Post your latest music tracks/WIP's and comment!

I liked how it started out...then it got kinda meh.

I wanna play with the .rns plz :D
Oh right...forgot there's other programs besides Reason :P Nvm then.

The song is good though. I think it's just the synths that I don't like, and that the melody doesn't change a lot, but thats just me :)
The song is good though. I think it's just the synths that I don't like, and that the melody doesn't change a lot, but thats just me :)

Yeah... I've been making songs like that for a while. I usually like a straightforward melody, and then building harmonies and layers around it.
^ That was neat. Arps are trance-inducing :D

Here's one I'm done with:
Started out messing with malstrom and got some neat noises. Although, when I exported it at the usual 44100hz, the tone/pitch of the malstrom sound was slightly higher than it should have been and it messed everything up :\ Exporting it at 48000hz and converting it afterward seemed to save it though.
Good track evolution. Something I need to work on. Only thing that annoyed me was instantly recognisable Rex loop. But that's finnicky.

The Malstrom is so very underrated. Even its basic waveforms seem more interesting sounding than the Subtractor. I mainly use the Sub for simplicity's sake; with enough tweaking, the Mal can be made to sound like anything.
You should learn a bit about subtractive vs. fm synthesis if you want to know why they sound so different :p
I decided to go pickup Ableton Live and start remixing some NiN.
I got the Survivalism track lightly remixed, and when I was first doing it I felt really amazed at the track but the constant repeating of the track trying to fix synch in the audio, or just adding simple things kinda got me stripped of the amazement.

Here is the track. I want you to know that I won't be touching it again, and I understand that some of it is conflicting (The breakdown was kinda messy, but I thought at the sametime it added a glitchy quality. Other parts felt empty without some added noise, but at the sametime it also conflicted with the track.), I would still really appreciate opinions, and suggestions for next time I decided to go remix a song.

If opinions are well felt here I'll go ahead and upload it to the NiN remix site with great pride. This is my first time even touching a track, and it seems ace to me, so I'm already fairly proud.
Oh yeah, Saul's vocals are amazing, but are they ever hard to fit in.
So my cousin told me that a (lesser known) band he likes is having a remix competition thing on MySpace... I was bored and felt like trying something new, so I go there ( and download the files. And then I got to developing a Venetian Snares-ish breakbeat type track, with glitch vocals etc. Only thing I used which wasn't provided was a DnB bassline.

I think it's pretty damn cool. Sure as hell beats the loads of shit that noobs cook up in GarageBand :p

Edit: Made a non-distorted version:
So my cousin told me that a (lesser known) band he likes is having a remix competition thing on MySpace... I was bored and felt like trying something new, so I go there ( and download the files. And then I got to developing a Venetian Snares-ish breakbeat type track, with glitch vocals etc. Only thing I used which wasn't provided was a DnB bassline.

I think it's pretty damn cool. Sure as hell beats the loads of shit that noobs cook up in GarageBand :p

Edit: Made a non-distorted version:

Noisy. I like it.

Also, I just realized it, this is the band that did the song at the end of Snakes on a Plane.
Naudian, I really like Antigravy. You have nice little breaks and effects here and there. I think you could add more variation and really flesh it out proper. Give it a nice climax.
Tick-Dong sounds like an SNES game from Hell or something. :| The repetitive hi-hats got kind of grating, though.

Fliko, I think the NIN remix is well structured enough, but sometimes it sounds like it's just a rearrangement of the song clips, perhaps with a few minor effects and adjustments here and there. But considering it was your first foray into Ableton, I think you did well enough. I couldn't make anything longer than maybe a minute when I started with it.
My personal suggestion is that in the future you should really just try to make the song your own, rather than a variation of the original song. Fit and alter the materials into a song you'd like to make. For instance, I often find the most appealing tracks from the remix EPs are the ones that sound so dissimilar to their originals. Maybe it's a taste thing, but you can keep it in mind. It makes me feel like remixing it again for the hell of it. :)

Now, Vegeta... That remix has balls. Too much balls for my ears. Congratulations on making the kind abrasive track V. Snares would have, but I must settle for the non-distorted version because I don't think my ears could handle the punishment for long.
That's all a compliment, by the way.
Veg, your remix is awesome. Have to say I prefer the distort version.
Fliko, I think the NIN remix is well structured enough, but sometimes it sounds like it's just a rearrangement of the song clips, perhaps with a few minor effects and adjustments here and there. But considering it was your first foray into Ableton, I think you did well enough. I couldn't make anything longer than maybe a minute when I started with it.
My personal suggestion is that in the future you should really just try to make the song your own, rather than a variation of the original song. Fit and alter the materials into a song you'd like to make. For instance, I often find the most appealing tracks from the remix EPs are the ones that sound so dissimilar to their originals. Maybe it's a taste thing, but you can keep it in mind. It makes me feel like remixing it again for the hell of it. :)
Aye, I hear you. It was moreso so I could get use to Ableton Live. I'll keep this stuff in mind for next time I go remix something. Good advice! :thumbs:
Thanks for the input, Absinthe :D

Vegeta's mix is pretty sweet, but as I was listening I thought it would be cool to fade the distortion in and out, wherever it fits, rather than have it throughout the whole track.
I'll stick with the clean mix for now though.

I'm currently playing with making ambient stuff, inspired mainly by these tracks from HL2:


Here's a bit of what I've made so far:
It doesn't really sound like something from the half-life universe though...but I plan to change/extend that one and then make a few more tracks similar to it :D
After much sickness, meds and insanity (EDIT: AND TALKING TO VEGETA KK), I give you my latest:

Arctandem - H1N1

Named in honour of my virus.

Contains fun stuff, like ultra-abrasive drums and samples of me coughing! Fun times.

Thanks to qonfy for help.
Love it. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove it.

As I said before, maybe, just maybe, your best.

And Naudian, I'm really liking that. Keep at it!
Nothing but the drums in the beginning was too long imo. The second part is quite nice. The part after that is nice too.

I guess I just don't really like the main drum loop.
Damn theotherguy, I'd love to hear you try something Freezepop-ish with that voice of yours.
French? Dance? It's an american "synthpop" band. :p

Listen to "Emotions and Photons" or uh... "Shark Attack". Those have the male singer. Make something like that plox :D
Hey Harij. Nice to see you. lol at you, thanks.

I specifically liked those sort of bellish pads in your track. And the bass was just... ill, that's the best word I can come up with. Really sick. That lead synth did some cool things too.
Haha, Harij, very nice. I did as you said and cranked the volume way up, and when the bass kicked in it blew an empty soda can off my desk.