PC Gamer Exclusive Half-Life 2 Review

The Thing said:
I was wondering where you went. What happened?

Had to have an operation related to my cancer, doctor's are trying something to see if they can stop it from spreading any more.
NJD2003 said:
Had to have an operation related to my cancer, doctor's are trying something to see if they can stop it from spreading any more.
May HL2 give you the strength you need to beat this cancer. :bounce:

Good luck to you.
Concept said:
Icarus, just to make this clear...

I know linking to the review on here is going to almost certainly be an offense...

But when someone inevitably spills the beans later this week and posts the review text and score elsewhere on the net (it's bound to happen), is all talk of this information (score, review opinion etc.) going to be disallowed on Half-Life 2 net? What's the groundwork on this?
Just say you've read review and leave it at that. No need to reveal you pulled it from the internet and there's no way the moderators could know so they'll be unable to take any sort of action against you. In short, don't ask, don't tell.
btw, it was asked earlier and there was no answer, why is "halflife2.net" on the cover? is that for security reasons, and photoshopped in, or is it actually in print like that? and if so, why? buah? i can deal with waiting for the review but... that hl2.net thing is all kinds of "hmm"

edit: wtf, 5 pages of posts appear suddenly ... oi vay i was on page 3 haha :(
poseyjmac said:
we need sam fisher to infiltrate pcgamer and get the info we so desperately seek!
If Sam Fisher is on the case then screw PC Gamer. Infiltrate Vivendi and steal the release candidate for us!
and the US takes the lead over europe once again. :-P

but seriously...kinda funny how the pc gamer US just popped in and was like yo....im first mother ****er.
Jackal hit said:
btw, it was asked earlier and there was no answer, why is "halflife2.net" on the cover? is that for security reasons, and photoshopped in, or is it actually in print like that? and if so, why? buah? i can deal with waiting for the review but... that hl2.net thing is all kinds of "hmm"

I suck at watermarking
Jackal hit said:
btw, it was asked earlier and there was no answer, why is "halflife2.net" on the cover? is that for security reasons, and photoshopped in, or is it actually in print like that? and if so, why? buah? i can deal with waiting for the review but... that hl2.net thing is all kinds of "hmm"

edit: wtf, 5 pages of posts appear suddenly ... oi vay i was on page 3 haha :(
Would you trust the PlanetHalfLife image that doesn't have a water mark?
oh yeah cant wait. i just want to hear about the multiplayer, and the score. is that too much to ask?
The Mullinator said:
Would you trust the PlanetHalfLife image that doesn't have a water mark?
oh it wasn't that i didn't trust it... it just seemed... odd for some reason :P
Narcolepsy said:
I think that would go well on the cover! :E


That or something on the cover like "HL2 Review! Suck it bitches!"
The Mullinator said:
Would you trust the PlanetHalfLife image that doesn't have a water mark?

There's a water mark on the bottom right isn't there?
This just in! Due to security compromises in PCG security, the December issue has had to be rewritten and formatted and will have the release status of 'when it's done.' :laugh:

icarus, by any chance, do you know when this game is coming out?
rbf1138 said:
icarus, by any chance, do you know when this game is coming out?

He can't say

/me is psychic (or maybe, just maybe, I talked to him on AIM and pumped him for info! ;))

Why don't you open a new account with name "BOB" or something.... then this "BOB" saying stuff like.... "I wish HL2 gets 99% rating... and they should include stuff like...." Just don't say anything about magazine...

:cheese: :cheese: :cheese:
20thCenturyBoyz said:
What don't you open a new account with name "BOB" or something.... then this "BOB" saying stuff like.... "I wish HL2 gets 99% rating... and they should include stuff like...." Just don't say anything about magazine...

:cheese: :cheese: :cheese:

Breaking an NDA is a crime. You can get in all sorts of trouble if you berak them..
In all of the excitement, I actually looked over the "12 things you need to know to run Half-life 2 on your PC", and now I'm worried...

I REALLY hope it's nothing that big of a deal. =\
people dont have to mention they have scans of the review.
maybe they could just say they have the review, oh and on a completely different subject, they got a new scanner today.
I know this may be a dumb statement, because nobody really has any idea...but I'm actually kinda worried about the "12 things you need to know to run Half-life 2" article.

Wesisapie said:
people dont have to mention they have scans of the review.
maybe they could just say they have the review, oh and on a completely different subject, they got a new scanner today.

lmao! No relevance, I swear! Just thought you all would like to know just how well even the smallest text scans with my brand new scanner! I just need something to scan now...Oh, and I got PC Gamer today...
Why are people getting scared about that statement?

It's most likely just hardware recommenadations, things like speakers set ups etc.

It's not going to be "You must have your penis cut off and sent to Valve in a plastic bag to be able to play"

Mr-Fusion said:
Why are people getting scared about that statement?

It's most likely just hardware recommenadations, things like speakers set ups etc.

It's not going to be "You must have your penis cut off and sent to Valve in a plastic bag to be able to play"


ok. ^.^
Mr-Fusion said:
"You must have your penis cut off and sent to Valve in a plastic bag to be able to play"

Let's hope you don't come up with the validification method that replaces cd keys.
Icarus said:
The December 2004 issue of PCGamer(US) (subscribers are getting it this week) will contain the World-Exclusive First Review of Half-Life 2. Subscribers are getting it this week but I managed to get a sneak peak, as well as get an image of the cover for you all to take a look at.


There is also a great feature in it about "12 things you need to know to run Half-Life 2 on your PC". You’ll also get a chance to win a customized Half-Life 2 Super-PC. This is a must have for anyone that calls themselves a Half-Life 2 fan. So if you aren’t already a subscriber already (you should be) rush out and get it as soon as it hits store shelves.

the december issue?! it's not even october yet.......
I can see the tag line now

"Could have been a good game in 2003"

Bandages said:
I know this may be a dumb statement, because nobody really has any idea...but I'm actually kinda worried about the "12 things you need to know to run Half-life 2" article.

lmao! No relevance, I swear! Just thought you all would like to know just how well even the smallest text scans with my brand new scanner! I just need something to scan now...Oh, and I got PC Gamer today...
I think they did the same kind of thing with Doom 3. Generally, I think they give advise on which combinations of AA, AF, and resolution work best with certain cards and cpus, etc. I don't think it's anything to worry about.
Bandages said:
I know this may be a dumb statement, because nobody really has any idea...but I'm actually kinda worried about the "12 things you need to know to run Half-life 2" article.

1. You need a computer
2. You need to be breathing
3. You actually have to have a copy of the game
4. At some point, you must pull yourself away from hl2.net
5. Need to stop looking at pr0n (I hear a collective gasp)
6. You'll need BOTH hands to play the game :D
7. It has to go gold at some point
8. You need to get the game blessed by a priest because it will be a miracle when we actually get our grimey hands on the game
9. Must live outside a hurricane zone(poor floridians)
10. I forget what 10 was for
11. Is for the lost gods

Yes, I'm bored. Yes, those last 3 are from a Violent Femmes song.