Port Hl2 To Mac!!!

Hmmm.... I've never heard of a Mac Gamer...... have you? No. I didn't think so.
We are not going to sign the petition. It is STUPID. NO amount of signitures will make Valve spend MILLIONS of bux on porting a game to a tiny platform, GIVE IT UP
wow, I can't believe someone came on HL2 forums and wants a Mac petition; dream on, fellow mac users; you're not too far away from the versatility of a PC! you'll just have to shove some broomsticks up those Apple engineers' ends... maybe some day....
I thought schools and old farts were the only ones that bought mac's...

LOL, what a joke. MAC *LAF* HA! (Points and laughs some more) Silly mac users. Get a pc ;)
Take a look at this - posted on a Mac gaming site by Valve:

From a purely technical point of view, there's no reason Half-Life 2 couldn't make it to the Mac. The new code is far more modular than the original, to the point where maintaining a Mac version alongside the updates and changes to the PC version could be fairly trivial. Mods and even commercial titles like Vampire could be ported over very rapidly based off the initial work to port Half-Life 2.
... porting a game to a mac is basically writing the whole goddamn game again...
OK Windows isn't all that bad (though far from good), but having to purchase and run memory-sucking anti-virus 24/7, update windows with piles of security patches and virus definitions twice a day, run ad-aware a few times and do a registry clean here or there isn't exactly fun.

Oh and theres the risk of being infected with one of the 80,00 or so trojans, worms, and viruses that are around these days, or one of the 10 new viruses discovered every day. Formatting is fun...isn't it?

Wish Gabe would stop eating chocolate pop-tarts and try an apple. ;):cheese:

I will sign it, not that I ever have used a mac but to help ppl out. Another company besides Valve could do it.
lol, if someone was to port HL2 to a mac it would take yyyyyyyyyyearrs, and once done would run at 1 frame per minute

people that buy macs are people who look at a computer and go, "OOOOOHH its got pretty coloured case" and not,, oooh its an over priced ****up!
I look forward to the days the MAC DIES!
Macs are like this thread, useless, wont die out, can't do anything usefull, only imaging/video editing.....
all these mac haters, and not a single realize. Direct X api has been ported to the mac already, how do you think Warcraft 3 when you put the cd in either a pc or mac it works, all they did was make a different installer not much else.

I use pcs and mac so I'm not biased, and I'm not sure exactally how uptodate the Direct x port is on the mac but I know it is atleast up to direct x 8.1 functionality.
Which would mean for half life 2 to be ported they could at least have it running in DX 8 mode without any much coding on their part. Which I think would be enough to make mac people happy with minimal cost/effort on valves part.
Originally posted by MaxiKana
Macs are like this thread, useless, wont die out, can't do anything usefull, only imaging/video editing.....
SELECT * FROM hl2community WHERE clue > 0

0 rows returned.
wow thats quite a few macs... they will prolly evenutally release a mac version once they complete the pc.
They would have to convert a good chunk of the actual game code, all the DirectX (MacDX isn't directly compatible, but it helps developers convert... and DX includes 3D, 2D, Input, Network, and Sound), all of Steam, make a separate version of the SDK for the Mac users, and lots of other very time-consuming crap that would seriously delay HL2 if they wanted the Mac version to come out anywhere near the PC release.

There will never be an official Mac port of HL2.
There won't even be an official Linux port of HL2.

... and do you want to know what I think about Apple?

I would like to see them make an operating system that works as well as Windows, Linux, etc on the huge variety of hardware configurations available to PC users.

Apple doesn't have to get anywhere near as many configurations working, and they still have problems.

Not to mention that they practically forced users to pay to move to OS X by dropping OS 9 support... whereas Microsoft supports several versions of Windows simultaneously and users also have the choice to use Linux, FreeBSD, and other OS's.

The thing I find ironic about Apple's 1984 Super Bowl commercial that implied that Macs were supposed to free you from being a mindless drone is that Apple doesn't (and never did) allow you to have the amount of freedom of choice available to PC users... and they still charged twice as much.

... and the only reason that "macs are better for video editing" is that developers keep making more video editing programs for the Mac because that is where the video editing crowd is (because of previous video editing software).

If you had the same developers making the same programs for Windows you couldn't say that anymore... because the only reason Windows doesn't have great video editing support is a lack of great software in that field.
Originally posted by MaxiKana
Macs are like this thread, useless, wont die out, can't do anything usefull, only imaging/video editing.....

What else is there? Macs can do everything PCs can do better, aside from gaming - and do you make any money out of gaming? Anyone who isn't a teenager will understand that games are good for a bit of fun, and a good way to kill a few hours, but they don't actually earn you money and aren't really useful to you.

Macs are used in all the industries where people need to get things done, and done right - e.g. DTP, graphic design, video editing, etc. The 98% marketshare figure is mainly made up of the dumb terminals office workers use to check email and surf the net. These machines aren't actually PCs, and shouldn't be referred to as such.
There's really not much of a difference. Its just a matter of which programs are released for which platform. I think the Windows PC has quite a bit more versatility though, and has more than one available OS, is completely customizable, and has two (or more) mouse buttons.

Porting HL2 to mac is a bad idea.
Originally posted by J@ffa
What else is there? Macs can do everything PCs can do better, aside from gaming

witch is exactly where you should stop

aint ever gonna happen.
Originally posted by J@ffa
The 98% marketshare figure is mainly made up of the dumb terminals office workers use to check email and surf the net. These machines aren't actually PCs, and shouldn't be referred to as such.
That doesn't make much of a difference at all.
In consumer computers only Apple has a 3.5% marketshare... that is as of this year.
Educational - 16%
Notebooks - 30%

One PC company alone (Dell) sells more computers than Apple.

Actually, if you want to get particular about market share, the consumer figures would be a bit lower for Apple if home-built PCs were included because, frequently, someone that is good with computers will build PCs for their family, friends, etc... and these numbers do not show up in sales.

Originally posted by J@ffa
What else is there? Macs can do everything PCs can do better, aside from gaming - and do you make any money out of gaming? Anyone who isn't a teenager will understand that games are good for a bit of fun, and a good way to kill a few hours, but they don't actually earn you money and aren't really useful to you.
Explain how Macs do everything better...

Macs have been losing their edge in a lot of the areas that are selling points for Mac owners... PCs are starting to look better, a lot of software developers are either making their software for both Mac and PC (one of the major ones being Adobe) or moving completely to Windows, Windows is slowly getting more reliable and easy to use, Linux is getting closer to being able to replace Windows in functionality and software, they are cheaper, and they are about to get a lot faster over the next few years.

... and "do you make any money out of gaming?" is just a pathetic attempt to rationalize that games are useless.

Are you saying that you don't like to play games?
If so, what the hell are you doing on a HL2 forum?

Game development can also be a very lucrative business... since, right now, it is ahead of the movie industry in terms of total profit.
Very soon, with HL2 and Steam, amateur mod teams will have the tools needed to turn a bit of a profit, get their feet in the door, and maybe get a job with a big game developer.

I'm not saying Apple should quit making computers... Macs are a niche product... and every so often they come up with a nice new device that later works its way into PCs.
The competition also helps somewhat to drive down the prices of PCs... but not by a lot, since Apple usually charges an arm and a leg for their products.
I'm not anything of a mac person, but think of how well the G5 would run this game!
IF Apple developed their own software codepaths for hardware rendering on os X Jaguar, the G5 could wipe the floor with any pentium processor. See how it handles video editing and video compositing, in addition to audio production and 3d rendering. Apple needs to port its os over to DX, that would be easier.
Originally posted by richpull
IF Apple developed their own software codepaths for hardware rendering on os X Jaguar, the G5 could wipe the floor with any pentium processor. See how it handles video editing and video compositing, in addition to audio production and 3d rendering. Apple needs to port its os over to DX, that would be easier.

The G5 was heavily over rated and hyped for it's potential performance over a less than equivalent Intel/Athlon machine.
I demand HL2 be ported to ZX spectrum (which should have been the native platform from the start BTW)
Originally posted by Baal
why on earth would anyone buy a mac....I see NO POINT AT ALL.

Ever heard of a trojan / worm / exploit that attacks macs?
Yeah, it'd be nice to see HL2 hit the widest possible audience, including Windows, Mac, and Linux users, but it just won't happen, unfortunately :(

In the case of HL2, the game is HEAVILY dependent on DirectX 9, which, if you don't know, is created, maintained, published, and injected with cool new features (and bugs) by Microsoft itself. Basically, there's no way anything that depends on DirectX will run on anything other than Windows :(

BUT, if they were using OpenGL, it would be a different story. Linux likes OpenGL, and so do Macs, and Windows doesn't mind it much....but DX9 has some new features and such that HL2 is using, so it wouldn't be easy at all to port HL2 to OpenGL.

Either way, even if it wasn't so impossible to port it to something else, I doubt they would. Why? Because there are way too many Windows users. Windows has something like over 90% of the desktop market, and probably even more of the gaming market. In other words, you use Windows or you don't play many games. Unfortunately, even if you get thousands of signatures for a petition, Valve (and most other companies) will say "We can't afford to spend months porting to an OS for 5,000 or 10,000 people, because that will be time spent that we could be developing something for the 500,000 people who use Windows." It's greedy, it's selfish, it screws anyone who doesn't use Windows or doesn't have a choice. It's business, and there's not much any one (or few thousand) can do about it.

And, for the record, I'm a PC user who's been using Windows forever, and simultaneously using Linux for a few years now. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. As for Macs, I haven't had much experience with them, but they do have some cool technology and ideas that the PC could/should take advantage of. Also, I'm a 19-year-old "kid," for those who think that all kids are immature :)
