PC Gameplay score 90% vs FarCry 93%?!?

Aahhh ok, so like many of us here on the forums, PCGP felt that HL2 should've been alot better with its own multiplayer rather then CS:S
this is indeed great news...i said it before but i have to say it again...since i dont care about the multiplayer, i believe HL2 is now the best FPS from HL1 till now...
After reading what PCGameplay said about Half-Life2, it's clear the reviewer did a poor job at evaluating the game's score. Not all reviewers are created equal :D.

The fact is Far Cry did not have anything revolutionary about it, and it did not contain any new multiplayer. Half-Life2 DM is NOT new - and notice he specifically mentions DM because HE is probably a DM player (clearly showing bias and allowing it to affect his judgement).

CounterStrike Source comes WITH Half-Life2 and therefore is part of its value. It's NOT new BUT it is executed extremely well. Although I can't say whether Half-Life2 is worth a 90% or a 98%, I can spot a bad review. This idiot knocked down the score because for him HE wanted DM and feels personally hurt so he ignores the value of the CounterStrike MP which comes with the game. Gamers are paying for the value of HalfLife 2 and whatever comes in the box. The score must reflect that value, and CounterStrike Source will allow you to create mods for Half-Life2 and you can use the models from Half-Life2 to do so.

Disregard this review. Not because of the score, but because of how it reads. This guy is bitter because he did not get his DM and he does not write very well for a reviewer :)
Thanks for the information SoSorry, and yes, I also believe Half-Life 2 single player should be judged as such, and not for anything it isn't. If they're going to review Half-Life 2 like that, then they should have waited to review the whole package (CS: Source, HL: Source, Half-Life 2) in my opinion before criticising the game for something which has no bearing on the single-player adventure.

Or instead just reviewed the single-player separately as a part of the overall package and judged it for what it is.

The cons to be honest seem to be based on little niggly elements from the looks of things.

Still... 90% is a good score. :)
How long does a Single player game live? 4 months tops.

How long does a great MP live? 3-4 years maybe.

Therefor its definately a big diff when it comes to the review, that they review the MP part as well.

Good call, PC-GP
Hanta Swe said:
How long does a Single player game live? 4 months tops.

How long does a great MP live? 3-4 years maybe.

Therefor its definately a big diff when it comes to the review, that they review the MP part as well.

Good call, PC-GP

Erm, Half-Life 2 has support for mods, so they'll be plenty of multiplayer games available for it.
my shop didn't have it, they said they will call me when they get it in. I am leaving my house at about 14:30 so I don't expect to get it today. I thinking that the reviewer who reviewed it most likely gave a fair judgement but I'll judge his judgement when I get it.
Yepp, but i didnt play HL SP for 3 years, i played CS.

I mean, how many are still playing BF1942 single player, lol ;)

I will definately buy HL2 (3 times over), and LOVE the SP. But after a month or so... the SP is "over" , and me be drooling over mods (as u say). MP will always beat SP, since ure playing against other humans.

And the only bit that is sad about HL2, is that they (Valve), couldnt/wouldnt/didnt dare give it a new,fresh MP.
Hanta Swe said:
How long does a Single player game live? 4 months tops.

How long does a great MP live? 3-4 years maybe.

Therefor its definately a big diff when it comes to the review, that they review the MP part as well.

Good call, PC-GP

No. It's a very very bad call. This review is just poor.

Half-Life2 comes with multiplayer. The most popular multiplayer game in the world. There is no better replayability than that. I hate CounterStrike yet I recognize its value, and it comes with Half-Life2. I would have like it to have come with a Half-Life2 themed multiplayer, but to disregard the value of the MultiPlayer that comes with the game since it's not directly half-life themed, is just stupid. People will look at the score and compare it to other games with a higher score and get the wrong impression.

This reviewer wants DM which holds little value to most people. Also Most people (90% or more) never play beyond the single player game which is why even if Half-Life2 had no MP at all, this reviewer's score is still stupid, if Half-life2 is as good as PCGamer UK/U.S claims it is. :)
SoSorry said:
No. It's a very very bad call. This review is just poor.

Half-Life2 comes with multiplayer. The most popular multiplayer game in the world. There is no better replayability than that. I hate CounterStrike yet I recognize its value, and it comes with Half-Life2. I would have like it to have come with a Half-Life2 themed multiplayer, but to disregard the value of the MultiPlayer that comes with the game since it's not directly half-life themed, is just stupid. People will look at the score and compare it to other games with a higher score and get the wrong impression.

This reviewer wants DM which holds little value to most people. Also Most people (90% or more) never play beyond the single player game which is why even if Half-Life2 had no MP at all, this reviewer's score is still stupid, if Half-life2 is as good as PCGamer UK/U.S claims it is. :)

Have you read the review?
SoSorry said:
Half-Life2 comes with multiplayer. The most popular multiplayer game in the world.

True, but howcome we all now that...yea,

SoSorry said:
There is no better replayability than that.

Just beacause everybody looooved Doom, u cant just pack it along , as the MP to Doom 4. ay least not in my mind.

SoSorry said:
Also Most people (90% or more) never play beyond the single player game

If this is true in the year of 2004, i really feel sorry for those ppl.

Not flaming, just not agreeing with what u said.

Far Cry got a better score because it was sort of THEE first next generation FPS to come out. It was this big refresh of all the good things in life. Half Life 2 is coming out so much longer after it that its kind of lost its sting. I bet if HL2 came out last september it would have gotten no less then a 9.7 in all magazines.
Well Valve told us from the beginning they had something special planned for the MP, and they lied... CS:S isn't so special...

That's why the reviewer torned down the score, and that's not hard to believe and is right imo.

and no, the reviewer nor the review is poor. Did you play the game by your self?
The Silhouette said:
Far Cry got a better score because it was sort of THEE first next generation FPS to come out. It was this big refresh of all the good things in life. Half Life 2 is coming out so much longer after it that its kind of lost its sting. I bet if HL2 came out last september it would have gotten no less then a 9.7 in all magazines.

very good point..

this makes no sense. we are getting "extra value" from cs:s? no, we got screwed out of real multiplayer, and a pos added in instead. its a crummy substitute.
that doesnt sound like good value to me. its like ordering a combo from KFC, but they dont give you chips, they give you onion rings instead. you expect chips in your combo. "but you are paying for the burger and drink, the rings are a bonus!"

no sense at all, circle logic.
Wesisapie said:

this makes no sense. we are getting "extra value" from cs:s? no, we got screwed out of real multiplayer, and a pos added in instead. its a crummy substitute.
that doesnt sound like good value to me. its like ordering a combo from KFC, but they dont give you chips, they give you onion rings instead. you expect chips in your combo. "but you are paying for the burger and drink, the rings are a bonus!"

no sense at all, circle logic.
But i thought you loved playing CS:S with me ;(
SoSorry said:
After reading what PCGameplay said about Half-Life2, it's clear the reviewer did a poor job at evaluating the game's score. Not all reviewers are created equal :D.

Without reading the review how can you know?
IMHO he did great and I was already of oppinion that Valve should be punished for reclycling old games even if as I am a HL2 fanboi.

SoSorry said:
The fact is Far Cry did not have anything revolutionary about it, and it did not contain any new multiplayer. Half-Life2 DM is NOT new - and notice he specifically mentions DM because HE is probably a DM player (clearly showing bias and allowing it to affect his judgement).

Nothing revolutionary? lol :) Thats the same as saying HL2 has nothign new.
And no new multiplay gametypes in farcry perhaps, but at least they implement a multiplay based on the singleplayer weapons.
Also its not one guy's opinion based on the collums.

SoSorry said:
CounterStrike Source comes WITH Half-Life2 and therefore is part of its value. It's NOT new BUT it is executed extremely well. Although I can't say whether Half-Life2 is worth a 90% or a 98%, I can spot a bad review. This idiot knocked down the score because for him HE wanted DM and feels personally hurt so he ignores the value of the CounterStrike MP which comes with the game. Gamers are paying for the value of HalfLife 2 and whatever comes in the box. The score must reflect that value, and CounterStrike Source will allow you to create mods for Half-Life2 and you can use the models from Half-Life2 to do so.
CS:s is just recyceled gameplay with the exact same maps but physics and grafical updates.
Where a new HL2 Dm could have taken far more advantage of physics and HL2 weapons like the gravity gun.
If you don't consider the lack of these options as a loss than I feel sorry for you.
Keep in mind that this magazine keeps a realistic score system,
everything scoring 90+ is considered a classic you would sell youre mother for.
HL:s is nothing more then the 1998 game and gfx (textures) running on the source engine. It would probebly score the same or lower as cs:cz

SoSorry said:
Disregard this review. Not because of the score, but because of how it reads. This guy is bitter because he did not get his DM and he does not write very well for a reviewer :)

Just the monthly collum and the start of the review handle the lack of DM, the rest of the review is to drool at and makes you want the game so bad you would probebly kill someone for it.

Judgeing the review/reviewer on the few quotes I or others may have posted is the same as I would say the pc:gamer review gave 10 points extra for getting the exclusive without reading the article or knowing the magazine's reputation/history.

Now that said, maybe PCGP should have given something more like 91-93 imho, but at least I understand their motivation, i would have been a bit more mild :)
But no doubt that if Valve made more work about a orriginal multiplay option they would have broken alot of score records...
I wonder what the plans are for tfc:s.
Wesisapie said:
that doesnt sound like good value to me. its like ordering a combo from KFC, but they dont give you chips, they give you onion rings instead. you expect chips in your combo. "but you are paying for the burger and drink, the rings are a bonus!"

no sense at all, circle logic.
No, it's like getting a colonels choice meal and you expect a non-spicy chicken fillet. But they give you a spicy chicken fillet!! WOO !! That extra spice is a pleasant suprise as you scoff down the burge, chips and a nice large cup of mountain dew.

Sparta said:
But i thought you loved playing CS:S with me ;(
there's only so many times you can shoot someone in the head with an AK-47. really.
ive been playing since beta 5
He appeared to have read the review from what I read of his initial impressions-of-it post, unless I'm misinterpreting.

SoSorry said:
After reading what PCGameplay said about Half-Life2, it's clear the reviewer did a poor job at evaluating the game's score. Not all reviewers are created equal.

Feath said:
Have you read the review?
Counter Strike Source should not be considered the multiplayer for Half Life 2. The only thing it has in common with Half Life 2 is a game engine.

For it to be a HL2 MP mode, it would have to have weapons from HL2, some character models from HL2, and a general HL2 theme.

This means that people won't be making multiplayer HL2 mods, they'll be making multiplayer CSS mods.
Glad to see (early in the thread) MaxPayne2 fans. 'Matrix' has nothing to do with it for me, however-- just a great game. Max in the high-rise and Mona Sax in the abandoned warehouse and in the Funhouse are some of the best and best looking levels, ever. (Levels got repetetive and Remedy didn't make enough game content to go with the story, but what there was of it was fantastic anyway). Far more like HL2 than Far Cry.

(Far Cry was a shiny, glossy, stupid dog, and I will never understand why people liked it so much.)

Done complaining now. HL2 coming out!..still two months away, though, jeez.

Any magazine that scores Far Cry higher than HL2 has no credence for me.
Bluestrike said:
everything scoring 90+ [in PCGP] is considered a classic you would sell youre mother for.

I'm pretty sure in a few years Far Cry is completely forgotten, whereas HL2 and its mods still remain popular. And NO, I wouldn't sell my mom for Far Cry, although I wouldn't do so for HL2 either (I'd be tempted, though!). Far Cry? Hardly a classic. HL2? We'll see.
Too low? Anyone of y'all whining there actually played HL2 already? Or is it only blind fan-talk?
HL2 may turn out not so game-of-century-eating-others-for-breakfast. Realize.
Did the NL magazine say anything more negative than no multiplayer? If not they shouldn't take away whole 10% just because of that
Cujo said:
Too low? Anyone of y'all whining there actually played HL2 already? Or is it only blind fan-talk?
HL2 may turn out not so game-of-century-eating-others-for-breakfast. Realize.

we all played beta version ;)

I must say just playing the beta version it was awesome
Cujo said:
Too low? Anyone of y'all whining there actually played HL2 already? Or is it only blind fan-talk?
HL2 may turn out not so game-of-century-eating-others-for-breakfast. Realize.

It's just that even watching the binks of HL2 offer me more excitement and innovation than _playing_ far cry. But hey, maybe Valve filled the rest of the game with shite and all the other levels are filled with boring cramped corridors and other cliches! :rolleyes:
Yeah! Let's give it 100% without playing! Why even bother? Binks and beta sorted out it all.
Stupid reviewers... What do they know.
I didn't say that. I only said that IF the binks are anything to go by, then we have a winner in our hands. I also expressed my disbelief that Valve could make the rest of the game suck so much that the game would actually be rather mediocre (like FC) despite the good scenes in the binks. It IS a possibility, but I sincerely doubt it. As I said earlier, I just have to wait and see. I haven't played the leak so I wouldn't know anything about that, though.

EDIT: The reviewer did say that the friendly AI isn't that great. Maybe it poses a bigger problem than I thought. Hopefully not, though!

EDIT2: Awww... my 100th post.
perrkele said:
I'm pretty sure in a few years Far Cry is completely forgotten, whereas HL2 and its mods still remain popular. And NO, I wouldn't sell my mom for Far Cry, although I wouldn't do so for HL2 either (I'd be tempted, though!). Far Cry? Hardly a classic. HL2? We'll see.

Farcry has the same status as HL has for me...
And if Crytek didn't move from Ubisoft to EA we could have expexted addons and sequels, can hardly call that forgotten.
Besides there are more games that had higher scores and got forgotten while others became classics. No big deal and Farcry/Crytek diserved the push in the back more then Valve does now IMHO :p What doesn't take away that I find HL2 the better game.

I don't see what would have made Farcry mediocore, 1st nextgen game with physics, decent story, great setting, open ended aproach for player...

Nex321 said:
Did the NL magazine say anything more negative than no multiplayer? If not they shouldn't take away whole 10% just because of that
Poor friendly AI pathing sometimes (in small area's they tend to stand in your way)

And while not written as negative, the review itself considers hl:s as poor and cs:s as a cheap port (might make it look to negative now but I am not a profesional translator so sue me) what probebly also got calculated into the score.
Every trailer or teaser type of hype is aimed to raise "ohhs" and "ahhs". Don't be so naive.
I bet HL2 will rock as hell. But i can't stand kiddies fanboys talk (not like i think u r one perrkele).
CS:S is PART of Half Life 2. If you go buy Half Life 2, you get CS:S. That's why is was part of the review. Not reviewing it would be like doing a review for Battlefield: Vietnam, but not reviewing the multiplayer...
Bluestrike said:
Farcry has the same status as HL has for me...

Ok, I respect your opinion, but myself I didn't find FC _that_ incredible. It was very fresh and looked amazing, but the gameplay got a bit tedious and the story elements/characters just didn't do it for me. I think we should just agree to disagree. :)

Bluestrike said:
And if Crytek didn;t move from Ubisoft to EA we could have expexted addons and sequels, can hardly call that forgotten.
Besides there are more games that had higher scores and got forgotten while others became classics. No big deal and Farcry/Crytek diserved the push in the back more then Valve does now IMHO :p What doesn't take away that I find HL2 the better game.

Well I guess you're correct in this, yes. There would definitely sequels, but why do you think there won't be any now that they're on EA? I just believe that the first game didn't have that big of an impact that it would stick into everyone's head for years to come. Crytek DID do an amazing job with the game though, I mean it was their first game, right? A pat in the back was definitely in order, it was a good game. But judging by what I've seen of HL2, there's going to be a bit of a "leap" again in the FPS genre. Maybe not as big as with the first HL, but some of the features in HL2 just make it so much more life-like. A case in point: the tenements bink... when I saw it the first time, I couldn't believe I was watching a movie of a game! Now THAT's good story-telling!

But anyway, I apologize if I sounded a bit hostile with my post - that was not my intention.

Cujo said:
Every trailer or teaser type of hype is aimed to raise "ohhs" and "ahhs". Don't be so naive.
I bet HL2 will rock as hell. But i can't stand kiddies fanboys talk (not like i think u r one perrkele).

Yes, that's what exactly trailers are supposed to do. But these trailers do really show us the potential of the game, there's so much incredible stuff you can do only with clever use of characters and facial animation when it comes to telling a good story. But I guess it could be true, maybe I am just naive when I expect Valve to deliver. And I definitely didn't mean to sound like a rabid fanboy, I really don't consider myself one at least.
Ok we worked it somewhat out then :)

Reason there won't be any sequel is that Ubisoft has the rights on Farcry. They working on a new title at EA now I believe.
Bluestrike said:
Ok we worked it somewhat out then :)

Reason there won't be any sequel is that Ubisoft has the rights on Farcry. They working on a new title at EA now I believe.

OK, thanks. That explains it then. The guys at CryTek definitely are talented, I would have very much liked to see what they could have done with more FC games. Hopefully they'll continue doing FPS games, though, and I hope EA won't screw them with ridiculous deadlines etc. :)
perrkele said:
And NO, I wouldn't sell my mom for Far Cry, although I wouldn't do so for HL2 either (I'd be tempted, though!)

I'd sell your mum for either game
Geez, You think maybe cause it's a German website? A little biased because Crytek is a German developer? Farcry single-player was pretty good, Forget about playing it online, it still sucks today 9mos later, had to have it's first major patch withdrawn it was so poor... Farcry is a good example of a company not following through, They had a chance to raise the bar, and thought that it's newness, and graphics would be enough, we know different... Thus HL2 will be the act to follow as HL1 and it's engine did.... I guess Valve is the only one's that know how to do it right, Cause I haven't seen anyone else make a game that makes it all the way around...
RhapSidious said:
Sorry if this has been posted, but I checked and didn't see anything so don't flame...

This info is from an German fansite article describing the PC Gamer review... on a side note it had this attached... I used an online translator from German to English, so this isn't perfect...

UPDATE: Now the evaluation from the Dutch PC Gameplay is also known. Here Half-Life 2 received "only 90% (to the comparison: Doom3 received 86%, FarCry got whole 93%). As a negative point the missing multiple egg merchant is stated.

I hope this isn't true... if it is then PC Gameplay is smoking crack or something. HL2 has GOT to be better than FarCry. Maybe they are just harsh because of the lack of MP (other than CS:S). :upstare:

EDIT: LOL... egg merchant.

I don't see what's so outrageous about that. FarCry was a damn good game, and for some it may be more appealing and entertaining than HL2.