OK, lets get to work!


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ImportLightning
First, I'd like to say how truly incredible you and your team at Valve are. Instead of following the status quo and just pushing the envelope on graphics technology, expecting that to sell a game (hint, ID Software), you actually put thought into the games you make. Half-Life was such an incredible game, that it single-handedly dropped my GPA in high school from a 3.5 to a 2.2. All I could think about all day was Half-Life and after school I'd completely ignore my homework to play Half-Life for 8 hours straight. The effort you and your team put into your games is astounding. Whenever I would describe Half-Life to someone, I'd always end it with how ID Software told you to make a B title, just to get your name out there, and you produced a AAA title and to imagine what (you'd) do if you tried to make a AAA title. I think Half-Life 2 will perfectly illustrate my point. You and your team are gaming gods!

Now for my question. =) Many people on the Half-Life 2 forum how studied the HL2 movie in great detail, specifically the images and colored text that flew past at the end of the movie. I read the e-mail that you responded to saying that it was put there for a reason, so obviously you knew that the fans are so interested in the title, that they'd dissect every piece of information given. Several theories have been formulated around the text that we have managed to clear up, some of which seem to make some sense (i.e., the "combine" being a combination of human's and aliens). I'm not going to ask if this is correct, because I know you can't answer that question. What I'm wondering is if we, the fans, are reading to much into this, or was the half-life story in reality created to be so complex, that we can analyze every piece of information and still not have the whole story. And one last thing, if you could maybe release the original text that flew past in the movie, the text that speaks of Freeman's "muscular catatonia" and such it would settle some of the argument. Currently there are a few words we can't agree on.

Thank you for all your hard work.

Marc's reply:

Dear David,
Thanks for your nice comments. I always figure that our fans will look very closely at whatever we release, especially in the absence of outright mundane explanations (which I'm opposed in principle to giving); so yes, whenever possible, we try to make all the little details meaningful instead of just random. I'm afraid I can't release any further information prematurely, but I suspect the textures you're studying will be easier to see in the near future. Also, I'm not sure the "full" text is very helpful...some of the words and sentences are lopped off at one end or the other. In the long run, as well, I believe all the in-game textures will be available to mod makers.

I wonder if you or anyone on the forum can identify the equations that fly past. (There are clues in the set of demo movies.)

Marc Laidlaw [/B]

Who here knows math (I got a C in calculas :( )?

BTW, is he saying the the textures will be released with the SDK? Thats not really good .. it might give the story away.
Why does everyone want to try and figure this crap out, just wait until they release more tidbits of information or until the game comes out. We really dont know some math/genius wizz to come post something here figuring out more stuff about the story. This may mean something to some of you guys but not me, im waiting to have HL2 in my mail box and playing it because i dont want 1 thing spoiled for me.
Originally posted by tokin
Why does everyone want to try and figure this crap out, just wait until they release more tidbits of information or until the game comes out. We really dont know some math/genius wizz to come post something here figuring out more stuff about the story. This may mean something to some of you guys but not me, im waiting to have HL2 in my mail box and playing it because i dont want 1 thing spoiled for me.

tokin, if it doesn't mean anything to you, then don't post in this topic. Easy enough?

Lone, I think he talks about videos that coming out on Monday. It will be higher resolution, so maybe it will be easier to read.
They go by so fast it's hard for me to pause it at the exact right moment, But i got the gist of it... The people who found those sentences... Are scarilly obsessed with this game lol.
Fiddle , don't even start, you are the one who got 90+ posts in one day.
I suspect it has something to do with what Dr. Kleiner says in the video. I don't see how anything else in those videos could provide you with clues.
So, I'm hungover and the money from my wallet has mysteriously dissappeared, so I lurkerd around the comp all day on msn and on here.

Originally posted by figge
alpha psi           alpha psi
_________ = zeta  _________
alpha  iota         alpha chi


alpha psi           alpha psi
_________ = Xi _________
alpha  iota         alpha chi


Theres no way you can work it out in full and its not alpha its a partial differential that particualr bit.


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mr. reak give me a break. Im not the one living with my parents that has never been laid...what a ****ing life! If you were kidding sorry but if that is true then your pathetic, unless you have some handicap problem. So dont give me shit, get a life and dont argue with the non geeked fags that actually wont and dont live with their parents at the age of 30.
Originally posted by tokin
mr. reak give me a break. Im not the one living with my parents that has never been laid...what a ****ing life! If you were kidding sorry but if that is true then your pathetic, unless you have some handicap problem. So dont give me shit, get a life and dont argue with the non geeked fags that actually wont and dont live with their parents at the age of 30.

Woah, whats up with all the hostility today guys? I suppose everyone's patience is running thin on that new HL2 content.
Chill the f*ck out. If you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all :flame:
Tokin, you have such hostilities for people who live with their parents and haven't gotten "laid" yet. Is it because you share this similar fate?
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Woah, whats up with all the hostility today guys? I suppose everyone's patience is running thin on that new HL2 content.
Mine is. I need a fix.
Ok I know it has become a bad idea to post on these forums as you most likely get insultet by tokin, guinny or some other hostile 13 year old wannabes, but seriously, I don't give a flying ****.

So, back to the topic, it's not too hard to figure some of the equations out, the one that figgie mentioned shall probably be the wave equation
, though the one in the video seems to be wrong (no squares, then it's no wave but exponential movement, makes no sense this way)

Well and the second formula was "(x0²+x1²+x2²+..+x9²)^(1/2) = r4", (also written as (sum(i=0 -> 9)xi²)^(1/2)=r, means the same), dunno why they wrote that, it's the length of a vector with 10 coordinates, also doesn't make too much sense to me...
Anyways, hope this helped :)
Originally posted by tokin
mr. reak give me a break. Im not the one living with my parents that has never been laid...what a ****ing life! If you were kidding sorry but if that is true then your pathetic, unless you have some handicap problem. So dont give me shit, get a life and dont argue with the non geeked fags that actually wont and dont live with their parents at the age of 30.

Guinny, Valved Ray, Thug, guys I am sorry, I thought you were stupid, once (because of your spam), but oh boy, tokin .... omfg. http://forums.lair***/non-cgi/emoticons/clap.gif

Okay, now about formula. I bet it’s connected to half-life itself. Any people here, who understand chemistry\physics?
I'm not that advanced in my maths yet, just at a near finished year 12 advanced level... but as far as I'm concerned, it looks like an equation that has to do with radiation, like the name "half life" suggests, or a wave formula like that other guy suggested.

i think it's groovy the way all the names in HL mean something scientifically
- Half-Life is the time for half the radiation in something to break down
- Opposing forces is to do with, say, magnets that have opposing forces will push apart.
- Blue shift is to do with light moving away (or towards, i can't remember :P) from you, because the different colours move at different speeds.
mr reak...seriously...get a ****ing clue. Your the first person ive heard of by the way and that ive actually talked to that is 30 and lives with his parents, also not to mention a virgin. Im 16 and also a virgin, im planning on losing that when i find the right girl, then again i dont torture my dick by not getting any at all like yourself, atleast you can i say im a fan of oral sex. I must be going now, i hope this is God's plan for you in life, if not your really ruining it for yourself and anyone else that might just look up to you. I really do feel for you and im sorry if ive caused any anger, hatred, or sadness that you might be feeling at the moment or have been in the past from other people. If this doesn't affect you...then great...atleast you have a high self-esteem. Well see you and everyone else in about 2wks....peace.

Edit: To make this post semi useful, try to find a titration formula if there is one, cause I saw that word in the text before the equation, and I remember doing a lab on titration (really boring).
I think everyone needs a big hug! Wheres carebear!? :naughty:
Uh oh .. we started talking about math equations and now were discussing oral sex and midgets. This is not a good sign.
Originally posted by tokin
mr reak...seriously...get a ****ing clue. Your the first person ive heard of by the way and that ive actually talked to that is 30 and lives with his parents, also not to mention a virgin. Im 16 and also a virgin, im planning on losing that when i find the right girl, then again i dont torture my dick by not getting any at all like yourself, atleast you can i say im a fan of oral sex. I must be going now, i hope this is God's plan for you in life, if not your really ruining it for yourself and anyone else that might just look up to you. I really do feel for you and im sorry if ive caused any anger, hatred, or sadness that you might be feeling at the moment or have been in the past from other people. If this doesn't affect you...then great...atleast you have a high self-esteem. Well see you and everyone else in about 2wks....peace.

Still, idiocy lives on. People, who will be first to explain that bright fellow about power of sarcasm? Tokin, if I said I am Eminem, and I have sex everyday, would it make you feel better? Just kidding, I am gay and I love oral sex too, let's have it !
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Uh oh .. we started talking about math equations and now were discussing oral sex and midgets. This is not a good sign.

Èçâèíÿþñü, ÷òî óêðàë òîïèê, íî íàäî æå ïðèêàëüíóòüñÿ íàä ÷óäàêîì :cheers:
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Guinny, Valved Ray, Thug, guys I am sorry, I thought you were stupid, once (because of your spam), but oh boy, tokin .... omfg. http://forums.lair***/non-cgi/emoticons/clap.gif

Okay, now about formula. I bet it’s connected to half-life itself. Any people here, who understand chemistry\physics?

How dare you put me in the same category as valved ray and thug. I never made one offensive statement to anyone unless they started with me. Unlike the other two degenerates. I'm truly insulted.;(
Originally posted by guinny
How dare you put me in the same category as valved ray and thug. I never made one offensive statement to anyone unless they started with me. Unlike the other two degenerates. I'm truly insulted.;(

I am sorry, you know I still lub ya :afro:
blue shift is coming towards. red shift is moving away, and used as evidence of an expanding univese (ie. every direction you look, objects have redshift).

You probably didn't really care. And for that, I am here. :E

Everybody else, listen to some chill music and calm down, pretty please :)

Originally posted by guinny
How dare you put me in the same category as valved ray and thug. I never made one offensive statement to anyone unless they started with me. Unlike the other two degenerates. I'm truly insulted.;(

youre worse

I'm worse? You have 144 posts. I believe all but one, if that, are complete bullshit, and have never contributed to a thread ONCE. I suggest shutting your mouth before I beat you senseless with my vocabulary capabilities.
i was pretty sure it was red = away due to expanding universe, but didn't have time to confirm:) thanks
i just wanted to say: i love you all, really i do, in a big, homogeneous, overtly sexual way only... :)

Isn't homogenous a mixture with no layers? It could be something else, but i have that horrible chemistry definition in my head.