PCGameplay reviews Half-Life 2

I'm beginning to wonder if this is an actual review or another "preview" and maybe we're just interpreting the Dutch/English translation incorrectly?

In any case, it's damned good news :)
But then again, the game could be out by oct. 5th, everything being said right now by people in this forum is purely idle speculation.
Well...not a lot is know about the game right now, an exclusive review and 50 NEW screens shot is bound to contain a lot of new info???
Or their review could be:

"Ja, it's good! We give it 9.5".

And there are 50 new screenshots of the strider from different angles.
Or their review could be:

"Ja, it's good! We give it 9.5".

And there are 50 new screenshots of the strider from different angles.

KagePrototype said:
Looks like it could be the HL2 multiplayer. I just watched a developer interview on Gamespot with Gabe, and he said that the HL2 mp would be revealed during the "launch cycle" of HL2. So it's possible to say the least.

hmm...that sounds promising.
I believe the dvd quote acctully reads closer to, A gallery of 50 screenshots 'including' half-life 2. and the surprise quote is closer to, Not only is it good, its surprisingly good (not as exciting as that, but it doesnt translate to english very well), either way, time will tell, does anyone have a subscription?
will this review mean the game will be out before/on/ a little bit after the issue in october is released
Lobster said:
I believe the dvd quote acctully reads closer to, A gallery of 50 screenshots 'including' half-life 2. and the surprise quote is closer to, Not only is it good, its surprisingly good (not as exciting as that, but it doesnt translate to english very well), either way, time will tell, does anyone have a subscription?

No it literally says "New: screenshot gallery, with, among others, 50 HL2 screenshots."

And the only line I can read in that surprise text is the bottom line: "....verrassing in petto" which basically means ".... holds a surprise"

I set my Adobe (c) Photoshop (c) skillz to work and making the image bigger seems to work. The first line says "Absoluut geslaagd maar..." ---> "Definitely succeeded, but...." and seems to continue into a "but they still have a suprise for us" (not what the text says, but that's why I think)
You know, they'll probably be another magazine with the review out before this one. PC Gamer UK comes out on the 30th of September and I imagine that all gaming magazines would've got it at the same time.
PvtRyan said:
No it literally says "New: screenshot gallery, with, among others, 50 HL2 screenshots."

And the only line I can read in that surprise text is the bottom line: "....verrassing in petto" which basically means ".... holds a surprise"

I set my Adobe (c) Photoshop (c) skillz to work and making the image bigger seems to work. The first line says "Absoluut geslaagd maar..." ---> "Definitely succeeded, but...." and seems to continue into a "but they still have a suprise for us" (not what the text says, but that's why I think)

Ah I apologise, i didnt realise the 50 came after the 'Among Others' bit, and i didnt realise it said "holds a surprise" now im interested. :D
Why do foreigne magazines know more about HL2 than the local ones? It's always some dutch,Russian or friggen hungarian magazine! what the deal.
Damn...ive been overhyped every day since last years e3....but now...when first the rc got out and now this new about 5th october review....it is so sweeeet close im gonna wet my new pants...this is B I G :D
wonkers said:
Why do foreigne magazines know more about HL2 than the local ones? It's always some dutch,Russian or friggen hungarian magazine! what the deal.

They just seem to be the first ones to announce it.
I have a subscription to PC Gameplay. I'll post a rough translation as soon as the magazine falls on my doorstep.
Shakermaker said:
I have a subscription to PC Gameplay. I'll post a rough translation as soon as the magazine falls on my doorstep.

Thats cool, do you get the magazine earlier than the shelf date, if so when do you think u will get the october 5th edition? :)
I'm bored so I'll add this little bit of pointless speculation.

Every time PC Gamer UK is released it's released on a Thursday. This has been true for the last few months, at least. But when I checked the date for the next issue, it turns out it's going to be out on the 1st of October. This is a Friday.

Now, we all know that Valve are fans of NDAs (both Half-Life 2 preview have been subject to them). What if there's another NDA which expires on the 1st of October, and PC Gamer put back the release of the magazine in order to have this Half-Life 2 review in the next issue (instead of people having to wait a month for the review).

Heh, speculating is fun.
Awesome, I have to pick it up than.

When i read it i was like: WTF!! drewl, awesome.

I can't wait.
wonkers said:
Why do foreigne magazines know more about HL2 than the local ones? It's always some dutch,Russian or friggen hungarian magazine! what the deal.
PCgameplay has been around for a decade now is a well known media to all important game developers/publishers, they always get VIP tickets to ECTS and E3 and get a lot of exclusives compared to other UK mags...

And dont compare Hungaria and Russia to Belgium/Holland, cuz we all drive Mercedeses and BMW's here and we dont get put on a list if we need medical care.
maybe PCzone Benelux will have a Review too in there October piece?

Zou toch kunnen als PCGameplay ook al met een review komt.
Lobster said:
Thats cool, do you get the magazine earlier than the shelf date, if so when do you think u will get the october 5th edition? :)
Abonnees normally get it one or two days earlier.
just got this mail:
Uiteraard is dat al 100% zeker, anders zouden we onze cover niet
online zetten.

Wij hebben het spel van voor tot achter doorgespeeld en de review
is ondertussen ook al afgewerkt: 8 pagina's met een 40-tal
(uiteraard unieke, want we hebben ze zelf genomen) screenshots...

Voor meer info moet ik je naar het oktober nummer zelf verwijzen...
It says it's 100% sure they have the review, it's 8 pages long (!) and has 40 unique screenshots :D
omfg 8 pages ?? record ? Thats pretty much reading. I really hope that this game will kick some serious ass.. Doom 3 was fun but way over-hyped :)
Xrenity said:
just got this mail:

It says it's 100% sure they have the review, it's 8 pages long (!) and has 40 unique screenshots :D

wow, they could probably translate it and sell the translation on their site :D
Laguna said:
omfg 8 pages ?? record ? Thats pretty much reading. I really hope that this game will kick some serious ass.. Doom 3 was fun but way over-hyped :)
They gave doom 3 an 8.6 (or was it 8.2? something near it), so they're pretty reliable with giving scores.
Like I said above they gave Doom³ a 86:

Sound: 18/20
Graphics: 20/20
Gameplay: 48/60

And OMG I can't wait to get it in my hands :D
Xrenity said:
it's 8 pages long (!) and has 40 unique screenshots :D

So it has about two paragraphs of text, did PCGP do a "HL2 done" quick" run-through?

Kidding aside, 40 screenshots is just total overkill.
Not all the screenshots are in the article. The others are on the DVD.
would it be legal to upload the screens from the DVD on the web? and the scans from the magazine?

I hope they have some new screenshots and info on CSS too (about hostages or pictures of de_nuke). Well I'm looking forward to it and i'm definatly going to buy that magazine :p
I'm soooo sure they won't give them. I have a subscribtion to this game since 2001 and they were always very secresive and reliable...In my opinion, pcgameplay is uber to pc gamer and those other uk and us mags
Meh. HL2 will be good. I think I will buy it.

On topic: magazine reveiws don't hold a candle to online info hunting. I pick up magazines and laugh at how wrong they are most of the time. If they arn't wrong they have very little info. They can't specify and get in depth like one person can.
I havent found any info on the mp yet on the internet...
I am prety sure that a REVIEW will contain alot of new information.
Cool that email xrenity got, its a fact that it contains 40 self taken screenshots. So yeah, 40 new screenshots.
PCgameplay is the most reliable PCmag I know (UK and US mags included).

Their reviews are always big and totally impartial, if they give a game a score of 9 they have 4 pages with reasons to back that score up.

If they say they have a review of HL2 + 40 screens then they will.

They had a 7 pages review when HL2 was announced, and they were the first (worldwide) remember?