PC Gamer Exclusive Half-Life 2 Review

I hope someone from here who is trustworthy gets the issue tommorow and posts a full report.

I must know the score and the pros and cons!

Its the only way I will be able to make it through the week!! :D
Bandages said:
Ok, so lets just make an agreement that whoever gets the PC Gamer first will not only tell us all about it, but send links to complete scannings of the pages. :naughty:

Requests for scans is against the rules.

The Mullinator said:
I hope someone from here who is trustworthy gets the issue tommorow and posts a full report.

I must know the score and the pros and cons!

Its the only way I will be able to make it through the week!! :D

heh thats funny
Wait... it's available tomorrow? I read Oct. 5th. Was that PCG UK only?
Well anyways...I seriously wish I was subscribed to this mag. I'll be checking my local newstands daily now, of course. OMG I NEED to know this info!! Today is a good day now.
Sorry, in a rather serious mood for no real reason :) lol
Shuzer said:
Sorry, in a rather serious mood for no real reason :) lol

thats fine w00t w00t ... these next couple of days ( and weeks ) are gonna be harsshhsh waiting
Thankfully, my cousin is subscribed to PCGamer. :)
you do realize they base the score on several factors other than graphics alone. I would say that they would give it a 90+ rating with the pros being the game's gameplay and story. And the cons most likely going to be an engine that is good but behind the times a bit. And possibly the delays as a con.
yea im afraid they might say something about the delays, which would be very unprofessional, because the delays have nothing to do with game content.
Let's all mark September 27th 2004 as the day the hype-o-meter achieved it's highest reading in a long time (excluding the fake 'it's gold' announcement... my meter has been wacky ever since that happend ;))
Helevitia said:
So Icarus, is it killing you not being able to say anything :D
Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets
Helevitia said:
How is your blood pressure?
Great actually
Helevitia said:
Oh and an off topic question for you. Have you by any chance been running around your house skipping and jumping and cheering in the last few hours?
For the past few weeks, over different things. Just can't say anything becuase of NDAs
poseyjmac said:
yea im afraid they might say something about the delays, which would be very unprofessional, because the delays have nothing to do with game content.
Actually I would be utterly delighted if that was a con since it would mean that they couldn't find anything else bad to say about it. Although I am 99% sure that won't be the case.
sgrby877 said:
you do realize they base the score on several factors other than graphics alone. I would say that they would give it a 90+ rating with the pros being the game's gameplay and story. And the cons most likely going to be an engine that is good but behind the times a bit. And possibly the delays as a con.

HL2's engine isn't "behind the times." HL2 isn't representative of how powerful Source is no more than Doom 3 is representative of how powerful its engine is.

Game content != engine capability
I dont think they would factor in a games delays to a review score.
Is that really the final print cover for the magazine? No offense, but that's pretty weak. I hope they change it before it goes to press. Can't we get a little more creative than just the HL2 logo?
I'm afraid to start getting my hopes up without a gold anouncement. Please..

set meh freh!
(For the logo): The simpler the better. I think it represents HL's philosophy as a game perfectly. Simplicity.
Steelwind said:
Is that really the final print cover for the magazine? No offense, but that's pretty weak. I hope they change it before it goes to press. Can't we get a little more creative than just the HL2 logo?

What more needs to be seen? It's HL2 for gods sake!

To me, it says "HL2, 'nuff said"
Steelwind said:
Is that really the final print cover for the magazine? No offense, but that's pretty weak. I hope they change it before it goes to press. Can't we get a little more creative than just the HL2 logo?

It already went to press
YAY! I will hopefully get it this week because my brothers friend gets PC gamers, and since i helped fix his PC, he gives it to me instead.
Ya know, I've been just thinking about when I first entered into this forum. It was last year around Sept 30, and I was ever so excited about everything. And now.....we've finally...within days, have a review on our way!! I personally was disapointed with Doom 3, and I hope that this game gets better then it. BUT WOW, I guess I'm just speechless (so then i ramble, lol) its just such good news!!
Did D3 get the entire cover of PCG when it's review came? And were no other games even mentioned on the front, even in text? I think that's how we can rate the review compared to D3.
-Viper- said:
Did D3 get the entire cover of PCG when it's review came? And were no other games even mentioned on the front, even in text? I think that's how we can rate the review compared to D3.

D3 took up the cover too, IIRC.
Icarus said:
For the past few weeks, over different things. Just can't say anything becuase of NDAs

AHHH you know about the multiplayer you bastard!
That cover epitomizes everything Valve. Simple on the surface, deep and complex underneath. That's their style and i love it.
-Viper- said:
(For the logo): The simpler the better. I think it represents HL's philosophy as a game perfectly. Simplicity.

pfft! pfffffft!(yes im a cat)

ive never heard that until this front page was uncovered. its like the opposite of hl2. the reason hl2 is so cool is because its not simple, you use physics to each different things in different ways, the story and characters will make it interesting so that its not just a simple mindless shooter. its a very complex game. simple is doom3(gg btw)

i think you're trying to be a philosopher but are getting something from nothing. no offense! :angel: :naughty:
I remember other games being on the Doom 3 cover.
I personaly like the cover alot...bold yet simplistic. :smoking:
Yay good news after coming outta the hospital. Hope HL2 gets released soon, and that I have a good enough computer to play it.
NJD2003 said:
Yay good news after coming outta the hospital. Hope HL2 gets released soon, and that I have a good enough computer to play it.

I was wondering where you went. What happened?
Hmm I kinda got it mingled there. Simple as in, yes we've combined everything in this one great game, but it's the whole, not the sum of the parts, that makes this a great game. Ie., you put a lambda up, every1 knows what (game) you're talking about.

Basically what Mr Fusion said.
Icarus said:
I can't say

Do you mean that you "can't say" because you don't know or you "can't say" because it's part of the NDA? If not revealing when the magazine will be out is part of the agreement that's a pretty intense NDA!

Also, if you can say, how long is the review Icarus?
A few points I'd like to make:
1.) I once got 2 PC Gamers in the span of 2 weeks, so this is not by any means impossible.
2.) I like the cover a lot. It is a monumental story, so it doesn't need flashy artwork, just an immediately recognizable icon that makes you say, "Whoa."