Planet Half-Life news coming soon.

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Dr. Freeman said:
well Hell's post shoudl shut pple up about HL2 MP now.. hopefully.. :)

how long did it take you to do your signature?!!?
I've forgot to comment this (he changed the nick later):

<@Guy_with_a_Crowbar> I took a bunch of pics
<@Guy_with_a_Crowbar> I took pics of the lobby mostly, and some of the employees
>Could you took pics at everything you wanted?
>or they said you: don't take a pic of this
<@Guy_with_a_Crowbar> I coulda....but after like 20 min -- I kinda forgot about my camera
<@Guy_with_a_Crowbar> and there was a few things that I wasen't allowed to take pics of
> hehehe
* Guy_with_a_Crowbar dances for SMG
> what things you weren't allowed to take pics of?
> if you can say it, of course ;)
<@Guy_with_a_Crowbar> The things I couldn't take pics of I also can't talk aboot
> damn

He is talking about pics taken from his camera, not the screenshots he is waiting to post the article.
tokin said:
how long did it take you to do your signature?!!?

haha :)
well not long once i figured the colour codes i wanted to use :E
anyway it was a one time thing... when i was really bored and had nothing to do.. but now any time i need the code for it.. i have it saved :p
CB | Para said:
I remember a particular goofball saying "doh there won't be a HL2 MP". Who's laughing now? mouaha! mouahahaha!! :LOL:

i guess some people are just dense :p

lol, Woot, HL2 MP, the cherry on the cake.
My but you folks are ... enthusiastic!

Relax :) ... we will start rolling this stuff out today. If Doug hasn't sent over all the screens then we will go with what we have, and add stuff as we get it.

Let's face it, nothing is going to replace the day we all actually install this game for real. We're just doing what we can to try to help fill the void!
Pratt said:
My but you folks are ... enthusiastic!

Relax :) ... we will start rolling this stuff out today. If Doug hasn't sent over all the screens then we will go with what we have, and add stuff as we get it.

Let's face it, nothing is going to replace the day we all actually install this game for real. We're just doing what we can to try to help fill the void!

And we'll love you for it too :bounce:
Pratt said:
My but you folks are ... enthusiastic!

Relax :) ... we will start rolling this stuff out today. If Doug hasn't sent over all the screens then we will go with what we have, and add stuff as we get it.

Let's face it, nothing is going to replace the day we all actually install this game for real. We're just doing what we can to try to help fill the void!

Heh.... I see your avatar is waiting for pictures too ;)
Cs:s isn't an Amazing multiplayer. It is however a safe bet. Who would dare say CS:s is a waste of time. Not me. It's good but it's really nothing new. It's like pumping up a flat tire. All the Risque' stuff will be in TF2. CS:s DOD:s are just money in the bank.

Multiplayer-Shmultiplayer, the community is more than able to make multiplayer games. Valve is just helping it all look proffesional. (and there is money to be made there) But that's beside the point.

Anyone else getting ancy ?
I'm getting mighty tired of waiting for the new info and pics! Let's hope this doesn't take much longer , but an update on current events would be nice
kakagar said:
I'm getting mighty tired of waiting for the new info and pics! Let's hope this doesn't take much longer , but an update on current events would be nice

if any of you guys dont know,, theres an E3 2k4 bink of CS:S, on fileplanet.

that should help fill what... ? 2 minutes of your time. :p
no, 55 minutes of time to wait in que... then a further 10 minutes downloading, then 2 minutes watching, making a total time wastage of 1 hour and 7 minutes.
And thats old news Clarky, where have you been? ;)
oldagerocker said:
no, 55 minutes of time to wait in que... then a further 10 minutes downloading, then 2 minutes watching, making a total time wastage of 1 hour and 7 minutes.
And thats old news Clarky, where have you been? ;)

I know, I just thought maybe some others hadnt seen it yet.

+ my bro signed upto fileplanet, :D which is kool

with 3 meg download speeds, it took 40 seconds to download, lol

and you get points to download a bunch of free games. like Splinter cell Pandora tomorrow and stuff.
Planet Half-Life news coming soon... is Doom 3, Christmas, and maybe the Apocalypse.

I would like this news to get here before at LEAST ONE of the above :)
Planet Half-Life news coming soon... is Doom 3, Christmas, and maybe the Apocalypse.

I would like this news to get here before at LEAST ONE of the above :)

Yah, it's taking forever :|
<Halflife_84|CH> PICTURES FROM MY TRIP TO VALVe = nothing really worthwhile or anything new, just basic valve office stuff

Those are just the pics he took on his camera, obviously he doesn't have the pics from valve yet...

Also he said the article is done and the phl head guys(or something) need to just post it...oh yeah that was from this afternoon
yesssss.. pictures of stupid things like the golden crowbar, shelves full of old things and a cat
i bet he got 15 recordings of the cat meowing and 10 recordings of the traffic from outside the windows
pictures.. only things that had to do with the game were 3 snapshots of the box cutout that we have already seen 1000 times
9:07 CST
<Halflife_84|CH> we are setting it up as a Feature.. it takes time
<Halflife_84|CH> and -- F posting it on my site... It's gonna be PHL exclusive

<Big_Fat_Duck> can you jump on top of physics objects while playing CS:S
<Big_Fat_Duck> or will you sink through
<Big_Fat_Duck> and make them fly
<Big_Fat_Duck> like in the korean videos
<Halflife_84|CH> You can jump on them...but it's hard to stay on them
<SocialDem> Like they're slipery or somethign?
<Halflife_84|CH> Well I tried to jump on barrels that had been knocked over so they were round

<Big_Fat_Duck> like the guy on the gamemeca videos had the barrel on an incline and it hit a box and it was stuck between the bodx and the incline
<Big_Fat_Duck> yet when he jumped on it he went through it
<Halflife_84|CH> oh
<Halflife_84|CH> Maybe...
<Halflife_84|CH> I didn't go throu any objects

<Big_Fat_Duck> so is the mouse laggier then hl1?
<Big_Fat_Duck> you know, how if you turn on DX mode the mouse gets all laggy
<Halflife_84|CH> No mouse lagged noticed
Big Fat Duck said:
9:07 CST
<Halflife_84|CH> we are setting it up as a Feature.. it takes time
<Halflife_84|CH> and -- F posting it on my site... It's gonna be PHL exclusive

<Big_Fat_Duck> can you jump on top of physics objects while playing CS:S
<Big_Fat_Duck> or will you sink through
<Big_Fat_Duck> and make them fly
<Big_Fat_Duck> like in the korean videos
<Halflife_84|CH> You can jump on them...but it's hard to stay on them
<SocialDem> Like they're slipery or somethign?
<Halflife_84|CH> Well I tried to jump on barrels that had been knocked over so they were round

<Big_Fat_Duck> like the guy on the gamemeca videos had the barrel on an incline and it hit a box and it was stuck between the bodx and the incline
<Big_Fat_Duck> yet when he jumped on it he went through it
<Halflife_84|CH> oh
<Halflife_84|CH> Maybe...
<Halflife_84|CH> I didn't go throu any objects

<Big_Fat_Duck> so is the mouse laggier then hl1?
<Big_Fat_Duck> you know, how if you turn on DX mode the mouse gets all laggy
<Halflife_84|CH> No mouse lagged noticed

What channel you on? I'm on #steam-hangout and no one's doing anything.
how many valve software employees does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

six years.


.. but, and this should be noted, that lightbulb will shoot lazers out of its eyes, flamenco dance, and last for at least a couple of decades...
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....................................... any news yet?
Mr-Fusion said:
10 pages in this thread.

Has any news actually been revealed?

yeah.. HL2 will definitely have an MP.. and its not CS:Source like so many pple have been speculating.

i guess thats news.
Dr. Freeman said:
yeah.. HL2 will definitely have an MP.. and its not CS:Source like so many pple have been speculating.

i guess thats news.
I've been saying it ALLLLL ALONG but only a few of you believed me
Sparta said:
I've been saying it ALLLLL ALONG but only a few of you believed me

some pple just love jumping to conclusions without thinking.
besides.. CS:Source has nothing to do with HL2.. so i never understood why pple thought it would be HL2's MP in the first place.
Dr. Freeman said:
some pple just love jumping to conclusions without thinking.
besides.. CS:Source has nothing to do with HL2.. so i never understood why pple thought it would be HL2's MP in the first place.

Perhaps because VALVe has been so vague? Their comments shady? etc..

Honestly, I'm in the "in doubt" boat. I'll believe HL2 has its own MP when I see it :)
Dr. Freeman said:
some pple just love jumping to conclusions without thinking.

Wasn't that what everyone else was doing when they said HL2 had no MP?
It was a well thought out conclusion based off lack of hard information.

I guess this confirms it, it's enough to sway my opinion.

> how good was the hl2 menu mr.84? it had a multiplayer option?
<@Halflife_84|CH> Of course there was a MP option
<ThomasToad[js]> was the mp option cs?
<@Halflife_84|CH> I dunno...I didn't click on it
He should have clicked the link to put the final nail in the coffin. Some day hopefully the community will send a qualified HL2 information gatherer. Too many people who have no clue what the community wants to know, and generally have little clue about anything are visiting. It's only the truth, nothing more.
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