Post your latest music tracks/WIP's and comment!

This is really cool, some great tracks so far guys. What software does one use to make this stuff?

Do you guys synthesize the sounds, or do you all really know what many instruments? D :

Most of us use Reason.

If you mean we actually play the instruments, most of us don't - we just use a sort of time editor in which we deliberately put notes on a "lane" to create a "loop."
This is really cool, some great tracks so far guys. What software does one use to make this stuff?

Do you guys synthesize the sounds, or do you all really know what many instruments? D :

I actually play the bass guitar and electric guitar in my tracks.
Sludge: What I didn't like about this track is that the drumming gets too repetitive. Perhaps it'd sound better if the drums were real rather than samples, but what I think would improve the rhythmic part of this track is for you to try adding some variation to the beat. Do you listen to Porcupine Tree? Perhaps you'd like the drummer's style in that band. Listen to the songs "Anesthetize" and "Mellotron Sratch" - the drumming varies and flows along perfectly.

What I liked was the fact that it was badass. The guitar reminded me of Pink Floyd, for a reason. I don't listen to this kind of rock much at all so +1 for making me like a genre I don't really listen to.

Quitting is for losers: Same thing with the drumming - too samey, needs more variation (however subtle it may be).

I really liked about halfway to this song when a very subtle melody slowly builds up towards the end. Awesome stuff.

Thanks a lot man. I've tried a new track, this time the drums are supposed to sound like samples, and Ive tried to vary the drum beat appropriately.

Titled : "Machine 3.0"

How would you rate my drum sampling in "Ghetto Got Rhythm"? I tried to vary it in a subtle way. I realise that this is one of my weaknesses which I need to improve!

Questions, comments, critism and suggestions all welcome!

Somebody in one of my classes told me that we should make a Dethklok cover band. I more or less declined, but I was bored so I decided to record one of their awful songs, sans vocals and keyboards. Despite tall that, it's probably the best-sounding recording and mixing I've done so far.

The mixing, sound quality and production is fantastic!

... it's just... I hate it. Sorry :(
I've never heard the original one though, I assume I wouldnt really like it either.
Wow, Tai Fong, those are amazing. The best I have heard here yet!
Double post, but, **** it, I'm bumping.

Something I've been working on for a bit:

Solitary by Qonfucius

I really like the track, but still, the drums need some more work? I don't know, I'm not a big electronic fan as you probably know, but just to compare the drums to a real set they seem kinda lifeless, while the synths and everything else are just beaming with life and it just kinda clashes together.
No, the drums were off.

I certainly have a habit of messing around with something, be it drums or a synth, and liking it, then applying to to something different. As from what I've heard, most tracks change a lot during production and I need to learn to go back and mess around more to make things fit. I'll make a drum pattern I like and keep that same one running throughout with little changes. I get so accustomed to a certain sound that I don't pay attention to it anymore and forget about it. Thanks for your input!
Thanks for your comments so far, I really appreciate it.

Questions, comments, critism and suggestions all welcome!

I like the idea of this song. The biggest thing is your levels. I feel the guitar needs to stand out a bit more as the drums are quite overtaking in this mix. The guitar loses a little life as well because there is no mid to top end pop to it. Raising the volume might sort this out, but if not, EQ the higher frequencies up a tad.

One last thing is that it felt a bit repetitive because there were no new sounds or major changes introduced after the first quarter of the song. Like I said though, the song has a good feeling and some tweaks will give it that pro feel.

This particular song of yours is not the genre I normally get into, so I don't want to say too much, but you have good production quality. I will say that the griding synth bass got a little grating. I did like your other electro stuff though.
"Ev2 Full" by Distisec

A different re-working of the previous track, essentially. I borrowed most of the instruments from it, gave them a few different treatments, and made it into something else.
Death Be Not Proud
This one is long and repetitive because it's meant to be played live with a guitarist. As soon as my friend can work out a decent way to record over it, I'll upload it here.

Still has some issues I'd like to work out, mostly with the deep synth's modulation and my performance.
Oh come on, your tunes are great.

And by the way you've got company over at dmusic :D

Latest song "Charge"

omfg!! That SCREAMS Age of Empires 1 !!!!! :D:D:D:D
Love it mate! Just epic.
When the drums and guitar kick in it just sounds awesome, I'm well impressed.
Also, Im on the Dmusic mainpage! Wooo! :P
WIP; I'll probably have to re-record some samples to be happy with them; consider this a sketch; will add to and extend;

Depression (working title)
with the holidays i have access to a comp and reason 4, will be chucking some tunes out.

neptoonuk - Iron Grip; Great feel, production's swell. love the bassline. the hi hats should be panned out abit imho. very C&C!

KinethicAesthetic - Rotater; Intro melody's good, but the filtering in thing you used as a build up is a bit tough on the ears, steals too much attention. Melody later on is great, the patches you used/made fit perfectly! Drums should be louder or more compressed imho. feels kinda 80's sci fi which is awesome. The mix as a whole could use more panning and EQing to avoid mush, and some minor reverb even if you're going for a close feel, it feels abit too dry right now. It drags out a bit at the end, too repetitive without much variation. Very nice track though!

Remus - Slide; KICKING!
Movie themes are top notch

TaiFong: Brilliant tunes, great production!
yeah I was thinking about throwing on an acapella of some sorts, but I didn't find any good ones, couldn't really be arsed to do anymore work on it. cheers! :)
@KineticAesthetic - Very nice. Drums are awesome. Maybe bring them out more?
@Crazy Harij - Down With PPP is the audio version of lubing your entire body and going down the world's largest slip and slide in slow motion with 100 other naked people.

Here's my latest. Amateurish, but I've finally started improving. Contains some performance fvck ups. Simple yet pleasant.

Mr. W.H.

I'm getting a Novation Xiosynth 25 for Xmas. It should (hopefully) quench my thirst for hardware (it's comparable to the microKorg feature-wise) and fill my need for a MIDI keyboard (Reason, here I come!).