Ok people its a joke thread.


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Let the joke fly.

Ill start.

What is a Dog?
1) Dogs lie around all day, sprawled on the most comfortable piece of furniture in the house.
2) They can hear a package of food opening half a block away, but don't hear you when you're in the same room.
3) They can look dumb and lovable all at the same time.
4) They growl when they're not happy.
5) When you want to play, they want to play.
6) When you want to be alone, they want to play.
7) They are great at begging.
8) They will love you forever if you rub their tummies.
9) They leave their toys everywhere.
10) They do disgusting things with their mouths and then try to give you a kiss.
Conclusion: They're little men in fur coats
What is a Cat?
1) Cats do what they want.
2) They rarely listen to you.
3) They're totally unpredictable.
4) They whine when they are not happy.
5) When you want to play, they want to be alone.
6) When you want to be alone, they want to play.
7) They expect you to cater to their every whim.
8) They're moody.
9) They leave hair everywhere.
10) They drive you nuts and cost an arm and a leg.
Conclusion: They're tiny little women in fur coats

Q. What do you call an Amish guy with his hand up a horse's butt?

A. A mechanic

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel shoved down his pants. A woman standing at the bar can't help but notice and say "excuse me, but did you know you have a steering wheel in your pants?"
The pirate looks at the woman and says "Arrr, I do, and it's drivin me nuts!"

Ok thats some from me. Lets hear some from you guys.
ur dog and cat this is funny and si suposed to relate to women and men but i dont get one thing
"9) They leave hair everywhere. "
"10) They do disgusting things with their mouths and then try to give you a kiss.
So I saw the new pirate movie the other day. It's rated, "ARRRRrgh"
Its like some kind of thread where jokes go to die....:b
Originally posted by Direwolf
Its like some kind of thread where jokes go to die....:b


That was actually quite funny. Makes me think of the elephant grave yard in the Lion Kind for some reason. Strange

I had a really funny joke but i forgot the punchline and its so annoying. When i heard it, i wasnt at my best (I'd had one to many drinks) so i can only remember laughing a lot.

Anyway, here comes the cheese!

If you spin a Chinese man around a lot, does that make him Dis-Orientated?

If a pig loses it voice, does that mean its Dis-Gruntled?

Ok, thats enough for now, no more than two cheesey jokes per post i think.

I think for the funniest stuff though, you've got to check out some of the stuff said in this place here ----->Hilarious

Two fish in tank. One says to the other 'how do you drive this thing?'

Badoom-boom bloody tish.

Oh, and a shetland pony walked into the bar. The bartender says why the long face and the pony says he's a little horse.

Ha. Ha. ha. Kill me....
And in a popular spin on the fish joke...

Two fish in a tank. one says to the other 'blurgleblurgeblunglubglub'.
An Asian man walked into the currency exchange in New York with 2000 yen and walked out with $72.
The following week, he walked in with 2000 yen and was handed $66.
He asked the teller why he got less money than he had gotten the previous week.
The lady answers, "Fluctuations."
The Asian man stormed out, and just before slamming the door, he turned around and said "F*** you Amelicans too!"
Mildred was a 93 year-old woman who was particularly despondent over the recent death of her husband Earl. She decided that she would just kill herself and join him in death.
Thinking that it would be best to get it over with quickly, she took out Earl's old Army pistol and made the decision to shoot herself in the heart since it was so badly broken in the first place.
Not wanting to miss the vital organ and become paralized, she called her doctor's office to inquire as to just exactly where the heart would be.
"On a woman," the doctor said, "your heart would be just below your left breast."
Later that night, Mildred was admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her left knee.
Originally posted by thenerdguy
Mildred was a 93 year-old woman...


A pedophile, a rapist and a priest walk into a bar. This was only the first person.
this thread.

i loved the fish tank joke...lol
why did hellen kellers dog kill herself???

you would to if your name was AHH!!AHAHARGHSLPSHRSH!
Originally posted by alb1221
why did hellen kellers dog kill herself???

you would to if your name was AHH!!AHAHARGHSLPSHRSH!


Wouldn't the dogs name be nothing?

Hellen Keller was a mute.
Two guys and a woman are stranded on a desert island.
After a while, nature takes it's course and way-hey-hey... the two guys are sleeping with the girl (not at the same time may I add).
After a while, the girl's racked with guilt and scared about being stranded and kills herself, leaving the two guys alone.
Nature takes its course, and way-hey-hey...
After a little while, one of the guys says:
"Look, what we've both been doing... It's... Well, it's not right is it?"
"No, you're right. We really ought to bury her."
Why did the car crash?

The driver turned into a goat.
Originally posted by nw909

Wouldn't the dogs name be nothing?

Hellen Keller was a mute.

no she just didnt speak correct words it was gargly goosh
When I went to lunch today, I noticed this man about 75-80 years old sitting on a bench near the food court as he was sobbing his eyes out. I stopped and asked him what was wrong.
He said, "I have a 22 year old wife at home. She makes love to me every morning. She then gets up and makes me pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit and freshly ground, brewed coffee."
I said, "Well, then why are you crying?"
He said, "She makes me homemade soup for lunch and my favorite brownies. She also makes love to me for half the afternoon."
I said, "Well, so why are you crying?"
He said, "For dinner, she makes me a gourmet meal with wine and my favorite desert. She then makes love to me until 2:00 am."
I said, "Well, why in the world would you be crying?"
The old man said: "I CAN'T REMEMBER WHERE I LIVE!!!!"
Something funny happened in Math class. We had problem sovling questions-there were a few optional one. One was: Why can't a man living in Burnaby be buried in Richmond?

A: Cuz he's alive
One idiot said: Cuz there's not cemetary in richmond, and another guy said that there was no water-WTF
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Something funny happened in Math class. We had problem sovling questions-there were a few optional one. One was: Why can't a man living in Burnaby be buried in Richmond?

A: Cuz he's alive
One idiot said: Cuz there's not cemetary in richmond, and another guy said that there was no water-WTF

Thats not really a joke but more of a tricky question.
Here's a tricky question
Some months have 30 days, some have 31 days.
Which months have 28?
why did the condum cross the road?
because it was pissed off. ;x

there were 3 guys trying to get into the guiness book of world records..
so they all went to the guiness office. (not together)

the lady at the counter asks what they want to enter in for?

one guys says "i wanna see if i have the biggest hands"
the next guy says "i wanna see if i have the widest feet"
the 3rd guy says "i wanna see if i have the littlest cock"

they all go in and get measured up or w/e
the lady tells them if they are in our out before they exit the room
out side the office they ask each other if they got in..

the guy with the biggest hands says "yeah i got it!!!"
the guy with the widest feet says "hell yeah i got in"
the guy with the littlest cock says "damnit, no, some guy named nw909 beat me"

kthxbye ;)

I don't seem to feel affected...

That joke is really quite clever but I know he didn't make it, although now I can use that joke for my own.
;x w00t i didnt affect nw...i feel blessed for another 82 days :D
Originally posted by x84D80Yx
why did the condum cross the road?
because it was pissed off. ;x

No, thats;

why did the Condom fly across the room?
It was pissed off.


Ok, /me saves the thread !

Two builders from New Zealand, called Phil and Mick, are working at the top of a high
rise building site. Phil turns to Mick & says "I've gotta take a piss, but there's
nowhere to go".
"Walk out to the end of that plank" replies Mick. "I'll stand on this end
and balance it"
"Are You sure Mick?"
"Yep, no worries mate"
"100 %?"
So out goes Phil to take a leak, but before he's finished the lunch siren
sounds. Mick forgets what he's supposed to be doing and steps off the plank.
Phil of course, is a goner.

Several months later an Australian, a Frenchman
and a New Zealander are sitting in a bar discussing which of their respective nations
chase women the hardest.
Wazza the Aussie says "Mate, I've been known to miss a piss-up session down at the pub
with me mates trying to crack on the Sheila's!"
Pierre, the Frenchman says "Non, non, non. We French chase ze women weeth much zest and
geev to zem gifts of love like French champagne to ween zeir affection. Eet ees us for
Meanwhile Bob the New Zealander sits laughing & says "No no, you blokes are both wrong.
The other month I was walking past a building site at home, following these 2 gorgeous
looking birds, and this bloke came plummeting from the sky with his dick in his hand


Two men are drinking in a bar at the top of the Empire State Building. One turns to the
other and says: "You know last week I discovered that if you jump from the top of this
building - by the time you fall to the 10th floor, the winds around the building are so
intense that they carry you around the building and back into the window."

The bartender just shakes his head in disapproval while wiping the bar.
The 2nd Man says: "What are you a nut? There is no way in hell that could happen."
1st Man: "No it's true let me prove it to you." So he gets up from the bar, jumps over the
balcony, and careens to the street below.
When he passes the 10th floor, the high wind whips him around the building and back into
the 10th floor window and he takes the elevator back up to the bar.
The 2nd Man tells him: "You know I saw that with my own eyes, but that must have been a one
time fluke."
1st Man: "No,I'll prove it again" and again he jumps and hurtles toward the street where the
10th floor wind gently carries him around the building and into the window. Once upstairs
he urges his fellow drinker to try it.
2nd Man: "Well what the hell, it works, I'll try it." So he jumps over the balcony, plunges
downward, passes the 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th floors... and hits the sidewalk with a 'splat.'

Back upstairs the Bartender turns to the other drinker:
"You know, Superman, you're a real ****er when you're drunk."