Pirates vs Ninjas - THE ULTIMATE BATTLE!

Pirates vs. Ninjas, who wins?

  • Pirates

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • Ninjas

    Votes: 45 54.2%

  • Total voters
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Because employing stealth makes you hard to detect. There's a reason why ninjas operate at night, draped in black cloth, and make use of silent-but-deadly weapons.

In the real world stealth is used in avoiding people not attacking them, they can't kill 30 people undetected.

You say that like the Ninjas would face pistolioed Pirates in one big, easy to shoot group. :p

If they are all in a room, yes they would.
Ninjas, obviously. Pirates be cool only when sayin AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR
Because employing stealth makes you hard to detect. There's a reason why ninjas operate at night, draped in black cloth, and make use of silent-but-deadly weapons.

I always thought it was to commune with nature.

I can't believe we have so many ninja fans on this forum.

This poll needed to be public dammit. PUBLIC. Let's make another one, but public this time. Need to figure out who are the cool kids and who are not.
Pirates are cool, but to think Pirates>Ninjas are just silly.
Pirates have enough wealth to pay the Shoguns to eliminate the Ninjas on their home turf.
30 Ninjas and 30 Pirates in a room.
Fallacy. It is part of the essence of both species that ninja work alone or in very small teams, while pirates work in entire boatloads.

EDIT: rofl, Dog is deluded. "Ninjas would just run side to side." el oh el
What lefty said is worth repeating:

Pirates win because ninjas ****ing suck, really. They're ahead in the polls because this forum is full of ******y douche weeaboos.

So we're saying that the Ninja are very skilled, highly trained wariors with a full range of weaponry, from katanas to throwing stars. Then it's only fair to say that the pirates in question are seasoned fighters who are probably a very good shot and not to bad with a sabre either and fully equiped with multiple pistols a trusty sabre, and probaby some other gear too. Pirates win.

And in the event of modern pirates; they have assault rifles, submachineguns and shotguns. And modern Ninjas...never heard of any unless you count people who practice ninjutsu in the same way people practice all type of martial arts and don't use them or those two retards who got arrested. I guess the pirates already won.
I can't lay praise behind modern pirates though... Modern Pirates suck ass. They're way more bloodthirsty and cruel than pirates of old. The pirates of old weren't choir boys, but they were certainly less despicable than modern pirates who are atrocious.
I haven't heard much about modern pirates, but classic pirates were damn vicious.
I haven't heard much about modern pirates, but classic pirates were damn vicious.

Well I generally get my modern pirate information from watching shows about piracy on History Channel. They had one about modern piracy and that's basically where I get my views that Modern Pirates are far less cool and way more cruel than historical pirates.
Fallacy. It is part of the essence of both species that ninja work alone or in very small teams, while pirates work in entire boatloads.

EDIT: rofl, Dog is deluded. "Ninjas would just run side to side." el oh el
Ninjas use stealth, can't you get that by now? They don't want to be seen, and I think even an amateur Ninja can silently kill a drunk staggering pirate.

Also - I don't mean like run from one side of the room to the other in a matter of milliseconds, I mean just like a normal person would run side to side (although they'd probably do it a little faster then a normal person if they trained in this stuff)

And modern Ninjas...never heard of any

Point. You've obviously never heard stories of successful Ninjas/spies because they don't want to let people know about them.

To be honest, we may as well be saying modern spies vs. chavs.
Not when you get nuked, but pirates don't have nukes, so this sentence is for naught.
I want to see pirates with nukes tied to the prows of their ships, screaming, "FULL SPEED AHEAD!" and slamming into each other.

Or slamming into a room filled with 30 ninja, sitting around sipping green tea.
Ninjas would just win, they have throwing stars and all that medieval chinese weaponry.
I was going to post a youtube vid to respond to that - The scene from 'Dude Where's My Car' where they are torturing the dummy, and the guy throws coffee in it's face.. rofl. That would've been perfect, but I don't think it's on youtube.
Pirates will win because ninjas will be busy sucking each others cocks.
Ninjas suck. Their weapons are crap and they are overly romanticized.

/bumped thread

Start voting Pirate NOW or I'll kick the nearest person in the head.
Ninjas suck. Their weapons are crap and they are overly romanticized.

/bumped thread

Start voting Pirate NOW or I'll kick the nearest person in the head.

It's pretty bad when you have to bump a thread and order people to vote your way...

And still lose.
Ninjas would clearly win. How the **** would the pirates see them.

Plus pirates suck ass.
It's pretty bad when you have to bump a thread and order people to vote your way...

And still lose.
This forum is biased. Try posting this on a non-gaming blog/forum and then post a link of the results. ;)
Excuses, excuses.
You lose be default unless you do what I requested. Surely you have a non-gaming forum somewhere else you like to post in other than here? A music forum perhaps?
Yea, I post in a music forum, but to be honest, I think the people there are more retarded/childish then 4chan, the site I go to is good for advice and stuff, but the off-topic forum is like the retarded little brother of 4chan... Plus there's a stupid amount of people there, their 'most online users at one time' goes up daily...

I'll give it a shot.


EDIT: lol, I posted this, then when it popped up I clicked the link and someone already voted ninjas.

EDIT2: got locked, lol. Like 5 seconds of it's life, it gets locked.

And ninjas won.

EDIT3: Here's the last P vs N thread on there.

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