Post your Pics

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63SixThreeSix3 said:
I wanna see bliiiiink!! Post your pic :eek:

gee... i dont know....

bliink is really a 47 year old hairy ukrainian male called Jurgen. Honest

Jurgen: "Jurgen no like! Jurgen crush you!" :LOL:


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why who's that studly man? wait! its me :naughty: (i'm the one on the right of the buggy pic)

the picture with us holding the buggy, everytime me and my buddies go out drinking we have the buggy with us now cause its an inside joke. Its our mascot for our drinking team haha :cheers:



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JonTheCanuck said:

thats typically the reason i keep images off the 'net. :)
bliink said:
gee... i dont know....

Jurgen: "Jurgen no like! Jurgen crush you!" :LOL:
lol :p

/me gets Starmonkey to change bliink's account name to Jurgen ;)

And well seeing your photo, don't you blame the staff when your inbox is full of PM's from randy teenagers :E

/me continues to not post his pic preferring to be considered a faceless tyrant :p
JonTheCanuck said:
not a big fan of getting attention?

only for the right reasons... on a forum, i would expect that to be my mind and opinions etc :)

(not having a 'go' at anyone in particular here)
bliink said:
only for the right reasons... on a forum, i would expect that to be my mind and opinions etc :)

(not having a 'go' at anyone in particular here)

true enough, just being a faceless girl on here probably got u enough, wait till people see the pic :p
blahblahblah said:
No, its called not being a fan of horny teenage stalkers. lol

I still believe you are the guy in these pictures.

You must be a British Jeff Foxworthy. :D
lol! I swear thats not me haha. Honestly, I've much much longer hair than that, and I wouldn't be seen dead in blue. Black and sometimes white only :p

tbh I probably would post a pic, but I've annoyed so many people no the forums with banning n such. I'd likely end up having all kinds of things done to the photo :p
The Dark Elf said:
lol! I swear thats not me haha. Honestly, I've much much longer hair than that, and I wouldn't be seen dead in blue. Black and sometimes white only :p

tbh I probably would post a pic, but I've annoyed so many people no the forums with banning n such. I'd likely end up having all kinds of things done to the photo :p
I can just imagine all the "fengoth" "fenric the elf" and "fenreich" pictures that would be made. rofl. comedy gold.

CyberSh33p said:
I can just imagine all the "fengoth" "fenric the elf" and "fenreich" pictures that would be made. rofl. comedy gold.

hmm Actually I probably wouldn't mind the fengoth and fenric the elf pics, so long as they were well done ;). Not sure I would approve of the fenreich ones though, especially since I'm a fair mod given chance :p
The Dark Elf said:
hmm Actually I probably wouldn't mind the fengoth and fenric the elf pics, so long as they were well done ;). Not sure I would approve of the fenreich ones though, especially since I'm a fair mod given chance :p
ah, but that doesn't matter since fenric is so close to fenreich :)
I imagine the fengoth pictures wouldn't need much editing though.
/me made a funny
k I'm stupid
/me goes off to kill self

heres my superhero costume
No king! I == LOVE 2 U;

Oh and Dark, I made two posts because if I put it in one, it would look like i'm calling myself a female. :(
thefiznut said:
No king! I == LOVE 2 U;

Oh and Dark, I made two posts because if I put it in one, it would look like i'm calling myself a female. :(
Yeah but your not supposed to double post sorry :(
Because I am quiet king... I talk much on the PC, but that's mostly senseless typing, as I type faster than my brain can process words. I only form proper sentences because i've engraved spelling, grammar, and my language into my subconcious mind. However, in real life, I talk very little unless I am responding to something of importance. On average I speak less than 20 words a day in school.
kingbadger, you don't know anything.

Bliink, they aren't horns... they're chocolate cupcakes.
Hellboy is the shit! A movie that I thought would be terrible that turned out to be awesome.

I could take a picture of me and put it here with my crappy camera. Oh! My camera is the size of a credit card, literally, its pretty cool. But the pictures it takes are kinda bad.

Poor bliink. You don't know the horrors you have unleashed. :p

Fenric-goth-man, you need to post yourself so I can stop dreaming.. er... *ahem*

Anyway, no real me, I'm ugly. But here is a self-portrait, and something else I could tell ya about...:
The Agent Smith said:
Hellboy is the shit! A movie that I thought would be terrible that turned out to be awesome.

I could take a picture of me and put it here with my crappy camera. Oh! My camera is the size of a credit card, literally, its pretty cool. But the pictures it takes are kinda bad.

Poor bliink. You don't know the horrors you have unleashed. :p

Fenric-goth-man, you need to post yourself so I can stop dreaming.. er... *ahem*

Anyway, no real me, I'm ugly. But here is a self-portrait, and something else I could tell ya about...:
eek you look a bit like me :p
The Dark Elf said:
eek you look a bit like me :p

Guess I can't be in love with ya anymore :hmph:

Although, you can't tell much from that low-quality pic. Plus its not even real.
The Agent Smith said:
Guess I can't be in love with ya anymore :hmph:

Although, you can't tell much from that low-quality pic. Plus its not even real.
Erm, sorry mate but I don't swing that way. But erm.. I'm flattered, really..
The Dark Elf said:
Erm, sorry mate but I don't swing that way. But erm.. I'm flattered, really..

I'm actually a woman.

So did you actually beleive me? Man, you never can tell with just typing. I was kidding, just to let you know...

I have a twisted sense of humor.

To save my spamming, here ya go:
bliink said:
I don't suppose that project would have anything to do with putting a nuclear weapon in a washing machine? ;)

Terrorist! Get the cops or whatever ya call em up there in Britain. She's trying to blow up the IRS or something!!!
The Agent Smith said:
Terrorist! Get the cops or whatever ya call em up there in Britain. She's trying to blow up the IRS or something!!!

It was snowball's sig i tell you! i had nothing to do with it! ahhhh!

(ps i dont live in britain... which now makes me think you are referring to someone else, and this post is a big mistake :) awww... what the hell!)
bliink said:
It was snowball's sig i tell you! i had nothing to do with it! ahhhh!

(ps i dont live in britain... which now makes me think you are referring to someone else, and this post is a big mistake :) awww... what the hell!) is based in britain, I think... since they are all like british and stuff with their "Mate" and "No worries" and junk.

And quit trying to cover it up, it was you behind those attacks on my washing machine and I know it!!
Uncropped version. right below me is a cardboard boat. Yes, I said cardboard. Yes it did float and hold my weight, and it also beat many other cardboard boats in a race. I r teh winner!
This is annother picture of me. A great day of fun during lunch on a school day. A friend of mine had some laytex gloves (creeppy!) one of which we stole and transformed into a head. We named him phil, went to burger king, and I proceded to order my lunch like that. Funniest lunch I ever had.
I wish I had pictures of the burger king hat I made and what we did with it... hehehe
The Agent Smith said:
I'm actually a woman.

So did you actually beleive me? Man, you never can tell with just typing. I was kidding, just to let you know...

I have a twisted sense of humor.

To save my spamming, here ya go:
Yup, scarily I look a bit like you, except I look even more tired in the only existing picture of me that I haven't yet burnt/deleted :p

I need a new photo, i don't look "evil" enough in this one, on account of me having taken it around 4am

oops i forgot to attach it, funny that ;)
The Dark Elf said:
Yup, scarily I look a bit like you, except I look even more tired in the only existing picture of me that I haven't yet burnt/deleted :p

I need a new photo, i don't look "evil" enough in this one, on account of me having taken it around 4am

oops i forgot to attach it, funny that ;)

Look, we've been on at you for hours in IRC to show it to us. Hurry up and do so. :dozey:
The Dark Elf said:
Yup, scarily I look a bit like you, except I look even more tired in the only existing picture of me that I haven't yet burnt/deleted :p

I need a new photo, i don't look "evil" enough in this one, on account of me having taken it around 4am

oops i forgot to attach it, funny that ;)

Maybe that's because you're twice my age. Although people tell me I look like I'm in my 20s (I'm 17) Hehe, "evil." Fen-goth.

Didn't mean to offend you in previous posts, then... heh.

/me is a tad creeped out
The Agent Smith said:
Maybe that's because you're twice my age. Although people tell me I look like I'm in my 20s (I'm 17) Hehe, "evil." Fen-goth.


people always seem to think I'm younger than I am (18) which I dont like at the moment... but give me a few years lol :)
bliink said:
people always seem to think I'm younger than I am (18) which I dont like at the moment... but give me a few years lol :)

You look 18 to me...

Wait, I've only seen one pixelated picture of you! Send us more and we can judge further! :cheers:

(It's a joke. I joke a lot. Most of my posts are jokes.)

On a second note, my girfriend is always getting people confused on her age. The thing is, it isn't neccesarily one way or the other. She's 17, and sometimes thought of as 14 but also 21. People are confusing. I think people look like the age that they tell me they are :-P

And you know what els-blah? Blah blah blah, ble blah blah blah.

Holy mother of cow, I need to sleep or something.
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