Post pics of your rig!

Lol hudons right, i have them on the AMD rig. My P4 rig i have creative I-trigue 3300's.
Originally posted by x84D80Yx
^is that the raidmax 668 case? if so, how do you like it?
Click on the "My Case" after the Afro man above..its a link to my case:bounce:
Doobz, we got the same case! :p OUR CASE R0X0Rs!1!11!!
i have a preview of my white trash mod
he he he


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Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
hey dude dont knock em, they can crank out that sound nicley =)

lol, i was being serious. heh. i like em
i have a shitty cam.. :(


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wow cool I like the Gauges..Where did u get those and what are they for?
musketeer is the retro lookin' thing with the three dials, i love it
all you guys have such cool ass cases with cool lookin shit and lights and stuff. now ive gotta go glue sparkles to my dell.
Thanks man, i was hoping other people would like it as much as i did
I just put a green light under my case(i have little feet in it so it dosent touch the ground) and it looks awsome. Kind of like the underbody kit on my car.
cool what's it called? got a link to the site who manufactures it? i think i know what you're talking about, i want one.. heh
Originally posted by nsxownzme
cool what's it called? got a link to the site who manufactures it? i think i know what you're talking about, i want one.. heh
The underbody kit for my car or the green light i put under my case? The one under my case is just a 10in Cold Cathod tube, the underbody kit for my car is a lightglow kit(Blue).
well ive actually seen platforms on the net, your tower stands on it, and it lights up and stuff..
For me, I like the appearance of my computer as is (it just looks more...professional, I guess), and it's fast so I'm happy :)...I don't tend to go crazy with all that mod stuff, the only thing I do is try and keep wires and cables orderly.
Updated mine with more up to date pics (yes that's gaffa tape, spiral wrap is coming through post, it's glow in the dark illuminus stuff so teh slver gaffa gleems through the slits in the spiral wrap so looks really nice, see? :P)

click thumbs for full size (most 2048x1536!)

Finally, the audio...
niceshit man, like the audio.. what kind of sound card do you have?
Originally posted by thehunter1320
Doobz, we got the same case! :p OUR CASE R0X0Rs!1!11!!
i have a preview of my white trash mod
he he he

yeah, people always complain about how ugly it is, especially in those newegg product pics, but in person, the thing is very nice, especially with alot of nice lighting like i got

it also has GREAT functionality. theren's no sharp edges, it's got one of the best mobo mounting systems i've seen, one of the best card locking systems i've seen, the panel is very easy to take off if you want to, but doesn't come off if you don't want it to, so it's got great accessibility, and INCREDIBLY cooling potential. those 2 80mm fans you see in there only move about 36.4cfm each, not a whole lot when considering case fans, but they keep the inside of that case INCREDIBLY cool, don't know the exact temp since i have a crappy gateway mobo (this all used to be gateway stuff, i obviously changed a few things to my liking :afro: i got a 9800 Pro with a Vantec Iceberg 4 HSF, and the obvious new case stuff) but i can tell you that it's actually keeping the inside of my case colder than the temperature in my room :bounce:
Originally posted by nsxownzme
niceshit man, like the audio.. what kind of sound card do you have?

a turtle beach santa cruz (july 2003 driver) :afro:

seems to be a popular case that, zoml :cool:

Sorry, just wanted to check if my new signature worked :cheers: :bounce: :bounce: :cheers: :bounce: :bounce: :cheese:


These are a couple months old and my desk is much cleaner now. Oh yeah and here is my ultimage gaming chair.

Heres Mine:

XP2600+ 512 DDR 2700 40GB HD Radeon 9800np SB 5.1 Live & Speakers

The eMac is for proper work, the PC's for games (just a big xbox really)


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Originally posted by MacGraham
The eMac is for proper work, the PC's for games (just a big xbox really)
How can you live without the delete key on the PC?

Also, jbscotchman, you have the most comfortable mouse ever.
Originally posted by ankalar
How can you live without the delete key on the PC?

Also, jbscotchman, you have the most comfortable mouse ever.

I don't follow, there is a delete key.

Also the PC is just for games. Windows is a shit operating system for proper work. OSX is bulletproof and far more productive. For games thought, the PC rocks!
Oh yea, sorry, I saw that you had one of the dark Mac keyboards. The older ones didn't have a delete key. Plus, I know what you mean about OSX, it's quite possibly the greatest operating system ever. All these people who say that Macs suck have never tried OSX.
Originally posted by ankalar
Oh yea, sorry, I saw that you had one of the dark Mac keyboards. The older ones didn't have a delete key. Plus, I know what you mean about OSX, it's quite possibly the greatest operating system ever. All these people who say that Macs suck have never tried OSX.

my god another PC user who has actually used a Mac for real and realises the truth without sticking their head in the sand. HL2 on a G5 would silence every word in this forum about performance. Ain't gonna happen though, so unfortunately I have to use this PC

Its a bit like all these Nvidia owners who now say that DX9 sucks. Denile is a terrible thing. Microsoft is the thing that sucks.
Yeah down with Microsoft!

Too bad its the only OS that you can play games on:(