Prayers for you.

That's a simple example of what you guys are doing here, except with beliefs.

Belief systems that govern large masses of people are not even close to as trivial a thing as video games. Its actually something that should be criticized for the better of humanity. Video games.... not so much.

Someone "praying" for me doesnt really bother me much. Not unless its substituted for something actually helpful. When someone you care for gets cancer, dont just say "He's in my prayers." ****ing do something about it, like make a donation, or offer to help with the bills or something.

If someone says "ill pray for you" when they learn im an atheist, ill usually just make a "thats retarded" face at them and leave it. Although once, one guy was giving me a lot of shit about it, then said he will pray for me, so I just told him to stuff it, and gave him a piece of my mind. Thats not my usual reaction though.
Why? it reflects our human flaws doesn't it? Just cause it isnt important doesn't mean it's any different. Like the shit you learned in pre-school, you think that doesn't mean anything in the real world? If you steal in the real world you go to jail, in pre-school you go to the corner. Same shit, don't brush off what I say on account of stupid technicalities.
Why? it reflects our human flaws doesn't it? Just cause it isnt important doesn't mean it's any different. Like the shit you learned in pre-school, you think that doesn't mean anything in the real world? If you steal in the real world you go to jail, in pre-school you go to the corner. Same shit, don't brush off what I say on account of stupid technicalities.

I dont care what kind of light you try to put on it, arguing over religion and major belief systems IS important to mankind's future, video games are not even in the same league.
I'm not arguing about the importance of debate on religion and major belief systems, of course that's important. I'm getting pissed off because some asshole suddenly thinks it's insulting to show concern thru a tradition that was respected for centuries.
Ever read Lord of The Flies? Scale means shit. It's all the same.
ugh ih hate pople like the OP,"I will pray for you" is like wishing you luck
Why would feel offended by this?
I'm not atheist nor religious, but I also don't understand how you can get pissed at something like that.. I mean, if they were saying 'if you don't pray you will go to hell' or something along those lines, then ok, get mad, but if they say 'I will pray for you', what is so bad about that? They aren't actively pushing their religion on you, so show some respect for other peoples beliefs or piss off.

I mean, I have no problems with anyones beliefs, if you think bugs bunny is God, whatever, but as soon as they TRY to make me believe in their views is when I go into attack mode (I made one Christian cry by stating so much contradicting facts about the bible he didn't even get one word in, ha ha).
I'm not atheist nor religious, but I also don't understand how you can get pissed at something like that.. I mean, if they were saying 'if you don't pray you will go to hell' or something along those lines, then ok, get mad, but if they say 'I will pray for you', what is so bad about that? They aren't actively pushing their religion on you, so show some respect for other peoples beliefs or piss off.

I mean, I have no problems with anyones beliefs, if you think bugs bunny is God, whatever, but as soon as they TRY to make me believe in their views is when I go into attack mode (I made one Christian cry by stating so much contradicting facts about the bible he didn't even get one word in, ha ha).

I dont think thats it though. The problem Jintor has with it is when people say it in regard to his being Atheist/Buddhist. Usually when people say "ill pray for you" in that context, they're being pretentious and implying a sort of "I'll do it, since you're too stupid to do it yourself... but im lying and wont actually do it" kind of message. Pretentious pricks piss people off, whether or not they act so while hiding behind religion.
I dont think thats it though. The problem Jintor has with it is when people say it in regard to his being Atheist/Buddhist. Usually when people say "ill pray for you" in that context, they're being pretentious and implying a sort of "I'll do it, since you're too stupid to do it yourself... but im lying and wont actually do it" kind of message. Pretentious pricks piss people off, whether or not they act so while hiding behind religion.

Oh, I never thought of it like when people say it because he's a Atheist/Buddhist, I thought he got pissed of just when a person said it to him because he's done something wrong or whatever. If they are saying 'I'll pray for you' because of his beliefs, well there is a time to go into attack mode. If this is the case, then I agree with OP.

Forcing beliefs = bad.
ugh ih hate pople like the OP,"I will pray for you" is like wishing you luck
Why would feel offended by this?


/EDIT In analytical terms though I'm still not quite sure why I'm offended. I take worse crap every time I go to school. I guess it's the unthinking condescension that sort of goes with it.
It depends how its used. I mean, I'm in a church setting most of the time, so I get quite a few people offering to pray for me, it just depends what for. Say if your sick or have a bad problem, then it's fine but if there's someone saying they'll pray for you because you dont believe in Jesus or some such, then that's being a condescending twit. The people who are actually sincere about it are the ones that dont say anything.
I only ever hear it from relatives or friends, and I just take it that they're thinking of me, so it doesn't bother me. If I heard it from strangers I'd probably be a little weirded out, but I don't know about offended.
Maybe they say it to intentionally piss you off, knowing you react badly to it.

If you get offended by every little trivial thing like that is, the world isn't a fun place anymore.
The logic runs, that if God didn't want them to have their meal, he wouldn't have allowed any of the things that are neccesary for them to eat the meal to have happened.

/EDIT: Oh, Karma.

But that's retarded too, because it goes against the whole "free will" thing that Christians hold so dearly: God must directly interfere with people's minds to make that happen. But then again, Christians think it's possible for both omniscience AND free will to exist side by side so they're not exactly strong on logic.

Not to mention it's unethical too, because he apparently does not wish the vast majority of humans who live in poverty to have proper food and water.
But that's retarded too, because it goes against the whole "free will" thing that Christians hold so dearly: God must directly interfere with people's minds to make that happen. But then again, Christians think it's possible for both omniscience AND free will to exist side by side so they're not exactly strong on logic.

Not to mention it's unethical too, because he apparently does not wish the vast majority of humans who live in poverty to have proper food and water.

Yeah, well, apparently those ****s deserve it.
It makes me wonder if even one of you "I believe my corpse will just rot in the ground when I die" people have ever opened a bible in your lives. Or even understand what the real message is behind Christianity. I myself, am not Christian, but I'm not atheist either. I sit on the fence. And I notice on this forum more than any other, atheists have this big head on their shoulders and act like they have some type of ****ing fact that the rest of the world doesn't know. Atheists, please, piss off if you have nothing constructive to say. Yes, we know, mom didn't love you enough so now you don't believe in anything but what you can see, stop insulting others beliefs because of it, because as much as you think your beliefs are right, I can promise you, you haven't the slightest ****ing clue as to what is "real."
It makes me wonder if even one of you "I believe my corpse will just rot in the ground when I die" people have ever opened a bible in your lives. Or even understand what the real message is behind Christianity. I myself, am not Christian, but I'm not atheist either. I sit on the fence. And I notice on this forum more than any other, atheists have this big head on their shoulders and act like they have some type of ****ing fact that the rest of the world doesn't know. Atheists, please, piss off if you have nothing constructive to say. Yes, we know, mom didn't love you enough so now you don't believe in anything but what you can see, stop insulting others beliefs because of it, because as much as you think your beliefs are right, I can promise you, you haven't the slightest ****ing clue as to what is "real."

Oh look, a self-righteous agnostic, I had a feeling we were missing something in this thread. It's a bit like Godwin's law, as a thread about religion goes on, the chance an agnostic will come in and tell both sides they're idiots approaches zero. Then, the thread turns to mocking agnostics.
Not agnostic either sir. I don't have a religion, I don't have a belief. I believe there is a higher power, one that I as human cannot understand. I don't believe there's some mythical unicorn in the sky that gives me breath every morning I wake up. Everyone has different beliefs, you sir, are the asshole who makes fun of those who do not believe in yours.
Not agnostic either sir. I don't have a religion, I don't have a belief. I believe there is a higher power, one that I as human cannot understand. I don't believe there's some mythical unicorn in the sky that gives me breath every morning I wake up. Everyone has different beliefs, you sir, are the asshole who makes fun of those who do not believe in yours.

I don't have beliefs. A belief is a conviction not grounded by facts or logic, I don't do beliefs.
But mommy, why do I have to thank you for all the things In my life I take for granted? Shouldn't I thank God for everything instead? I mean, we says thanks for our food at the dinner table, so why should I bother with saying thanks to friends, family, or even strangers? God does everything for me. You don't do a damn thing. **** you mom, **** you.
But mommy, why do I have to thank you for all the things In my life I take for granted? Shouldn't I thank God for everything instead? I mean, we says thanks for our food at the dinner table, so why should I bother with saying thanks to friends, family, or even strangers? God does everything for me. You don't do a damn thing. **** you mom, **** you.

Dont forget that disobedient children are to be stoned. :devil:
You're going to stone your children for giving thanks to the one true God? That makes you a sinner, sinners go to hell.
By the christian logic we should all be thanking god that cs kiddies exist.

"I'm going to pray for you".

This really ****ing offends me, and I'm not sure why.

Do you guys get offended if somebody offers to pray for you? I don't know why, but it always seems to me to be somewhat... condescending. "Oh, listen, I'm sorry you reject God; since I'm on much better terms with him and surely will get into heaven, I'll ask if I can get you a guest pass as well".

Seriously. Pisses me off.


I know it's well meant, but it's like... how can I put this... it's just... offensive.

I don't know, maybe it's the mode of expression, rather than the good will itself. If they just said "Good luck" that'd be fine, but...

Actually come to think of it, if I were doing something and the usage of "I'll pray for you" was in the context of "Good Luck" I don't think I would really mind. I'm more offended when it's like "Oh, you're an Athiest/Buddhist? I'll pray for you."

Since you think that way, i shall pray for you.

Good night.

makes perfect shens
Man, that little guy is SO adorable!
I think that just answered everything.
I don't mind it when people pray for me. I hate it when they say it in a way that's condescending. At which point the person should be hung/shot/burnt/gassed/annoyed/stabbed/<insertdeathhere>.
It depends on what the persons' prayers are intended for. If I were to tell someone I'd recently had a run of bad luck, and that person said they'd pray for me, I would thank them. Even though I know their prayers are worthless, their intent is to help, even if the only help they can provide is prayer. Why should I, as an atheist, turn to them and say, "Oh I don't believe in that. That's stupid and does nothing to help me; thanks a lot, JERK." What a dick, y'know?

But on the other hand, if I revealed my non-beliefs and someone were to say, "Oh I'll pray for you," yes, that would deeply offend me. I would probably verbally slam that person into oblivion. My choice to believe or not is something that can--or should--be swayed by someone's pleas to a higher power that I change my mind. People trying to "save my soul" infuriates me because it suggests that not only is my opinion invalid but that it can also be changed through some divine means.
It depends on what the persons' prayers are intended for. If I were to tell someone I'd recently had a run of bad luck, and that person said they'd pray for me, I would thank them. Even though I know their prayers are worthless, their intent is to help, even if the only help they can provide is prayer. Why should I, as an atheist, turn to them and say, "Oh I don't believe in that. That's stupid and does nothing to help me; thanks a lot, JERK." What a dick, y'know?

It's not the acts that offend me. It's the way that some Christians put it across. Being offered prayer almost makes you feel like they care. Which is always good.

But on the other hand, if I revealed my non-beliefs and someone were to say, "Oh I'll pray for you," yes, that would deeply offend me. I would probably verbally slam that person into oblivion. My choice to believe or not is something that can--or should--be swayed by someone's pleas to a higher power that I change my mind. People trying to "save my soul" infuriates me because it suggests that not only is my opinion invalid but that it can also be changed through some divine means.

This is irritating as hell. Especially when you decline the prayer they offer, and then they proceed to try and give it you anyway, giving off a "holier than thou art" vibe.
all i can say after reading this thread is, glad to live in sweden.