Portal Update - Hidden achievement & Viral Riddles [Updated]

I agree with Phi as to the exclusivity of Portal and Half-Life. Part of the same continuity? Sure, absolutely, but unless they spend a couple years with mind-breaking level design and balancing, it would be way to easy to make a crappy game if you try to combine the two. Here's to an imminent rush of Portal 2 news. Also, **** you Doug Lombardi. I smell you all over this.

There are as of yet no legitimate connections between this new business and Ep. 3.
However, a packaging bundle is still likely. We all know how long Portal 1 was. People would buy it no longer how long it was, but is Valve really willing to take the rep loss of selling a short product on its own?

Should Chell and Gordon meet? I see no reason why not, but if Valve puts in a portaling 'chapter' into a half-life game, I'm gonna slap em in the face with my blue grav gun dong.
I agree with Phi as to the exclusivity of Portal and Half-Life. Part of the same continuity? Sure, absolutely, but unless they spend a couple years with mind-breaking level design and balancing, it would be way to easy to make a crappy game if you try to combine the two. Here's to an imminent rush of Portal 2 news. Also, **** you Doug Lombardi. I smell you all over this.

There are as of yet no legitimate connections between this new business and Ep. 3.
However, a packaging bundle is still likely. We all know how long Portal 1 was. People would buy it no longer how long it was, but is Valve really willing to take the rep loss of selling a short product on its own?

Should Chell and Gordon meet? I see no reason why not, but if Valve puts in a portaling 'chapter' into an half-life game, I'm gonna slap em in the face with my blue grav gun dong.

Enemy of Fun!!^!! ENEMY OF FUN!!!!!!!!


yeah ok it would get a bit out of control if you did it too much, but gabe said that there's gonna be some kind of meshing of the two, I'll try find the vid.
A long time ago I was severely beaten on these forums for talking about having portals in Episode 3. Now I see this happening. Just for one short map. Just as a brief cameo, but I definitely see this.
You are on the Borealis. Aperture Science is deeply involved in the plot. Come on, it's almost unavoidable.
HL2 is an FPS. You shoot things. You also drive things. There's generally a good degree of variety in terms of locations, and objectives. It's very story-led.

Portal is a puzzle game. You make portals and jump through them. There's a limited variety of locations and objectives. It's not story-led.

They don't mix. Mixing them would not be fun. Putting the portal gun into the HL2 setting just doesn't work. There's too much scope for it, which is why Portal was set in a test lab where the player's environment could be strictly controlled. This is entirely aside from technical aspects - what happens when you place a portal under a Combine soldier? A car? A Strider's leg? What's to prevent a player from putting a portal waaaaay over on this side of the map and then jump through from right over the other side? Or to use it to get over that wall they shouldn't be able to get over? Portal-resistant walls? You'd have to start artificially limiting the environment to prevent abuse of the Portal gun. In short, you'd have to turn HL2 into Portal. Why bother, except to please the fanwanking of a few obsessives?

Don't get me wrong. I like the way that Valve tied the two games together. It was subtle. It was a nice fan service. It makes you feel warm inside. It doesn't, however, mean that the two distinctly different games will be merged like some kind of chimaeric bastard offspring of two highly incompatible parents. Nor should it.

HL2 was fun. Portal was fun. In a very different way. Leave them separate.
HL2 is an FPS. You shoot things. You also drive things. There's generally a good degree of variety in terms of locations, and objectives. It's very story-led.

Portal is a puzzle game. You make portals and jump through them. There's a limited variety of locations and objectives. It's not story-led.

They don't mix. Mixing them would not be fun. Putting the portal gun into the HL2 setting just doesn't work. There's too much scope for it, which is why Portal was set in a test lab where the player's environment could be strictly controlled. This is entirely aside from technical aspects - what happens when you place a portal under a Combine soldier? A car? A Strider's leg? What's to prevent a player from putting a portal waaaaay over on this side of the map and then jump through from right over the other side? Or to use it to get over that wall they shouldn't be able to get over? Portal-resistant walls? You'd have to start artificially limiting the environment to prevent abuse of the Portal gun. In short, you'd have to turn HL2 into Portal. Why bother, except to please the fanwanking of a few obsessives?

Don't get me wrong. I like the way that Valve tied the two games together. It was subtle. It was a nice fan service. It makes you feel warm inside. It doesn't, however, mean that the two distinctly different games will be merged like some kind of chimaeric bastard offspring of two highly incompatible parents. Nor should it.

HL2 was fun. Portal was fun. In a very different way. Leave them separate.
Portal gun in Ep3 would be very easy to control in the game if Valve set it up right. There could be a map or two where you have to use it (on the Borealis?) and it would be a very controlled environment (ie, no striders, no combine, just a few puzzles), and then would go away or break once you didn't need it (like the super gravity gun). I don't really care if the portal gun is in ep3, and I kind of agree with Pi that both games should stay separate. But if they did mix the two, I don't see any major problems with it.
HL2 is an FPS. You shoot things. You also drive things. There's generally a good degree of variety in terms of locations, and objectives. It's very story-led.

Portal is a puzzle game. You make portals and jump through them. There's a limited variety of locations and objectives. It's not story-led.

They don't mix. Mixing them would not be fun. Putting the portal gun into the HL2 setting just doesn't work. There's too much scope for it, which is why Portal was set in a test lab where the player's environment could be strictly controlled. This is entirely aside from technical aspects - what happens when you place a portal under a Combine soldier? A car? A Strider's leg? What's to prevent a player from putting a portal waaaaay over on this side of the map and then jump through from right over the other side? Or to use it to get over that wall they shouldn't be able to get over? Portal-resistant walls? You'd have to start artificially limiting the environment to prevent abuse of the Portal gun. In short, you'd have to turn HL2 into Portal. Why bother, except to please the fanwanking of a few obsessives?

Don't get me wrong. I like the way that Valve tied the two games together. It was subtle. It was a nice fan service. It makes you feel warm inside. It doesn't, however, mean that the two distinctly different games will be merged like some kind of chimaeric bastard offspring of two highly incompatible parents. Nor should it.

HL2 was fun. Portal was fun. In a very different way. Leave them separate.

This. That's why Portal 2 MUST be a prequel, because the aftermath of Portal is an open world. You can't do Portal EXCEPT as a test-lab game.
HL2 is an FPS. You shoot things. You also drive things. There's generally a good degree of variety in terms of locations, and objectives. It's very story-led.

Portal is a puzzle game. You make portals and jump through them. There's a limited variety of locations and objectives. It's not story-led.

They don't mix. Mixing them would not be fun. Putting the portal gun into the HL2 setting just doesn't work. There's too much scope for it, which is why Portal was set in a test lab where the player's environment could be strictly controlled. This is entirely aside from technical aspects - what happens when you place a portal under a Combine soldier? A car? A Strider's leg? What's to prevent a player from putting a portal waaaaay over on this side of the map and then jump through from right over the other side? Or to use it to get over that wall they shouldn't be able to get over? Portal-resistant walls? You'd have to start artificially limiting the environment to prevent abuse of the Portal gun. In short, you'd have to turn HL2 into Portal. Why bother, except to please the fanwanking of a few obsessives?

Don't get me wrong. I like the way that Valve tied the two games together. It was subtle. It was a nice fan service. It makes you feel warm inside. It doesn't, however, mean that the two distinctly different games will be merged like some kind of chimaeric bastard offspring of two highly incompatible parents. Nor should it.

HL2 was fun. Portal was fun. In a very different way. Leave them separate.

Thats reminds me of the people who used to say "Team Fortress 2 cannot be cartoony, it doesn't fit!".
Wow, you guys must be really clever. You know, to be able to know the absolute limits of technology and game design. Amazing.
Just so you know I have just got another update

3rd March said:

  • Added valuable asset retrieval
Though I can't see any visible changes, maybe ingame
They added the soundfiles dinosaur_fizzle2.wav and dinosaur_fizzle3.wav.

dinosaur_fizzle3 is now heard when destroying a radio in the energy field.
Hearsay as of right now, don't currently have access to Portal: New radio added to last map, reports coming in of strange things happening if you finish game with the radio. Confirmation?

Highly unlikely as it wasn't that large of an update.
There's a new ending for Portal as well in the update...

Same as before, but you start getting dragged off before the fade-out now.

Wow, you guys must be really clever. You know, to be able to know the absolute limits of technology and game design. Amazing.

Oddly enough, I was just expressing an opinion, ostensibly to counter the ludicrous "OMG EPISODE 3!!!!1111" straw-clutching that's going on.
Okay i just killed Glados. When you're incapacitated and see debris flying around you now hear something mechanical approaching you and say "Thank you for assuming the party escort submission Position" and drags you away. The screen then goes black.


Video of new ending. Not a very good one though.

valuable asset retrieval
chell is being dragged away

EDIT: Better video

Just for the hell of it, here's a small list of facts:

1) Valve updated Portal with the new radio achievement
2) Valve embedded a bunch of Portal-related images in the update
2) The images lead to a Portal-related BBS
3) The BBS leads to further Portal-related images

So, what's the link? The common denominator here?

Oh yeah.
Any link to Episode 3 in the (heavily obfuscated) images is purely, simple, completely and utterly speculation.

Occam's Razor.
Which proves what? The link between Portal and HL2 has already been established. If Valve were using this release to announce Episode 3, why use Portal to do it? Why have one or two very small HL2-related snippets in a big-ass Portal deluge to do it?
Why ignore the fact that everything released so far is related to Portal and instead pore over ASCII-encoded images looking for something that if you squint really hard, close your eyes and imagine, might look like something that you could pretend would be in Episode 3?
"Hey guys, we updated Portal!"
"No, look - Portal. We updated it, and added all this cool, Portal-related stuff!"
"No, Port-"
Theres going to be a Ep2 alternate ending too; Eli's lying dead on the ground and a Mech comes crashing through the hanger with a commanding voice, "Thank you for assuming the party escort submission position"

*Drags Eli Off*
Alyx is going to cry her eyes out
Dog will be indifferent about situation
Gordons going to cry out "WTF?!"

Any new images/info come up on the Dial-Up?
"Hey guys, we updated Portal!"
"No, look - Portal. We updated it, and added all this cool, Portal-related stuff!"
"No, Port-"

People want Episode 3, not Portal 2.
I'd quite like Portal 2. And some cake.
Just for the hell of it, here's a small list of facts:

1) Valve updated Portal with the new radio achievement
2) Valve embedded a bunch of Portal-related images in the update
2) The images lead to a Portal-related BBS
3) The BBS leads to further Portal-related images

So, what's the link? The common denominator here?

Oh yeah.
Any link to Episode 3 in the (heavily obfuscated) images is purely, simple, completely and utterly speculation.

Occam's Razor.

5) Sound of Dr. Kleiner's voice in Portal sound file.

Huh? What happened to number four?
The party escort submission position? So we are obviously being dragged off by the Party Escort, who is taking us to a "party". GlaDOS is still alive, hello?

And as far as HL3 integration, the ASHPD is a crappy weapon. Why would you want it to fight the Combine? It's GREAT for solving puzzles, provided that the puzzle is designed to be solved using it! It has no real-world use unless you need to teleport yourself or an object across a very short distance. You literally couldn't escape a paper bag with it. Try shooting down one of those hybrid dragonfly/Apache helicopter things with it. Good luck with it under water too. It's about as useful in HL3 as a shower curtain.

Don't get me wrong, I will take a sick day to play P2, and I am as glued to this ARG stuff as anybody. I'm just not with the Ep3/P2 combo crowd.
Quoting yourself: It's like the internal conflict that wasn't.

Anyway I agree with not merging the gameplay of portal with episode 3, but the narrative of the two worlds could combine rather easily, and I think Valve has the intention to do so where the opportunity sensibly presents itself.
I don't care, I'll buy whatever the hell they publish.
pretty dam obv from where im sitting its portal in episode 3 cause it explains why its taken almost 3yrs to make, plus the storys cross over its where episode 3 was heading! going to aperture science ship! there be more just cake there ;)

also wasnt there an episode 2 update? or just portal so far?
I could see a Ep3 and P2 bundle being released.

If we start seeing more Half Life stuff into these updates then this theory would be better founded. It'd be neat to see a Lambda symbol in one of the images or maybe a Black Mesa symbol.

Question: has anyone been to the building that looks like an elephant? Could there be something there? Is Valve THAT dedicated?
Me personally thinks Cave Johnson may have had Chell destroy Glados, because Glados was taking from Johnson's authority and power.