Post your ragdoll pics !! (56K warning)



Here we go !!




This game is more awesome that you can possibly imagine...
rofl awesome xD more! (maybe a ragdolling video, anyone? <3)
Wait, do bodies ragdoll through each other?

Or is there collision detection?
OMG Those blood splatters look so real!!!

Do the nades kill on contact now? How many nades did you use to do that?
omfg I can't believe I'll be playing this on my pc in a couuple of days!!!!!
Those pics are frikin awesome, can't wait till us cz users get beta on wednesday

o btw im new to forums so hey.
I had a perfect ragdoll pic when I was playing... to bad I didn't take a pic of it - was too immersed in the game.
Do nade kills make players fly? Or is it just the C4? I wouls really like to know!

Great pics BTW :)

My life as a usful CS player is over, from now on all im trying to do is get nade kills.
ooo God.........I guess this game will spawn a lot of those ragdoll gay screens, like farcry. bt i cant find a link to them now, some were actualy funny :p

Looks pretty alive, but it isn't :p
oh btw, played with SpuD just now.
cheeseman said:
Acme, what are the specs of the machine you played on?
athlon 2500+ @ 2.16ghz
512mb ram
9600xt stock speed
all option on high and aa/2x

im impressed with the performance of cs:s
KingPing_NOR said:
ooo God.........I guess this game will spawn a lot of those ragdoll gay screens, like farcry. bt i cant find a link to them now, some were actualy funny :p

how bout some ragdoll gay scenes from doom3?



yeah the refresh , well mine anyway was stuck at 60hz so i couldnt get more than 60fps which is where it was 99% of the time. other buys were telling me they were getting 100+fps. but i dont know what video settings they were using, one guy had a 9800pro.

Man i cant wait till i get my hl2 first thing im gonna do is make some combine soldies have gay love. go go gravity gun.
acme420 said:
yeah the refresh , well mine anyway was stuck at 60hz so i couldnt get more than 60fps which is where it was 99% of the time. other buys were telling me they were getting 100+fps. but i dont know what video settings they were using, one guy had a 9800pro.

Man i cant wait till i get my hl2 first thing im gonna do is make some combine soldies have gay love. go go gravity gun.

do you have "sync to vertical refresh" enabled in your card options? (aka right click on desktop>properties>settings>advanced>3d>custom

also try bringing down the console (you have to enable it via options for CS:S I hear)
and typing
fps_max 100 (or whatever you want for the number)
Mr. Redundant said:
do you have "sync to vertical refresh" enabled in your card options? (aka right click on desktop>properties>settings>advanced>3d>custom
yeah i have vsync on cuz i cant stand the tearing that occurs whe i turn. but i have powerstrip to set my mode to 1024x768 @ 75hz when i run...hl.exe....doh i didnt make a new rule for hl2.exe. guess that explains why its stuck to 60hz.

my fps_max was defaulted to 300 btw. dont know why.
acme420 said:
doh i didnt make a new rule for hl2.exe. guess that explains why its stuck to 60hz.

well there ya go :)
pretty impressive frame-rate considering your rig (dont take that the wrong way, Im merely saying that Valve must have done an excellent job with their optimizations.)
d3 is teh g4y-pr0n simulator ! w00t !111