, i used the find max core and find max mem and this is what it oced to, i have had no problems with artifacts and i am wondering if it can be oced even higher without the use of fans or such. this is all jsut a practice till i get my msi 9800 pro thanks
is this normal my vid card AIW 9000pro, only overclocked 10ish core and 15ish mem. is that normal, no case cooling stock hsf stock 1 fan psu fan. stock small fan on gpu.
gegam said:
is this normal my vid card AIW 9000pro, only overclocked 10ish core and 15ish mem. is that normal, no case cooling stock hsf stock 1 fan psu fan. stock small fan on gpu.

Sounds like your in the same boat as me (almost).

I recently installed a 9800pro. My case has little to no ventilation (only airflow is from fan on PSU removing hot air) and 9800pros are notorious for running very hot.

I too tried ATItool, and I could go up to 385 core and 360 memory. The side of my case was hot even at stock speeds. That's until I installed an Arctic VGA cooler. With this, I have got my clock speed up to 400, and I haven't even tried my memory yet. And the side of my case is barely warm.

So I would recommend some way of getting increased airflow if you plan on overclocking. When I opened up my computer to install the silencer I was surprised by how hot things were.

At the moment I now have two fans exhausting hot air from the back of my case (the VGA cooler and the PSU fan). I have a slot at the front of my case for an intake fan, and I plan on using it, so I should get pretty good airflow.

So to sum up, my advise to you is AIRFLOW AIRFLOW AIRFLOW. You can't go wrong.

BTW, a lot of people have been interested in the Arctic VGA Silencer recently. I may do a review of it, so look out for it or ask me if you're interested.
umm, is 3500 points good for 9600 pro(128mb), 2.8 ht, with 768 ram? i saw a guy with a 9200 hit 11,000. and im using 3dmark03 for the benchmark. thats with overclocking with no AA or AF. i dont think thats normal. is it? cause i wanna play half life 2 with this, but its lookin sluggish.
Stamp said:
umm, is 3500 points good for 9600 pro(128mb), 2.8 ht, with 768 ram? i saw a guy with a 9200 hit 11,000. and im using 3dmark03 for the benchmark. thats with overclocking with no AA or AF. i dont think thats normal. is it? cause i wanna play half life 2 with this, but its lookin sluggish.

That's about average.

Don't worry, you have an good computer. You will get great performance in HL2.
I have a Pentium 2.4C and i can overclock it to 3.3ghz without changing the stock voltage (1.525) then after 3.3ghz it wont boot up into windows, im wondering if its safe to overclock it to 3ghz and leave it there i got 3 case fans 1 outake, 1 intake, one side fan, and i got a thermaltake spark 7 Xaser Edition for my cpu. The temp of my cpu at 2.4C is 27C and at load it goes as far up as 35C, and if i overclock will this shorten the life of my cpu, last time i overclocked i to 3.1 and the temp never went over 35C only in some games it was idling at 27C.

Intel P4 2.4C
Asus P4P800
768MB PC 3200
Ati Radeon 9800 Pro

Thanks in advance! :cheers:
my computer is old so i dont care anymore. p4 1.8 can i overclock this effectivley? or should i leave it
Anyone know what setting I should change in my bios for a stable CPU OC? It usually crashes when I boost the FSB to 210 from stock 200 after a short while. Itll give me a blue screen(Not the blue screen of death) with white text that says something about memory. Can anyone help?
can someone help me flash my msi 9800pro to a 9800xt?? thanks
my overdrive tab in my 9600xt disapered?! wtf? I RMAed it, nothing.
kaf11 said:
can someone help me flash my msi 9800pro to a 9800xt?? thanks

Do you have the 9800pro with an r360 core? If you do, it's basically an underclocked 9800xt, and you can replace the bios to turn it back into one.

If you have an r350 core, then you're out of luck. Those cards just don't have the same architecture of the 9800xt's. But they still overclock very nicely.

If you have the r360 core and you plan on flashing the bios, make sure you have good case ventilation and your card is not too hot already. Flashing it will make it put out extra heat. You may want to consider replacing the GPU cooler.

Finally, be careful when flashing! Some of the time 9800xt's that are slightly defective will be underclocked into 9800pros to add stability. There is no way of knowing if your card is stable enough to flash. Changing the BIOS back to the way it was can be a bitch, especially with vid card errors.
yea i got one of those vantec card fans and i oced it to 414 core/727 memory..higher then xt... without a thinking about going a bit higher
anyone know how far i can push my 2.4 ghz without any worries? im kinda hoping like 2.7 ghz is that reachable without any crazy cooling?
kaf11 said:
ps is that oc the highest i can get it?

No-one can really tell you, every card is different. That seems pretty high for a 9800pro, you must have good cooling.

I recommend downloading 3dmark03 (if you haven't already) and using it to stress your card. If you don't notice any artifacts you should try ATItool's 'scan for artifacts' feature, it can spot things that are almost indetectable.

If you don't get any artifacts while doing this, then you have a stable overclock and you could try pushing it further. If you do notice artifacts then you should ease off a little.
I dont like overclocking to be honest even with good coolage enless you can overlock it and keep it at 43 C even then it just scares me.
Fil could maybe up the memory voltage some to get a higher overclock, but an almost 1g overclock is pretty darn good anyway; 3.3g might be the max for that particular chip. And 35 C under load isn't all that hot. If it were me, I'd clock it at 3.2 and leave it and not worry about it unless it were unstable.

Amd chips up the multiplier and not the fsb, I think. The 64 ones may be different, I don't know; I've never owned an amd before.

With that rig, you should be able to get some serious speed...
is 27 degrees celcius a pretty good temprature for a p 4 2.4 ghz?
kaf11 said:
is 27 degrees celcius a pretty good temprature for a p 4 2.4 ghz?

Yes. What do you use to cool your CPU? A Zalman fan? Water cooling? lol
kaf11 said:
no, why is that a pretty cool temprature?

Very very good. My 3.0 GHZ runs at 50-55. (I desperetly need another chassifan, when I feel like it. Heh. I need a new case though, to get rid of the noice of what I have first).
I'm new to overclocking and I've got a couple of questions:

I've upped the fsb by 6mhz (from 166mhz) with no problems, I'm wondering how much I can up it before I need to alter voltages?
I have 400mhz ram, does this mean I can keep the ram:fsb at 1:1?
How do you find out gpu clock speeds? I've used rage3d to alter it slightly, but I don't know if it's actually changed it or not.

You can OC until it is not stable under windows when running your everyday and intensive applications. Most use Prime95 to test stability for a period of time. Then you could raise the voltage if you wish, by .5 or so. If that doesn't help then something else is holding you back.

If you have DDR400 (200MHz) Memory you are not running 1:1 right now and it should not be an issue keeping your Memory at that speed.
Asus - so if I up the fsb to say 175mhz, then shall I just up the memory to 175mhz as well?

Regarding GPU: How do you permantly overclock it, as software like atitool just does it temporarily does it not?
You said you have DDR400 (200MHz).
If your stock FSB is 166MHz and your memory is 200 then that isn't 1:1.
As you OC your FSB your memory should remain at 200MHz unless there is a ratio.

The only instance a video card will be permantly OCed is if the bios was flashed to a higher card, like Pro to XT. Personally, I used powerstrip and only enabled my OCed profile when I played games. I left it at stock during normal use.
This might've been asked before but I can't read through the whole thread. Why aren't video cards already "overclocked" by the manufacturer to the maximum level which doesn't require extra cooling. Does overclocking have consequences (besides frying your card) such as shortening your video card's life? And, if you have overclocked your 9600 xt without additional cooling, can you please tell me what increase in performance (fps, benchmarks etc.) there has been? Thanks in advance.

P.S. I get 99 fps (lol, can't get 100) on the ATI Tool Cube test. Please refer to this, if possible, when you have oc'ed your card.