PC Gamer Exclusive Half-Life 2 Review

fabianoag said:
I'm not sure how its a World-Exclusive first review, seeing the Australian gaming mag PCPowerPlayer has a Half-Life 2 review in the November issue...

December is just the name, it's out this week
I know I haven't been on this forum too long...but...these feelings are so hard to hide. I LOVE YOU ICARUS. :P
You seriously made my day...
(coming from the man who has the CE pre-ordered, paid in full, and when it comes out he won't have a computer good enought to play it...It's almost sad really.)
i cant believe that this game is better than expected. i know that might be magazine hype, but if theres a game and a company that can blow us away again, its HL2 and valve.
INTEL IS GAY!!! lol ... just kidding ... im all about love ... peace man <3
ThomasToad said:
I don't think the review will spoil many parts of the plot at all but what i want to know is:

1. what score it got
2. multiplayer explained
3. tell me how awesome it is
4. when is it coming out?

Hopefully they will tell us, thank gabeus for steam!

And I love you icarus you made my day as well :thumbs:
Doom3 got a 94, so this is gonna be a weird score. its gonna be better than doom3, but i dont think it will be perfect, so its gonna be tough for them to find space between 94 & 100. doom3 deserved like an 85.
i love icarus because part of my name is his name too... it's like we have a special bond or something
bet i get called gay again......
I say it will get 98. I'll be suprised if it doesn't beat doom3.... really suprised.

Perhaps PC Gamer is pushing an issue out a little quicker this month... even though it's not even OCTOBER yet, it does seem kind of strange.

Oh well... maybe they are just getting it out of the way and making room for their Holiday issue and their yearly Strategy guide issue (that one's a think mofo).

That's my best guess. Or, this is a fake, and if it is fake, the hoaxer should be put in a bag with rusty nails and thrown over a bridge. Of course I don't condone violence :devil:

Anyways, I sure hope this is real. Tis' a shame I just renewed my subscription and they gave me a time of 4-6 weeks delivery... ah, the sweet irony. I'll have to buy it in the store then I'll have two copies :smoking: Anyone wanna buy a mag off of me for $1? :naughty:
Icarus said:
December is just the name, it's out this week

Icarus, just to make this clear...

I know linking to the review on here is going to almost certainly be an offense...

But when someone inevitably spills the beans later this week and posts the review text and score elsewhere on the net (it's bound to happen), is all talk of this information (score, review opinion etc.) going to be disallowed on Half-Life 2 net? What's the groundwork on this?
Icarus said:
The Game: It's been said that it's more than expected, I can't say more than that

I got all this directly from Dan Morris, it's not photoshopped, and according to Dan, suscribers will get it this week

yes but you said you took a peek! anything! man some enthusiasm here! you dont have to tell us details. Was it favourable? did they mention multiplayer. yes or no will sufice :)
Agent.M said:
Hmm your lack of positive statements about the actual game concerns me Icarus.

I would expect that he's under an NDA...
Icarus said:
December is just the name, it's out this week
k, here in Australia mags usually come out a month early, but 2-3 months? Thats crazy. Luckily my local newsagent gets International mags flown as soon as they become available!
The censoring is just cleaning out the spam.

And Icarusintel, operative x edited his own post, if I edit a post it will say "edited by Icarus" at the bottom in italics, like my first post says
Icarus said:
The censoring is just cleaning out the spam.

And Icarusintel, operative x edited his own post, if I edit a post it will say "edited by Icarus" at the bottom in italics, like my first post says

gotcha, sorry bout the spam, do you know if there's any specific day this week its gonna start disgtribution, or just generally this week?
Icarusintel said:
gotcha, sorry bout the spam, do you know if there's any specific day this week its gonna start disgtribution, or just generally this week?

I can't say
Im still confused here Icarus, were you the one that got the sneak peek of the magazine? Like Cpt. Stern asked was the review favorable? Did they mention mulitplayer?!?! How did you manage to get this sneak peak?
KrustyBurglar said:
these feelings are so hard to hide. I LOVE YOU ICARUS. :P
Uh, Thanks?
Icarusintel said:
i love icarus because part of my name is his name too... it's like we have a special bond or something
Concept said:
Icarus, just to make this clear...

I know linking to the review on here is going to almost certainly be an offense...

But when someone inevitably spills the beans later this week and posts the review text and score elsewhere on the net (it's bound to happen), is all talk of this information (score, review opinion etc.) going to be disallowed on Half-Life 2 net? What's the groundwork on this?
It will be allowed, just not anything that has to do with the scans. So if you are discussing it, you better be subscribed, or your "friend" better have shown it to you.
yeah icarus is the man ... i dont know if i love him like that or anything ... but he certainly is the man :naughty: :smoking:
Well he is the man already because he is a longhorn fan, but he'd be even cooler if he told us/knew if there was a real HL2 MP.
lucidrains said:

hey, does anyone know how to cancel an online petition?

Yeah...make a petition to cancel the first petition.
ThomasToad said:
Im still confused here Icarus, were you the one that got the sneak peek of the magazine?
I got a sneak peak.
ThomasToad said:
Like Cpt. Stern asked was the review favorable? Did they mention mulitplayer?!?! How did you manage to get this sneak peak?
I can't say
guys icarus isnt gonna tell us anything ... but thanks for the info atleast what you're allowed to tell us icarus!!! LONGHORNS SUCK!!! GO SOONERS!!!!
So Icarus, is it killing you not being able to say anything :D

How is your blood pressure?

Oh and an off topic question for you. Have you by any chance been running around your house skipping and jumping and cheering in the last few hours?
Icarus said:
I got a sneak peak.I can't say

Just give us "hints" by using a series of emoticons. For example,

:O :cool: :thumbs: :farmer: :cheers: <--- would indicate the review was quite kick ass.

:borg: :frown: :rolling: :sniper: :devil: <--- would indicate that something has gone horribly horribly wrong.
Very subtle Kiva128... very subtle...

I say we give Icarus a polygraph test. :P
-Viper- said:
Very subtle Kiva128... very subtle...

I say we give Icarus a polygraph test. :P

PCgamer wouldn't suspect a thing and you know it! :cheers:
They probably have Icarus under heavy security with orders to... silence him if he speaks :o

You never know how many resources PCG has...

Run Icarus!
PLEASE TELL US!!!! We're crazy HL2 fanboys and we need SUSTINANCE!
Remember Icarus, always give into peer pressure.


Maybe if we bug him enough he'll snap and spill his guts...that or ban us...well, probably ban us...
we need sam fisher to infiltrate pcgamer and get the info we so desperately seek!
Watch soon the posters at hl2.net will turn into an angry mob and storm PCG.

Break out the crowbars! RELEASE THE HEADCRABS!!!