Pirates vs Ninjas - THE ULTIMATE BATTLE!

Pirates vs. Ninjas, who wins?

  • Pirates

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • Ninjas

    Votes: 45 54.2%

  • Total voters
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Yea, I post in a music forum, but to be honest, I think the people there are more retarded/childish then 4chan, the site I go to is good for advice and stuff, but the off-topic forum is like the retarded little brother of 4chan... Plus there's a stupid amount of people there, their 'most online users at one time' goes up daily...

I'll give it a shot.


EDIT: lol, I posted this, then when it popped up I clicked the link and someone already voted ninjas.

EDIT2: got locked, lol. Like 5 seconds of it's life, it gets locked.

And ninjas won.

EDIT3: Here's the last P vs N thread on there.

Well ok. The winner goes to ninjas.

*I knew he should've tried posting in a movie fansite grumble grumble*

LOL too that the music forum didn't put up with any bullshit. Proof that mods here are either slacking or like to watch us argue.
Naw, there are like 10 mods that patrol the off-topic forum 24/7, we've got 1 maybe on once a day..

I think a member on there got it right when he said:

Kensai said:
Ninjas. Pirates are stupid and drink their own pee.

EDIT: LOL, atleast you pirates know how to throw down some beats.. :LOL:
Another guy there was talking about Samurais vs. Vikings and another guys head exploded :|
There's no Ninjas of the Caribbean ride. That shit would be so boring.
Damn Dog, looks like you got alot of people banned! :E

BTW, speaking of exploding heads, where can I find that little flash video of a guy's head exploding? Makes for some comedic surprise moments of disbelief.

Several memebers used it here before, but I can't find the thread anymore.

i.e. Samon like Halo?!?! *guy's head explodes.*
What do you mean I got alot of people banned?

Also, btw.
Ninjas are Japanese, and Japanese women don't shave, so I went with Pirates.
Imaginary historical fights are one of my favorite topics of discussion, so I will ignore the previous dozen pages and treat this with complete poker-faced sobriety and seriousness.

Attempting to answer pirates v. ninjas is ludicrous, as the amount of mythos wrapped around them makes it all but impossible to quantify an 'average' pirate or ninja. See how everyone brings up a small aspect of their respective fighter's prowess, maintaining that would turn the tide.

It is highly debateable whether the avg. ninja did or did not possess the near superhuman abilities some here claim they do, just as we can endlessly argue as to whether the pirates should have flintlock pistols, cutlasses, blunderbusses, or perhaps a small cannonet they wheeled in.

In my opinion, everyone would be dead within a few moments as both teams lob a dozen or so grenades at the other side.

...that still didn't stop me voting pirates. Half British, quarter German, mate. Nautical barbarity is in the blood.

P.S.: I have, however discovered the following through an extremely complex simulator:

Knight c.1250 > Samurai c.1550 >Viking c.950

That is an argument for another day though.
Pirates. They steal wenches, drink treasure and have sex with grog.
what simulator is that?

GURPS Third Edition, baby! :thumbs:
Usually opens with the samurai executing an iajutsu strike that gets deflected, the knight drawing his sword (cause sammy moves faster), blocking against the remise (the +3 defense provided by his shield is a goddamn lifesaver), then usually slashing at the samurai's extremities, because the samurai has absolutely jack defense there (he has to roll an 8 or less on 3d6, 6 for the katana parry and another 2 because of armor PD). Samurai goes down, with an avg. HT of 11, he'll brick every third HT roll on avg. Even if he manages to break his stun, he is still in a pretty shitty predicament, and the knight can generally finish him off, if he didn't drop him in one hit with a cut to the unexposed face (which, as we all know, forces an HT check that if you fail is an auto knockout.)*

*Don't bitch to me about the sammy having an exposed face. He's on foot, he wouldn't be wearing a mempo (did I spell that right?). It would just mess with his vision. It's the same reason why the knight is not wearing a helm, only a coif.

...That made no goddamn sense did it? :p
hah! I was thinking the same thing when he posted that video.
Well, 56.25% of us are stupid - And yet, we still win.

Bye bye sore loser!
GURPS Third Edition, baby! :thumbs:
Usually opens with the samurai executing an iajutsu strike that gets deflected, the knight drawing his sword (cause sammy moves faster), blocking against the remise

Spartan > all
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