Operation Everlasting Shadow

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Firstly: I have deleted the old thread, mainly due to the fact that it had a stupid pro plus - inspired name, so this is the place where all news about the HL2 mod Operation Everlasting Shadow will be posted. Now we no longer have an arrogant thread name :)P) i hope that all you forumites will comment on our design ideas.

Secondly: Sniper, Stone and me, and many others have been attacked by the feindish combo of A-Levels and GCSEs currently roaming the English countryside and halting valuable mod-work at will. I would just like to wish everybody who is taking exams at the moment the best of luck.

Thirdly: Narcisstic Gaming (our team's name) is now associated with BioProductions webdesign (they were hosting us). Since BioProductions is in fact owned by Sniper, it would be silly not to join the two, since BioProductions will probably handling PR and distribution. Hopefully this will give us more flexability

Fourthly: Thank you for reading all this and I hope to hear feedback on the things we have done and we still need mappers and coders, and Baldrick, if you read this I like your map shots very much and would like to see how you handle a high-poly office enviroment.

Here is the final model (unskinned as yet) of the G36C, which has been confirmed as the primary Black Ops weapon:

many thanks everyone


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Nice model there, I hope there not the real colours..lol

And good luck to you too, i'm doing my GSCE's :D
GCSE's!!! god that was so long ago for me, i feel so old ....

;( ;(

the model looks cool and good luck with your exams ^_^
thanks, well they aren't the real colours, unless for some reason our skinner decides to quit, damn uve got me worried now...

New things recently confirmed by the team (of which I am leader):

There will be always at least two ways to do anything, although this largely depends on the mappers, and not me, but still....

The mod will be single player only, and sees you as Agent 151, charged with cleaning up the last remenents of the Black Mesa disaster.

Loads of Black Ops gadgets will be available, Night Vision and many more (no Thermal vision though)

Team and solo operations will be involved, as you will work with Black Ops teams and Operatives in a variety of different enviroments

Expect Corporate Espionage style missions, infiltration as well as more 'typical' type missions.

The mod is not just a series of missions ala Raven Shield, but a continuing, evolving storyline

comments please :) (Stone is pleased the world likes his models, btw)

Badger Out
Sniper, crying feebly from his bedside, unable to do mod work due to exams says "Alert the nice people that there will be a competition to win a cd full of unreleased stuff from Operation Everlasting Shadow...." so thats that folks.... The comp isnt up yet... but still, it's nice to know we care, isn't it?

In other news, and yes there is news practically every day :) is that we have a near-complete G36C model, with transparent clip :), and here it is: (comments please)


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Originally posted by mrBadger
Sniper, crying feebly from his bedside, unable to do mod work due to exams says "Alert the nice people that there will be a competition to win a cd full of unreleased stuff from Operation Everlasting Shadow...." so thats that folks.... The comp isnt up yet... but still, it's nice to know we care, isn't it?

In other news, and yes there is news practically every day :) is that we have a near-complete G36C model, with transparent clip :), and here it is: (comments please)

The model is very good, but i think the skin need some more work. I whould like to see some more details on it.

Keep the good work up m8!
thank you very much for your comments, yeh stone is working on the detail of the skin as i type this....so expect to see an update soon.
Oh, one more thing m8.

Your site, its build with flash (and html), right? I should skip that if i was you and try to make a more clean site. Do you know what i mean? I beginning to sound like a "negative nansy" But i hope you dont get mad or anything, im just trying to help (but i think you understand that)
Nah, i won't get mad, dw. Yeah i beleive it is infact made with Flash and HTML, yeah i do understand. We'll try and adress that in the next update, there won't be many of them for a while, since Sniper is down with the dreaded exams. Like I said ALL comments are appriciated (i can't spell, but thats not my fault)! Thanks anyway.

Badger out
my only critical comment about the model is that is seems to rounded....
hmmm yeh, i guess so. Ill pass these comments onto Stone...thanks for your opinion :)
my only critisism at the moment is the mods name...
Why don't you like the name Matt? Neway the magazine will empty while being fired....hope you like that idea

Well, as the modeller of the model :E , I feel obliged to add to this thread.. :p

and ask, SidewinderX143, if you hold any modern weapon, they handle, feel and look excatly like a plastic toy, until u flip the safety off, and pull that trigger, and realise it's not in your shoulder correctly, that you realise that it's not a toy...

Modern weapons are horrible in my opinion, looking too round and soft, for my liking....just like the L85a1, which the british force use..horrible horrible weapon

( stone curls up into a ball and shakes for a while before remembering what he was doing )

anywho, I'm glad to see that you guys like my work :p
Mr Badger this indeed looks awesome, i hope everything goes well for your mod!!!!!

If i ever was to get my dream of a mod off the ground then i would offer you any models that would be available that you might request :cheers:

Will the Black Ops in your mod have an electronic door pick device in order to break through electronic locks? If you dont you could consider the idea seems like the kind of thing i would imagine Black Ops using.
well, your ideas certainly are good. Read the PM ive sent you and see if you want to take us up on our offer.

Btw we are still looking for a dedicated mapper, who ideally have another skill too. THink thats for you ? PM me. Thanks
An Official Announcement.......

Team NG would like to welcome Major Reiser as new multi-player team leader......Battleground: Earth will be Operation Everlasting Shadow's multiplayer mode! Comments please everyone. I hope this is the beginning of a long and fruitful mod relationship :)
Ok and now, to wet all you taste bud's
*drum roll*
Some more shots of an unfinished G36C :p
That notorious layout, Stone has done some more work, this time a USP Tactical, despite the fact it is untextured and bears an uncanny resemlence to a water pistol, i think you guys might like to see it! enjoy :)
Nice job boys, i like the G36 alot will there be one with a C-mag?
And i was wondering shouldn't their pistol be a US Socom after all it is used by US special op's so i feel it would fit better with the USP being given to the Female Assassins (with silencer of course that player can remove)
arr, well you see, when get 3Dsmax working again (damn thing)...
I've created A silencer, Tactical Light and laser sight for the pistol 2, I'll upload an image when i get this damn thing
*Stone Bashes Repeatedly On Screen*
That G36 looks real good. Very impressive. I have only one suggestion, its minor and most gamers wont notice it.
The rounds in your magazine arent staggered right. they are spaced way too far apart verticaly. also you need to leave a little bit of room for the follower and spring at the bottom of the mag.
Very minor, and only noticed it after studying the pics for a bit.
It'll of course cost extra polys to do it, and that may not justify the effort of the correction.

Anyhow, very nice model.
Originally posted by Major Reiser

And i was wondering shouldn't their pistol be a US Socom after all it is used by US special op's so i feel it would fit better with the USP being given to the Female Assassins (with silencer of course that player can remove)

thats the plan......:)
Just wanna offer my congrats to your gr8 lookin mod and site! I wud offerand as well, but i only have a lil bit of modding an graphics experience - but other games! Ah well, Photoshop an Quark Express do me well :p
why thanks Dust! Sniper can claim credit for the site, Stone for the models, Major for ideas.....and me for.....errr....oh yeh, thinking the whole thing up! :p thanks!
I find the website anoying. (maby because it is soo empty. and I dont take a "we just got started" for an answer)

edit: and dont put up a forum untill you have a nice fanbased community in a IRC channel.

I hate empty sites who have forums.. do you have a forum? (forgot to look :eek:)
well, actually there is a reason....sniper (the webmaster) has been brought down by exams, and is therefore unable to work
okey.. then lett me give the webmaster some tips.

dont use scrolling text. it destracts from the content (okey it is supposed to do that) but it is very anoying.

blue, grey and matrix green doesnt match. (gives a very amature apperance).

polls are okey once they are good intigrated into the website. () is ugly

animated flash logo can be anoying to.

use the lettertype "verdana" (this board uses this lettertype) it reads much easier on the internet

anyway.. goodluck with dah website and your modd. and the models look nice. (use a light background so you san see a sillouette from the model)
I'm sure that if sniper is listening then he'll take your comments on board! :) . Well thank you and I wish you luck on whatever you chose to endevour on..... anyone else wanna comment on our stuff?
Very nice powerdrill you have there badger. Do you play as a handyman in the game or something? Let me guess the slot 1 weapon is a hammer and slot 2 is a nailgun.
just to be a critic....
THe gun looks to "round". The G36C has relativley flat sides, not as rounded as yours. the stock also looks a bit to thick.
the skin also looks a little bit weird, but that might jsut because you are using abalck bacground. could you post a render with it on a gray backgorund so we can see the whole model?

one other note. you can't be sure if the HL2 engine can support some materials, like the tansparent one on the clip.

it that's a skinning job, it looks like it is being illuminated from the inside....

jsut some crits....
Thats not skinned, That called my slapping on something just to give an idea..... and too stop people complaining about it being pink and stuff.

And I'm sure transparancy will be within the Game, using Shaders, which oviously the game already has implemented....
For Example: The G-Man Made Of Water....!?!
We don't have a forum or an IRC channel , we may have them in future, but I have never bothered to learn how to use IRC, so when I do, maybe then..... I dunno
The Hydra is transparent, or so I believe, and if for some reason model transparency isn't in there, then Ill do my level best to code it in :)