Post pics of your rig!

Awesome setup, best I've ever seen.
I too own a Volcano 11+. Is that a Radeon? :)
hey thanks guys, umm no nsxownzme its a TI4600 SOON to be replaced with a 9800pro, im holding out as long as I can becouse I have to buy one for my wife to so thats like 700.00 but very soon.
heh, $700 is a lot. I'm tellin' you, you'll be happy when you get it. :)
yeah im really happy, all I have ever owned is 3DFX & Nvidia sence 1995, I was VERY unhappy about the Nvidia fiasco so im gonna format both PC's and put a new 9800 pro in each box, btw the wife is damn good FPS all 102 lbs of her lol.
muh, if I was rich my walls would not have crayon marks on them :(

If one thing must be decent it's audio, my little ears are easily impressed by crisp audio :P
lol, you got a nice clean area. If I can find my camera I'll take a picture of my desk. It has like twenty empty coke cans on it and papers scattered all over from research its a mess.
researching on coke cans? :D

I really can't stand mess tbh, no im not gay either (no offence to anyone either!) i just cant stand a messy working environment :|

I like to have everything where they can be easily yanked (that sounds so bad but its not what you think) off and found easily if you understand my figure of speachness!
I clean it up every now and then but it gets messed up about an hour later :/ lol
eh! not bad! but show us that funky car down there too!
lol.. it's a 1978 corvette, I got a ton of models.
This is a before & after pic, I spent around $1500 in upgrades and customizing. Thought it would be fun to show you guys what HL2 has done to my pc[and paycheck].
dude the before and after is funny, very nice setup you 2. good wirring job.
Bought a ducting mod for my CPU cooler today, nothing special but hell, I'll post some pics for the hell of it.
I got some pictures here, Be warned they were made using a capture program and a SHARP video camera so the quality is gonna suck.


Case with the side taken off.


Sub-Woofer for my speakers. Enclosing it inside the cabinet boosts the bass.


Keyboard and Mouse. Yes thats a disney mousepad you see. It was a gift from my 25 year old sister, and hell my old max payne mousepad was beyond repair.


Thermaltake CPU cooler.


Inside of the case.


The AGP and PCI card slots


Rear speakers were routed through my ceiling, something I dont suggest doing....


My monitor capturing my monitor capturing my monitor capturing my monitor capturing my monitor..etc


Desk and basic setup. Yes thats a gamecube, I capture video files for a site.


Slot load DVDROM and CDRW.




My Desk area ::
***Click Here***

pc on left (white) specs ::
800 mhz p3
512 sd ram
GeForce 2 64 mb
30 gig hd
cd rom
cd-rw rom

pc on the right/middle (black) ::
2.4 ghz P4c
512 DDR Ram
GeForce 4 ti 4200 128mb DDR
100 Gig hd. w/ RAID enabled.
I seriously say we sticky this! It's probably the most popular thread in the hardware forum.
As for me, my "rig" (Dell) is puny and unworthy of any such photography.
Northwood, you need a wire job. Tuck all those wires away so its nice and clean.

Also, this isnt the kind of thread that we sticky.
Originally posted by Javert
I seriously say we sticky this! It's probably the most popular thread in the hardware forum.
As for me, my "rig" (Dell) is puny and unworthy of any such photography.

Post pics anyways! It's not only about your rig, but your set up too. Some other guy showed us pics of his ''gaming chair'' although it looked 100yrs old and may possibly contain diseases. In a previous post a guy showed pics of his new dual monitor setup!
NYHoustonman: Don't know really, havent bothered figuing out how to get support for temperature monitoring in Linux, what I do know is that if you have a good airflow (like good intake and blowout), insulation can help cus the case will be more like a airtunnel (without insulation air will come in and out in some tiny holes which can make the airflow worse actually).

Sgt.Igneri: Yea I know, we'll see if I can be bothered with it :)

What I do know is that the comp is perfectly stable, and thats enough for me.
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Northwood, you need a wire job. Tuck all those wires away so its nice and clean.

Also, this isnt the kind of thread that we sticky.

I had the thing perfectly wired but I eventually lost interest in keeping it neat and clean when it comes to wires. I still regularly take everything apart clean the system from dust and other things which get inside. I dont really care at this point because Im upgrading a lot of these components so Ill worry about all that once I get the new rig.