PC Gamer UK Score

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PCGAMER us gave Alpha centuari(the sid mier game) 98%, HL1 was not the highest scoring game ever on it.
PXM5000 said:
PCGAMER us gave Alpha cetuari(the sid mier game) 98%, HL1 was not the highest scoring game ever on it.

Well, that would be relevant if we were talking about PC Gamer US instead of PC Gamer UK.
PXM5000 said:
PCGAMER us gave Alpha cetuari(the sid mier game) 98%, HL1 was not the highest scoring game ever on it.

Like you said "PC GAMER US", this is PC GAMER UK, two different magazines
You guys are a funny bunch. When someone posts a "low" score, you all dismiss it as nonsense, but you swallow a 96 like cake. :LOL:

Scorps said:
Don't start slagging me off, and I did give you info. There was nothing new, they just went on about how good it is, there was only the flashlight/sprint energy to moan about. I'm not going to write the whole damn thing out so just wait till u get the mag or someone with nothing better to do posts on a site where it is allowed.

You have to understand, we're excited. You're the one that's come onto the forums to tell us that you've got the review. We just want more information because we've been excited about this game for quite a bit now.

You're allowed to post a general summary. Or Quotes.
How did you get a copy of PCG UK? It isn't released until 5 October - None of us at PCG UK forums has it yet
PvtRyan said:
You guys are a funny bunch. When someone posts a "low" score, you all dismiss it as nonsense, but you swallow a 96 like cake. :LOL:


Because this is a more likely score, based on what we know.

And, I'm believing it for other reasons.
PvtRyan said:
You guys are a funny bunch. When someone posts a "low" score, you all dismiss it as nonsense, but you swallow a 96 like cake. :LOL:


That's probably just because it sounds a bit more realistic, personally I couldn't care less what it scores lol
You have to understand, we're excited. You're the one that's come onto the forums to tell us that you've got the review. We just want more information because we've been excited about this game for quite a bit now.

I agree.
For any that might be thinking this is fake also reviewed were:

FIFA 2005 - 89%
Colin Mcrae Rally 2005 - 87%
COD: UO - 82%
Silent Hill 4 - 78%
As a regular at the PC Gamer forum, I'm going to call bullshit. Sorry if you're actually telling the truth Scorps, but they never distribute the subscriper's copies this early - maybe if the magazine was still being released on the 2nd people might start receiving their issues now.

Someone would've said something on the PC Gamer forums by now, and they haven't, as far as I am aware.

The secret of a good hoax is to make it believable. What Scorps said is believable, and who knows? He might actually be right with the scores.
Scorps said:
Don't start slagging me off, and I did give you info. There was nothing new, they just went on about how good it is, there was only the flashlight/sprint energy to moan about. I'm not going to write the whole damn thing out so just wait till u get the mag or someone with nothing better to do posts on a site where it is allowed.

no infos its bs
Dude nobody cares about the scores for other games. At least post a measly quote if you're for real. I find it hard to believe there isn't a single interesting titbit in the review.
If he has the DVD with the movies on, then he could open that, take a screenshot of the DVDwindow with paint, and show it to us....
Make sure a date is shown :)

that might be your proof scorp....so please do :)
maybe he doesn't care and wants you all to rot in hell.....just a thought
ferd said:
If he has the DVD with the movies on, then he could open that, take a screenshot of the DVDwindow with paint, and show it to us....
Make sure a date is shown :)

that might be your proof scorp....so please do :)
I wouldnt do that in his place...you know, pride an stuff...
This is the reason I hardly ever post on these forums, because there are so many people ready to put you down.

I posted the other scores from the mag so you could see it was authentic and now i'm getting grief about that too.
Kel Thuzad said:
I wouldnt do that in his place...you know, pride an stuff...
hehe :)

It would only take 2 mins, I doubt he can come up with a decent excuse to avoid doing this :)
Scorps said:
This is the reason I hardly ever post on these forums, because there are so many people ready to put you down.

I posted the other scores from the mag so you could see it was authentic and now i'm getting grief about that too.

Just seems wierd there's noone else to back you up. Screens of the DVD in explorer with date would be nice tho :)
Just open the DVD in windows, make sure e can see PCGamer + date press "print screen"
open paint
right click--> paste
save as
upload to the board :)

voila, insta proof :D
Grief? Hardly. You say you couldn't be bothered typing anything more about the review yet you took the time to post the scores from other games. Obviously that time could have been spent giving an impression or a few choice quotes from the review. It's not rocket science.
Scorps said:
This is the reason I hardly ever post on these forums, because there are so many people ready to put you down.

I posted the other scores from the mag so you could see it was authentic and now i'm getting grief about that too.

But look at it from our side, what reason do we have to believe you? You can post all the other scores you want, you could have made them up too. Now I'm not saying I don't or wanna believe you, but try to understand that what someone anonymous say over the internet is never reliable until multiple sources confirm it.
Scorps said:
This is the reason I hardly ever post on these forums, because there are so many people ready to put you down.

I posted the other scores from the mag so you could see it was authentic and now i'm getting grief about that too.
Scrops , its hard to beleive you without a proof because , many people posted fake things here, so we begin to not beleive anything until we get a proof.
anyone remember that " Monday gold Annoucment "
ferd said:
If he has the DVD with the movies on, then he could open that, take a screenshot of the DVDwindow with paint, and show it to us....
Make sure a date is shown :)

that might be your proof scorp....so please do :)

ok, good idea. I have no web space can i send them to someone on irc? in the #halflife2 Q-net chan?
You guys are assholes. Thanks for the info, Scorps.
Gertrum said:
As a regular at the PC Gamer forum, I'm going to call bullshit. Sorry if you're actually telling the truth Scorps, but they never distribute the subscriper's copies this early - maybe if the magazine was still being released on the 2nd people might start receiving their issues now.

Someone would've said something on the PC Gamer forums by now, and they haven't, as far as I am aware.

The secret of a good hoax is to make it believable. What Scorps said is believable, and who knows? He might actually be right with the scores.

LOL! the PC gamer fourms, barely anyone is on those, plus, any information reveling about it would most likely be deleated as they would want people to buy their mag.
Scorps said:
ok, good idea. I have no web space can i send them to someone on irc? in the #halflife2 Q-net chan?

You can host pictures on here, when you hit reply click "manage attachments".
Scorps said:
ok, good idea. I have no web space can i send them to someone on irc? in the #halflife2 Q-net chan?

You can attach them here, just cut out a small portion of the ss in paint if it's too large (100KB) from a movie that we don't have in bink format yet.
i want scans.......
i know it's not possible... but i live in italy....
we will have a review probably next month... :(
SMT said:
You guys are assholes. Thanks for the info, Scorps.
The community can be rabid at times but there's nothing rude about simply asking for more detail than the score or being sceptical of something on the 'net when it's unconfirmed. There's no plausible reason he couldn't provide a quote or a summary. I don't think anyone expects him to laboriously type out the full text.
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