Post Your Desktops the "Willie will give you bananas if you do eet" Edition

I think i'll be doing the same real soon. Came home from work the other day (only day I didn't log off) and checked my FF history. It was full of Halo 2 videos from youtube that my brother watched for about three hours. On top of that, he ****ing adjusted my chair to a different level. (the little air lever thing).
^ She's going to be one of those old ladies with the banana-shaped udders, one day.
**** icons. :cool:

Where's your recycle bin? Or do you just permanently delete things so you don't have to deal with it?

I've deleted my rubbish bin from XP once. The HDD clean tool didn't even work even if it could read that the bin was 2.4gb full :/

I never use desktop icons.

Edit:// You know what, Band of Horses (my desktop photo) is like the Bizarro version of MEGA64.
Cool roots, bro.

I hope those are roots.

Aw man, seeing this just put a big smile on my face.

Also cool desktop.
So many god damn shortcuts. Game needs a mod manager real bad.
There are mod managers.

I find it easier to just have multiple shortcuts though. Put 'em in a folder if you don't want the clutter.
That's what happens when you have a crappy PC... but I don't care too much since they're still immensely entertaining games.
A proper first aid kit and oxygen tank, with some custom emergency lights and you got yourself an off-duty/first response vehicle. Only thing it lacks is a stretcher for transport.
If I posted my desktop, you'd all weep. It's become so unmanageable I don't know what to do... and so it keeps growing, and growing, and growing.

Yeah... here it is... look at all the secret stuffs! porn collections and the like for sure.

If I posted my desktop, you'd all weep. It's become so unmanageable I don't know what to do... and so it keeps growing, and growing, and growing.

Yeah... here it is... look at all the secret stuffs! porn collections and the like for sure.

It always amazes me why people feel the need to have a ton of shortcuts on the damn desktop. I have none.
I don't feel the need, I just don't have any better solution.

I wanted to have these little shelves on my desktop I could sort of expand and collapse and stuff, but never ended up managing to get anything quite like that which worked right for me.

It's just an out of control beast. You start with 1... and then the next week you have five... and you're thinking to yourself, "It's no big deal... I'll clean it up later."

A year later, it's a monster and you don't know how to clean it up. I mean, I usually just dump everything into a text, a movie, a shortcut folder or whatever... and never touch the shit again.
Not even objectdock? I think theres a setting to have one bar on each side of the screen?
I think I tried using the free version of objectdock before and it wouldn't work on my windows 7 64 bit.