Post a screenshot!

Oh my god, you play with full AA on. Crazy shit Asuka

No dude thats the one thing i dont have maxed. I just play on native res for my monitor. 1680x1050. Higher res really helps with that.
Indeed at higher resolutions AA becomes less than neccesary, especially at 2560 x 1600 and above.
I realise people are probably bored to tears of Crysis Warhead by now, but this is my last screenie from it, I swear:-

Imageshack sucks, no doubt, but I'd like photobucket a lot better if it didn't auto-resize images over 1024x768 res. If only there was a happy medium...

It only does that if you tell it to newb. You can change the size restrictions to just be <1mb and then you can have whatever resolution you want. Those 1920x1280 screens I posted on the last page are hosted on photobucket.

And photobucket's interface is simple as ****. Read my last post. There is literally two buttons you need to press to upload any number of images, and it makes every link you need available as soon as its uploaded.
It only does that if you tell it to newb. You can change the size restrictions to just be <1mb and then you can have whatever resolution you want. Those 1920x1280 screens I posted on the last page are hosted on photobucket.
Oh, for serious?

Have some nice crysis pics, but imgshack is throwing a fit over them being in BMP, gotta get fraps and change em to jpg...
Yeah stalker can look pretty damn awesome some times. When I attacked the large town with Clear Sky troops a huge thunderstorm was raining down (mod for heavy storms) and it was fairly epic.

Time for high quality ENGRISH! This is why you need to learn Japanese.

Absolutely! Reckon they really hit the nail on the head when it comes to lighting and environmental effects this time around :D

^What games is that mate?
1. Fullani - Fully animated Mahjongg. Made by LEAF.
2. Yuki no Chi, Fururu! ~tokoro ni yori, koi mo you~. Made by RUNE.

More high quality engrish!
You can't make this stuff up. I love replaying through games with the wacky translations. It's like a bad lemon.

You can't make this stuff up. I love replaying through games with the wacky translations. It's like a bad lemon.

<snipped image>

What is that? Some kind of Hentai Date Sim?
Obviously. All games made in Japan are dating sims.
Nah date sims are actually good. This is more like an interactive novel.
So Kyo, you don't normally play with ATLAS? How do you play them? Proper translated versions?

If you tell me you can actually understand the Japanese I will have to kill you and take your brain.

I can read and speak the language but it's not easy.


How did you learn? Schooling, self taught, both? How long did it take?
Man, you suck at this dating thing. You're never supposed to stab her in the eyelash with the red melted morning glow until at least the third date.
4 years at Uni as an extra to my main comp sci.

I did pretty much the same, except as comp eng (did 5 years :(). Then I moved to Japan. The salary isn't as high, but holy shit the bonus is HUGE!

Isn't it weird how the major tends to share the interest in Japanese culture? :eek:

edit: oh yeah, i forgot to post a picture...

The prefix "j" refers to anything made by oriental yellow rice-powered machines.

If you think that's racist, go read Breakfast of Champions, ya twat.
Vegeta was in this too, on the right side... but I accidentally killed him when I shot his gold above and it rained down on him. Man the cannons are fun!
