PC Gamer UK Score

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:dozey: Wow, 96 that seems to be pretty good. How much did Doom 3 get again?
ailevation said:
:dozey: Wow, 96 that seems to be pretty good. How much did Doom 3 get again?

Doom 3 got 90% in PC Gamer UK.
Holy crap you guys are pessimistic. Ok, assuming it's true, let's think about this for a second:

HL1: considered one of the most revolutionary games ever, the longest lasting fps ever: 96% for PCG uk

HL2: 96% for PCG uk

How can you guys not be happy? This just made my day. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
As long as the game gives me a gaming experience similar to HL1 its going to kick ass and I dont care what score it gets.
LOL @ some of you people.

This reminds me when when Gabe emailed someone from this forum last year and the forum memeber posted it here and everyone jumped in claiming it was a fake and they would talk about all the "evidences" as to why it was fake until Gabe posted that yes indeed he did send that email.

Scorggs posted a score, you don't have to believe it, but you guys couldn't lay off the insults until after it was proved it was a fake or not. Now that it seems legit people here want to defend why it is okay to insult before you actually know the truth or not, which shows more about your character than scroggs not providing more information.

Point it,
To all the HL2 fans which think 96% is too low.

First: It's just a rate of a mortal who just does his job. Still, we don't see such a high rate every year. Giving the game 96% means, IMHO that it must be something very special, if only 3 or 4 other games got the same rate.

Second: In PCG UK every percent above 90% is equal to cca 5-7% below 90% rated games.

Third: If HL2 got the same rate as HL1 in the same magazine this means: History repeats itself. Including more than 50 "game of the year" statements of other magazines and stuff.

Finally: There was a game years ago that was rated 96% by PCG UK and I was astonished. Now a PCG UK rated another game with 96% and I'm already wating to be astonished. That's all I ask.
whoa stop talking about nothing and talk about the PCgamer reveiw
u guys are a bunch of weirdos when it comes to review scores...the scores don't mean anything and are only opinions...u guys act like these score are objective or something...
i really dontb think the score is some huge news thing. id rather have it go gold today
A.I. said:
Quoted for emphasis. :afro:
PC GAMER (US at least) has, in the past been very objetive in their reviews. There good at what they do and they review the game as if they asked the question: "Out of all the action FPS's how would a rank this one." If they dont like a specific genre they ignore their discontent and review the game as if their a fan.
reviews are subjective...no matter what u think this is a fact...sorry if u can't understand...
I'll be more convinced by this whole thread when more people appear who have received the issue, given the amount of dodgy posts in the last week! Sorry!
What I find funny is all the different names we've had for Scorps, such as Scrops, Scorggs and Scroggs :LOL:
Darth Valium said:
those rating-criterias suck. they should establish sort of relational gaming currency.

for example:
doom 1=1fps(1 graphics, 1 audio, 1 gameplay,1 story)
dune 1=1rts(...)

now each game should be rated in their appobiate "genre-currency".

for example:
doom2=1g-fps, 1a-fps, 1.3gp-fps, 1s-fps

so every game will be rated in relation to its genre ancestor(or wanna be anc). problematic is the inflation, so how many g-fps has hl2?

I'm sorry but I was under the impression that games were rated on how fun they were to play?
pcgamer uk have never, as far as i know, gone above 96%. itll DEFINITELY be game of the month. top spot in the charts, and number one fps. cant think of what would make any game 100%...thats just impossible/improbable.
u cant review games scientifically as most of a game is the 'feel' which will make or break any game.
Dead-Inside said:
I'm sorry but I was under the impression that games were rated on how fun they were to play?

i agree with dead, what the hell is darth on about :dozey:
We'll have to wait and see if it becomes Game of the Century :)
this really may be a fake , if its an 8 page review and it doesnt mention cs:s or hl:s ! doesnt make sence , also what are the pros ?
affen said:
We'll have to wait and see if it becomes Game of the Century :)

Indeed. A shame pretty much all of us will be dead by the time this century draws to a close. ;) (And by then, I'd say Half Life (insert latest number here) would be a more fitting choice.)

Anyway, thanks a heaps Scorps. :)
fish99 said:
What I find funny is all the different names we've had for Scorps, such as Scrops, Scorggs and Scroggs :LOL:

And HL Fallout are calling me Scrop

I didnt say i wanted to see some scans. I just NEED them, so its a medical emurgency, so please save my life!!

in other words: scans?
Silent_night said:
this really may be a fake , if its an 8 page review and it doesnt mention cs:s or hl:s ! doesnt make sence , also what are the pros ?

Yeah, there must be ONE other person in the UK who reads this forum and subscribes!!! If it is a hoax he has done well with this one! (plus I never trust anyone with important info and about 10 posts!) EDIT: Except the guy who told us all about hl2.php!
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