Post Your Desktops the "Willie will give you bananas if you do eet" Edition

Huh? Looks fine to me.

This is what mine looks like.

I LOVE IT. Actually I'm only 20 pages in and have no opinion yet. But isn't that picture just lovely? Ignoring the guy.
You're getting less good at life by the minute gotta be honest here

Twilight is for 12 year old girls and morons (I am comfortable with my inference that all 12 year old girls are morons)
It would go great with that bit in your signature about how all the mods are clearly dicks and how I ban people all the god-damn time and even after I ban people it's still okay because I use this emote :cat:
[Lucida Sans Conformity](I am comfortable with my inference that all 12 year old girls are morons)[/FONT]
Actually, that phrasing does not specifically infer that they are the same. In fact, to me it suggests that they exist in separate camps. Using 'or' would have maybe suggested that the two groups converge. Instead, by using 'and,' it suggests that while 12 year old girls and morons are categorically disparate, they are qualified similarly, i.e. both undesirable and vapid.
This is a very fair point to make; rather than editing my original post, which could lead to confusion, I shall simply make a statement

Twilight is for morons.

12 year old girls are morons.

This is a very fair point to make; rather than editing my original post, which could lead to confusion, I shall simply make a statement

Twilight is for morons.

12 year old girls are morons.

I didn't know you wrote poetry.
It took me about 45 minutes to get through Twilight.

The cover took the longest to burn.
It took you 45 minutes to burn a bunch of paper?

A Song of Ice and Fire wallpaper, **** YEAH! Also I need to do some clean up.

Haha, you still have a fullscreen monitor.


That's kinda like saying "Haha, you still drive a car that uses all of the cylinders it possesses"

I know what you were trying to say; the monitor's ratio is 4:3 as opposed to widescreen
Actually it's 5:4

I could tell just from looking at it, but if you check the resolution too, there's the proof. He's on one of those 1280x1024 LCDs.
Bah, whatever. Non-widescreen. I've been out-curmudgeoned. I merely wanted to point out "When is a monitor NOT 'fullscreen.'"
Yup, it is an old fashioned 17" 1280x1024 monitor. It does the trick though and has never let me down in the last 5 years.

A Half-Life desktop? Who would have guessed right?
I'm actually quite happy with this though.
Hey, GameMaker. Good stuff. I've been using that on occasion since version 4.
I get on my computer today and find myself logged out of facebook. Nothing surprising since I dont use it often and clear my cookies/data often, but when I clicked on the email field some email address I have never seen pops up. I think to myself "wtf is this shit?" since I know my siblings email addresses and it wasn't theirs. Besides they all have their own computers, and have no reason to go into my room (without permission, when I am gone) and use my computer.

So, being the curious, internet creeper I am, I google it. Two hits. One is for some weird thing, I don't even know what it is. But the other is some online petition about "Everything Bagels." Underneath it, is says that it was started by my brother, and this girl. In parentheses it gives their email addresses, and the one for the girl was the one I searched for. I copy the girls name, and do a search through my brothers facebook friends list and find her.

And thats how I know my brother let some chick he knows use my computer instead of letting her use his laptop. Whats worse is that it means they were just hanging out in my room, instead of his. wtf. Thank god I had cleared all the nsfw stuff off my desktop. Also, thank god she used chrome. My firefox still has some raunchy search history left. Anyways, thats the story behind this wallpaper.
