Post a screenshot!

Modern Warfare 2: Big story spoiler


Glad they brought him back :D

Get your ass on the test server dude, its got all the new planet stuff. Gunna take some more screenshots later :D

Get your ass on the test server dude, its got all the new planet stuff. Gunna take some more screenshots later :D

My subscription has long died. I ended the game trying to get BattleShip 5. I think I had 13 days left hahaha.
You would have had a pimp ass raven =D for your bearing hahaha.

That stuff gives X3 a run for its money in terms of graphics. Maybe I'll grab some screens from that game...
Stemot, are there any gameplay/level changes, or is it just a face lift. Not that I mind if it is.


Stemot, are there any gameplay/level changes, or is it just a face lift. Not that I mind if it is.



Nope, no level changes. You do get the levels from the original demo included as well though, and a co-op mode, but everything else bar the upgraded graphics is the same.
From what I've heard, this is meant to be a sort of fund raiser, so they can make Serious Sam 3.
Thread should be renamed "Screenshots of the latest game Stemot pirated"
Thread should be renamed "Screenshots of the latest game Stemot pirated"

Right, because I don't legally own any games. :rolleyes: Maybe You should rename your username to "Krynn is full of sh*t" :p

From what I've heard, this is meant to be a sort of fund raiser, so they can make Serious Sam 3.

Well I'll be honest, if this is the best their engine can get (I was led to believe this was the one they were using for Serious 3) then I'll not bother. It may look nice but there are some framerate issues for is what essentially just an average looking engine at the moment. Then again, I guess that could be why they need more money.
Right, because I don't legally own any games. :rolleyes: Maybe You should rename your username to "Krynn is full of sh*t" :p

How many games in this thread have you bought? I can remember several instances where you say you pirated the one you were posting.

EDIT: haha, doing a search I can only find examples to disprove myself, where you say you bought the game. Although a couple of them were because you didnt want to wait for it to be cracked. :/

Anyways, if a mod sees this, please change my custom title to "is full of shit"
How many games in this thread have you bought? I can remember several instances where you say you pirated the one you were posting.

EDIT: haha, doing a search I can only find examples to disprove myself, where you say you bought the game. Although a couple of them were because you didnt want to wait for it to be cracked. :/

Anyways, if a mod sees this, please change my custom title to "is full of shit"

Lol. I got infracted for posting pics of a pirated version of Force Unleashed a little bit ago (since it doesn't come to the UK until next month), but yeah, the rest I bought. I also buy the games I pirate and keep, like I have with RE5, Street Fighter 4, Dead Space, Mirrors Edge and I even bought the collector edition of Batman Arkham Asylum. It's usually because of the delay in release dates for the UK. Anyway, were not supposed to talk about this here and I don't want another infraction :)

Dirt 2 PC Demo with DX9







yeah, that game has some of the best writing of any game I've ever played.

I've been meaning to go back and play it all the way through again but I haven't had the time lately.
God damn was this game ever deep.

That's why I have a plain .txt file on my computer containing all conversations(both your own and between other NPCs that you can eavesdrop on) from Deus Ex.:)
That game should be played on my philosophy class at school. (Meaning Deus Ex)
How many games in this thread have you bought? I can remember several instances where you say you pirated the one you were posting.

EDIT: haha, doing a search I can only find examples to disprove myself, where you say you bought the game. Although a couple of them were because you didnt want to wait for it to be cracked. :/

Anyways, if a mod sees this, please change my custom title to "is full of shit"

I've come to the conclusion that Stemot just has an ungodly amount of money.
Why not? I make 35K a year, pay 475/month for rent and ~130 for utilities including electric but only half of each since I have a roomate, 138/month in student loan payments, $50 a month for my phone bill. I've spent probably 100 bucks on gaming per month if I average it all out over this year.


I would show some borderlands screenshots, but the ****er keeps crashing my whole damn computer after 15 minutes of playing.
I Googled this and didn't find anything, so maybe I found something new? These are close up shots of the Pendleton 2000 control modules in the original F.E.A.R. game. The labels on this first one (as they may be hard to read on this shrunken .jpg file): coins collected, time left, ammunition spent, secrets found, lives left, high score, saves remaining, enemies killed.

The label for the counter on the left is "giant spiders in pipes" and the one on the right is "sewer rats in pump"

The game is known for little easter eggs like this (magazine covers, outgoing mail, etc.), but this is the first time I looked closely at these.
you know what's worse than bethesda? it's bethesda's community.
I guess at some point you got the impression that I wanted to know what your finances are?

The apparent evidence that you've been thinking about my monetary situation would appear to support that theory, but like I said, conclude what you like :).