PC Gamer UK Score

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Feath said:
We haven't insulted you. You show a profound lack of empathy for us. You seem to think that two numbers without anything else is all we wanted.

We want to know about the game, as well as the score. Hopefully someone else with more understanding will post a summary, and not just talk about how they're being picked on.

You must've known that you would've needed to show proof?
That is all well and good but a summary is short hand version of the review. Meaning that he would have to take what was written and put it into his own words... Making 1 - 2 paragraphs.

Now, let's look at it at from your paranoid point of view that this is fake...
He complies and writes a summary of the review, but since nothing new was in the summary, it would just seem as HIS take on HL2.
Does this seem like valid proof to you?
I don't think so. I think more then likely, he would just get flamed some more :(
If by summary you mean, directly write out a couple of the paragraphs then that would defeat the purpose of having you buy the magazine.
And if he DID do as you asked and if he was INDEED faking it, he could write up a couple of paragraphs and you would be none the wiser UNTIL you got your hands on the magazine yourself.

Kind of like treating a patient who has a headache with a sugar pill.
Feath said:
We haven't insulted you. You show a profound lack of empathy for us. You seem to think that two numbers without anything else is all we wanted.

We want to know about the game, as well as the score. Hopefully someone else with more understanding will post a summary, and not just talk about how they're being picked on.

You must've known that you would've needed to show proof?

Empathy? Why on earth would he have to show empathy for you lot? He posted the score on this website only to be flamed, insulted and moaned at, when he didn't have to post it in the first place. Now, I for one wouldn't be bothered to type up a summary of the whole review, just to stop people moaning at me. You all say you want to know about the game etc. - What's to know? I'm sure every single one of us knows more than enough about this game, and the stuff we don't know - It's probably for a reason! Just WAIT, play the game, or WAIT for the magazine and get your own copy. Seriously though, while I am excited about HL2 and can't wait to get my hands on it, It's just a god damn game. I can't believe agigitated alot of you are getting over this, you don't
need to know any info about this game, he's been nice enough to post the score for us, so just be grateful and wait for your own copy if your that damn bothered.
Is he the only one who got the mag this early...i believe him, but geez is he in love with postman or something ??
where are the others...?!
Xcellere said:
Scorps, can you at least write up the last paragraph of the review?

"This is the one unmissable game. It's time to get that cutting-edge PC system. Sell your grandmother, remortgage the cat, do whatever you have to do, just don't miss-out."
subtlesnake said:
Please, just post 3 lines of text from the review. That's all we're asking.
Paragraph 13, line 12.

"I found my way back to the dock entrance and I thought I had cleared it out, but to my surprise the AI is smarter then I thought. The few guys that I saw running around the back had circled back round to try and block my escape..."

Having just posted about this not 1 min ago... How would you know if those sentences were real or not.
Seems like they are real to me, I guess you will just have to get the magazine and see for yourself...
JiMmEh said:
Empathy? Why on earth would he have to show empathy for you lot? He posted the score on this website only to be flamed, insulted and moaned at, when he didn't have to post it in the first place. Now, I for one wouldn't be bothered to type up a summary of the whole review, just to stop people moaning at me. You all say you want to know about the game etc. - What's to know? I'm sure every single one of us knows more than enough about this game, and the stuff we don't know - It's probably for a reason! Just WAIT, play the game, or WAIT for the magazine and get your own copy. Seriously though, while I am excited about HL2 and can't wait to get my hands on it, It's just a god damn game. I can't believe agigitated alot of you are getting over this, you don't
need to know any info about this game, he's been nice enough to post the score for us, so just be grateful and wait for your own copy if your that damn bothered.

Yes, he's showing a lack of empathy. He doesn't understand why we need proof or a summary. I don't care that he's done something nice, he did it in a way that left us in doubt over whether it was true or not. He may as well have not posted it at all if we were going to be just as doubtful as before he posted.

For your information, I believed him, I'm just saying he should understand why we wanted proof and more information. We're Half-Life 2 fans, we want to know more detail about the game. I really doubt the magazine included no knew info. Was the review just "It's good except for sprinting"? I doubt it. Just a little few lines saying how it plays and stuff.

I don't need to know any info, but I'd rather challenge people for proof instead of having hundreds of threads saying "Half-Life 2 got X% in Magazine Y" without anyone posting some proof.

He should've expected to have to post proof. And shouldn't go into the old matyr routine because we expected it. A lot of stuff is made up on this forum just to decieve us.
Cheers man, and ignore the whingers. I'm grateful for the information.
Scorps said:
"This is the one unmissable game. It's time to get that cutting-edge PC system. Sell your grandmother, remortgage the cat, do whatever you have to do, just don't miss-out."
lol sell your grandmother
i absolutely love the fact that valve tied the highest score ever, which was set by themselves. now that theres reasonable proof that HL2 is as good as its predecessor, my hype just reached critical mass.
Rolan said:
That is all well and good but a summary is short hand version of the review. Meaning that he would have to take what was written and put it into his own words... Making 1 - 2 paragraphs.

Now, let's look at it at from your paranoid point of view that this is fake...
He complies and writes a summary of the review, but since nothing new was in the summary, it would just seem as HIS take on HL2.
Does this seem like valid proof to you?
I don't think so. I think more then likely, he would just get flamed some more :(
If by summary you mean, directly write out a couple of the paragraphs then that would defeat the purpose of having you buy the magazine.
And if he DID do as you asked and if he was INDEED faking it, he could write up a couple of paragraphs and you would be none the wiser UNTIL you got your hands on the magazine yourself.

Kind of like treating a patient who has a headache with a sugar pill.

I'm not saying that more information would be proof. I want more information on how the game plays because I'm a Half-Life 2 fan. He doesn't seem to understand that the score doesn't really tell us much.

And I believed him. Look back on my posts. I'm just saying, he shouldn't have automatically expected us to believe him.
Rolan said:
That is all well and good but a summary is short hand version of the review. Meaning that he would have to take what was written and put it into his own words... Making 1 - 2 paragraphs.
I for one gave him the benefit of the doubt - I just wanted a titbit from the review which he eventually gave.

Seeing nobody even remotely demanded that he laboriously type out the unabridged text, I guess I don't really understand this whole 'a couple of quotes or a quick and dirty summary is WAY too much to ask' deal. It is all about opportunity cost. He certainly ended up typing a lot more than two paragraphs just by responding to baiting/flaming/sceptical posts and playing the victim.
i might sell one of your peoples grandmothers (or all of them for that matter) but i'd never sell my grandmother...anyone who puts on 2 thanksgiving dinners is priceless.
Thanks Scorpe - you rule!

p.s. The other members. Stop being dicks.
Now we just need to have a nice UK Half-Life 2 fan type out the whole article for us so we can read it before we get our copy. I subscribe to PC Gamer US and I don't get my copy till 2 days AFTER the stores have it, I wish I knew why... Last copy I got was the Quake 4 Preview one, which honestly did nothing for me, it might be okay but it sure pales in comparison to Half-Life 2. Thanks for the review score, if you don't want to type out the whole article could you at least type the HIGHS, LOWS and BOTTOM LINE for us?
Yay! Looks like I won't have to eat any hats after all (sig)! Amazing score!
we know PCGamer comes out in less than a week, we know that subscribers get it early, so why should anyone suspect this is a fake?
give the guy a break ffs
Feath said:
Yes, he's showing a lack of empathy. He doesn't understand why we need proof or a summary. I don't care that he's done something nice, he did it in a way that left us in doubt over whether it was true or not. He may as well have not posted it at all if we were going to be just as doubtful as before he posted.

For your information, I believed him, I'm just saying he should understand why we wanted proof and more information. We're Half-Life 2 fans, we want to know more detail about the game. I really doubt the magazine included no knew info. Was the review just "It's good except for sprinting"? I doubt it. Just a little few lines saying how it plays and stuff.

I don't need to know any info, but I'd rather challenge people for proof instead of having hundreds of threads saying "Half-Life 2 got X% in Magazine Y" without anyone posting some proof.

He should've expected to have to post proof. And shouldn't go into the old matyr routine because we expected it. A lot of stuff is made up on this forum just to decieve us.

I do understand why you wanted proof and I never said anything about not, and I did give you proof.
i really dont belive he is the only one in the whole of the UK who has a copy of the magazine...loads of people would have it by now...if it comes out tomorow then yeh ill belive him...but if its nxt tuesday the 5th then hes talking shit
What's there to not believe?

He's taken print screens of the DVD the magazine comes with and uploaded them.
My grandmother is dead and I don't have a cat.

I suppose I could pimp out the ho.
RoB.G said:
i really dont belive he is the only one in the whole of the UK who has a copy of the magazine...loads of people would have it by now...if it comes out tomorow then yeh ill belive him...but if its nxt tuesday the 5th then hes talking shit

yes and he also did the two fastest photoshopped pictures in history...
Frost said:
Thanks for the review score, if you don't want to type out the whole article could you at least type the HIGHS, LOWS and BOTTOM LINE for us?

Now that I see you're still viewing this thread, would be you be kind enough to let us know the above? Thanks again!
Reading through the past 14 pages of posts here, I can't believe the bullsh*t i'm reading.

96% classed as bad score? people putting PCG down for not giving it 99%. I cannot believe the idiocy of these posts.
It's almost impossible to give a game 100%, game magazines have to be realistic about the scores they give out. I mean they can't start throwing out 100% here and there, cos what happens when you get a game that rivals it? You have to start throwing out suprior scores here there and everywhere (like playstation gamer giving 10/10 here and there, it just gets ridiculous after a while).

For an absolute start, PCG are normally very accurate on there review scores, there are some exceptions of course - things like black and white (which i believe was one of the most over-rated games of all time). I have read PCG for years, and always been content with the review scores they have given.

People saying "rome total war - 95% , this is a joke, half life 2 should get much more". Can i Just say regarding this - what a load of bullshit.
I am a gamer, that plays games from all different genres, you stupid IDIOTIC fanboys just don't know what you are talking about. For all you know there could be all manner of flaws in the title. You haven't play tested the game from back to front, nor hell probably even seen the game running! (except in preview movies).
Theres a lot more to gaming life that Half life 2, you can't even cross-compare the score to any other titles except maybe ones out of the FPS genre.

I'm an avid fan of the total-war series, as well as half life, and many other titles. Maybe if you fanboys actually spanned out a bit, and tried playing other games - you would realise that theres a lot more to gaming life , than waiting day in day out for any new half life 2 news.
Or hell why not even try doing something in real-life for a change, you know like, go the park, or even i dunno - Go for a swim?!
Concept said:
What's there to not believe?

He's taken print screens of the DVD the magazine comes with and uploaded them.

where are these screens? can i see them? :dork:
Serial45, well said.

96% is a fantastic score, and joint highest with a few other games in PC Gamer. Some people expect too much. No game can reach complete perfection.
24Gamer said:
where are these screens? can i see them? :dork:

Check back earlier in this thread. It's not the review, just proof he has the magazine.
RoB.G said:
i really dont belive he is the only one in the whole of the UK who has a copy of the magazine...loads of people would have it by now...if it comes out tomorow then yeh ill belive him...but if its nxt tuesday the 5th then hes talking shit

I think he has it and has proved it. Its just strange that no one else has the mag, which is supposed to come out on the 5th (according to PCG UK staff)
RoB.G said:
i really dont belive he is the only one in the whole of the UK who has a copy of the magazine...loads of people would have it by now...if it comes out tomorow then yeh ill belive him...but if its nxt tuesday the 5th then hes talking shit

Just because there is no one else on this forum posting they have their copy. Doesn't mean that no one else doesn't have their copy.
Geeze, the prime reason I would subscribe to a games magazine would be the lack of internet?
Since I have the internet at my disposal I don't need magazines for sources of information!
And for another thing, not everyone is signed up to these forums. Plus many other contributing factors may come into it... IE Work, school, no scanner, not a forum member...

Please, wait those days for the magazine and then go waste how ever much $$$ you want just for proof. I can guarantee you that you won't be better off then you are now after reading the review.

As someone stated before, if it isn't in the review or somewhere else on the web then it's for a good reason.
SOME THINGS ARE MEANT TO BE A SURPRISE! Like your presents on christmas morning... How fun would it be on christmas if you knew what you got :\
Serial45 said:
Reading through the past 14 pages of posts here, I can't believe the bullsh*t i'm reading.

96% classed as bad score? people putting PCG down for not giving it 99%. I cannot believe the idiocy of these posts.

For an absolute start, PCG are normally very accurate on there review scores, there are some exceptions of course - things like black and white (which i believe was one of the most over-rated games of all time). I have read PCG for years, and always been content with the review scores they have given.

People saying "rome total war - 95% , this is a joke, half life 2 should get much more". Can i Just say regarding this - what a load of bullshit.
I am a gamer, that plays games from all different genres, you stupid IDIOTIC fanboys just don't know what you are talking about. For all you know there could be all manner of flaws in the title. You haven't play tested the game from back to front, nor hell probably even seen the game running! (except in preview movies).
Theres a lot more to gaming life that Half life 2, you can't even cross-compare the score to any other titles except maybe ones out of the FPS genre.

I'm an avid fan of the total-war series, as well as half life, and many other titles. Maybe if you fanboys actually spanned out a bit, and tried playing other games - you would realise that theres a lot more to gaming life , than waiting day in day out for any new half life 2 news.
Or hell why not even try doing something in real-life for a change, you know like, go the park, or even i dunno - Go for a swim?!

Yup there's heaps of great games. Not all of us just like one game, yes 96% is freakin good. Fresh air is great too. :)
I'd imagine the first few subscribers might be in his position, i.e. with no scanner or time/moral (or lack of) inclination to upload.

Hopefully, within a few hours more people should get the review copy.
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