Ok, now this is just going too far.


They have taken the meaning of "offense" and twisted it.

Really the only things that should be changed are DIRECTLY offensive things.

Oh noes we can't possibly let the civies see anything that isn't pink and fluffy and designed for the governments dull totalitarian "bubble" lifestyle.

To hell with it, imo.
Skaadi said:
I've never really cared about political correctness before, for some things, but I just saw this on the news.

In Australian schools, and elsewhere, there's a very good possibility these everyday things will now be called:

Whiteboard: Pen Board

Children can no longer be called 'good boy' or 'good boy', they shall now be called 'good child'.

Pics of superheroes are no longer allowed, as they may send a message to some children that they are 'superor' to other children.

At a zoo, fairy penguins were renamed 'little penguins', as not to offend the gay community, but was changed back when the gays protested.

I'll post some more if I can remember them.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I agree some of it is a little excessive, however it's the 21st century mankind needs to eradicate intolerance ..the sooner we do away with stereotypes/derogatory archtypes across the board the better ...this particular issue isnt the answer

example of political correctness gone too far:

I was at a grocery store awhile back reaching for a bag of milk when the woman giving out samples next to me (cheese something or other) said "here take these $1.00 off coupons for brandx milk" ..I said " oh is it discounted for homo (meaning homogenized milk) as well?" ...she looked at me and through tight lips said "we dont use that word anymore" ...I did a double take and sputtered out something like "what? no, I didnt mean it that way"
UltimaApocalyspe said:
African Americans?
Thus whities must be be called "European Americans" and so on and so forth, the only people being truly allowed to be simply "Americans" being the Native American Indians. And everyone else can f*ck off.
OR everyone grow a common sense gland and realise that, actually, black isn't really all that offensive.

CrazyJeepDriver said:
Apparently "All the Kings horses and all the Kings men" in Humpty Dumpty has to be changed to avoid offending feminists.
No, that's a fair point because then when the kids grow up, they'll think that only men can handle crises involving saving the lives of giant talking eggs who also happen to be pretty close friends with the reigning monarch. I mean, the kids'll grow up to be really out of touch with the world.

Oh and also, as a masculinist I take offence at Humpty Dumpty, as it promotes the idea that all men are incompetent. No matter how many men were involved with the process of trying to save this tragic character's life, not one was up to the task. What does that teach children about the abilities of men?
political correctness is the most ridiculous thing in modern society

you hear that, all you black gay niggas?
Reaktor4 said:
(referring to use of the word 'coloured') thats racist.
So it's racist why? Because of the word used? Despite the fact that it likely has no racist feeling behind it? Perhaps it's a little offensive; perhaps it's the wrong word to use, but it is not 'racist' since that implies the presence of actual racism.

el Chi said:
I'm epileptic, and the idea that people ought to use "mind-map" because I'm just so f*cking precious that "brain storm" might send me into flurries of tears at the injustice of it all makes me sick into my own scorn.
To be fair, Chi, 'mind map' is a much better name for it anyway. Hell, I called them mind maps before I called them brainstorms. Also the word brainstorm is more ambiguous, since it can mean 'random idea discussion'.

el Chi said:
Nah, "thought shower" sounds like "golden shower" and that might upset the piss fetishists.
That's exactly what I thought when I heard of 'thought shower'! I thought 'but that just sounds disgusting'. :O
I'm going to call things the way I have always called them

I'm still going to say f*cked, even though the definition is blatantly directed towards George Bush
Lawl you crazy Brits (Can I call you guys like that? D: )
no ...especially since the censorship is in australia :laugh:
Ren.182 said:
I don't think it's "right" to say blackboard now either...

And our little sheep is known as baa baa rainbow sheep. It doesn't even sound right. Lets just ruin an age old nursery rythme for some people that got offended when they heard it. -_-

its gotten this sad that a legendary nursery rythme gets changed? :|
things just seem to get worse everyday...gahhhhh :(
Bullshit of the highest caliber. This kind of crap makes my blood boil.
SHIPPI said:
What the hell...

Oh and which term is polictically correct for black people now? It used to be 'coloured', but I've heard that we're not allowed to say that any more and they should be referred to as 'black'.

It's ridiculous... in a few years I bet we won't be allowed to refer to a person as male or female anymore. :|
I don't really know! I was the guy that had almost all black friends, and I was a teenager, young adult, and they call each other 'nigga' in a loving way, and since I hung out with them so much for years and years (24-7 smoking weed and drinking malt liquor - man the 90's waz tha shit.) that it would come out sometimes and they of course didn't care, they would say things like, he's really black - referring to me, even though I am white, but they were just trying to help me fit in.

Anyway, I think most of them in America just prefer to be called black. Colored is definitely not accepted - at least not where I'm from, but some very old people - white and black still say it - meaning no offense, it's just what they grew up saying.

Some don't like to be called black here, they prefer African American, but to me Black just sounds plain and simple and could be used to describe anyone from any country, and in my opinion, just sounds the coolest. Finally, some people prefer to be called Negroes, and I guess it's all where you are from, so I can't speak for the world here.

I mean, people call me white, even though I am tan and not white as a sheet of paper, so I don't think blacks should/would get offended by being called black.
kirovman said:

Plus plus ungood.
Lol, it wouldn't suprise me if that's how we end up.

"You can't give expression or emotion in your speech that might OFFEND someone!!"
coloured is not acceptable because it was the publically used term during segregation

I have no problem with black people calling each other nigga ..they've taken that hateful word from whites and re-appropriate it to mean something else entirely

it's the same thing as gay people referring to each other by stereotypes like queens or fags ..they've deflated it's meaning by re-appropriating it
CptStern said:
coloured is not acceptable because it was the publically used term during segregation

I have no problem with black people calling each other nigga ..they've taken that hateful word from whites and re-appropriate it to mean something else entirely

it's the same thing as gay people referring to each other by stereotypes like queens or fags ..they've deflated it's meaning by re-appropriating it

I don't care who used what word and when, I'll say whatever the **** I want as a descriptive term. :flame:
Black Pete said:
I don't care who used what word and when, I'll say whatever the **** I want as a descriptive term. :flame:
Yea we are talking about Political correctness in various countries. Some people don't display their location, but people on this forum are from around the world.
Black Pete said:
I don't care who used what word and when, I'll say whatever the **** I want as a descriptive term. :flame:

so you wont mind me calling you a pig ****er because it's just a descriptive word and I have a right to use whatever I want ..you pig-****ing **** ****

I excersize my freedom of speech here in America, but I don't abuse it!

Anyway, I remember playing a game called Phantasy Star Online, and I noticed that you could say Jewish, but you couldn't say Jew. The game would censor it as if it was a swear word. I was offended that they censored it, since it's not a derogatory word, even though it commonly is used as one.

They are so busy trying to shield us from 'damage' that they actually cause it sometimes.

Just my 2 cents.

This world is starting to suck more and more. :(
I can bet most of that is Daily Mail lies.
They hate immigrants and such. Political Correctness 99% of the time is good. Just they make up stupid storys to make it seem bad.
CptStern said:
I agree some of it is a little excessive, however it's the 21st century mankind needs to eradicate intolerance ..the sooner we do away with stereotypes/derogatory archtypes across the board the better ...this particular issue isnt the answer

example of political correctness gone too far:

I was at a grocery store awhile back reaching for a bag of milk when the woman giving out samples next to me (cheese something or other) said "here take these $1.00 off coupons for brandx milk" ..I said " oh is it discounted for homo (meaning homogenized milk) as well?" ...she looked at me and through tight lips said "we dont use that word anymore" ...I did a double take and sputtered out something like "what? no, I didnt mean it that way"

Did you pronounce it properly? As in homogenized, or did you say it like, "Homo"sexual?
I said homo



the thing is I wasnt expecting that reaction ...any sane person wouldnt associate one with the other ..it really was an innocent remark on my part
Solaris said:
I can bet most of that is Daily Mail lies.
They hate immigrants and such. Political Correctness 99% of the time is good. Just they make up stupid storys to make it seem bad.
I was thinking about that. I mean it's the newspaper that said 'BAN THIS SICK FILTH!'
Like a lot of people said before, it'll neve be enforced. Stupid rules, anyway, though.
The stupidest rule I have ever heard is either you cannot eat sweet items on Christmas day and you cannot play football either.
drunkymonkey said:
I was thinking about that. I mean it's the newspaper that said 'BAN THIS SICK FILTH!'
AS A FRONT PAGE HEADLINE (refering to the game Manhunt).

The daily mail is a disgrace, just yesterday it's main article was whining about asylum as always.

"The Number of Refugees seeking Refuge is Britian has risen dramatically.......[blah blah, follow loads of blatently racist tripe about how its killing the economy and other bull].

I just thought you heartless bastards, they're people escaping torture, death and poverty. Grrrrt.
I beg to differ.

The stupidest rule I heard is that every Thursday you should dress up as a giant turkey and run around town centre gunning people down.

However, the government told me to do it, so I'm not going to disobey.
Some retarded rules in California, where I live.

Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.

Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.

Bathhouses are against the law.

It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.

Women may not drive in a house coat.

No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.
Skaadi said:
In Australian schools, and elsewhere, there's a very good possibility these everyday things will now be called:

So what is the actual situation? Is the Australian government definitely going to implement laws for these directives, or (as is more likely the case imo) have some obscure people in education made suggestions along these lines, which have been wildly exagerated by the usual 'PC-gone-mad' brigade, which you've been sucked in by.
Which is it?
Woot, go canada! And its also nice that you dont see any serious canada bashing, cause it really pisses me off when people insult canada.
GordonFreeman911 said:
Woot, go canada! And its also nice that you dont see any serious canada bashing, cause it really pisses me off when people insult canada.

Canada, eh?

I love canadians... have lots of canadian online friends.
Raziaar said:
Can they not call chalkboards blackboards?

But that is some really stupid shit. :-/

At my school the chalkboards are green, which is why we call them chalkboards...
lawl, we have whiteboards, and we use black markers. We don't segregate.