Prayers for you.

I don't care really.

Spending time praying is just less time spent on spreading your filth, and allowing science to take one step closer to improving said field for the inevitable last war between logic and faith, in which all the religious nuts pick up their crusader shields and longsword's only to be destroyed by particle cannon smart missile firing energy shield equipped "stumpers" (read: mech) and you know, the fact that a screaming fanatic is hardly a threat to an orbiting weapons platform, brought to you by SCIENCE!(tm).
I don't care really.

Spending time praying is just less time spent on spreading your filth, and allowing science to take one step closer to improving said field for the inevitable last war between logic and faith, in which all the religious nuts pick up their crusader shields and longsword's only to be destroyed by particle cannon smart missile firing energy shield equipped "stumpers" (read: mech) and you know, the fact that a screaming fanatic is hardly a threat to an orbiting weapons platform, brought to you by SCIENCE!(tm).

Currently though, while the eggheads design the weapons, it's the fanatics that man the red button.
This picture is needed.

very few of these motivational pictures are even remotely funny but this is one of the most clever I've ever seen. that's hilarious. :laugh:
I don't care really.

Spending time praying is just less time spent on spreading your filth, and allowing science to take one step closer to improving said field for the inevitable last war between logic and faith, in which all the religious nuts pick up their crusader shields and longsword's only to be destroyed by particle cannon smart missile firing energy shield equipped "stumpers" (read: mech) and you know, the fact that a screaming fanatic is hardly a threat to an orbiting weapons platform, brought to you by SCIENCE!(tm).

Wtf is wrong with you? Are you retarded?
Ditto Seppo.

Praying's just annoying. And why bother talking to God when you can just think it. Or even do something!
I'd rather someone pray than go out and do some extremist shit, tbh. But then again, I do think it's ridiculous.

Science ftw.
"I'm going to pray for you".

This really ****ing offends me, and I'm not sure why.

Do you guys get offended if somebody offers to pray for you? I don't know why, but it always seems to me to be somewhat... condescending. "Oh, listen, I'm sorry you reject God; since I'm on much better terms with him and surely will get into heaven, I'll ask if I can get you a guest pass as well".

Seriously. Pisses me off.


I know it's well meant, but it's like... how can I put this... it's just... offensive.

I don't know, maybe it's the mode of expression, rather than the good will itself. If they just said "Good luck" that'd be fine, but...

Actually come to think of it, if I were doing something and the usage of "I'll pray for you" was in the context of "Good Luck" I don't think I would really mind. I'm more offended when it's like "Oh, you're an Athiest/Buddhist? I'll pray for you."

it all depends on context ..saying "I'll pray for you" after you reveal you dont believe in god is not the same as if they were to say "I'll pray for you" after you reveal you have cancer or just lost someone close ...I draw the line at slipping in the lord or jesus in a sentence when participating in a conversation immediately makes me roll my eyes. example: "...and the lord said" ..or "...jesus taught us that .." ..I immediately lower an imaginary dunce cap on the head of the person speaking
I have my finals in a week and this thread made me login.... :/

"I'll pray for you" - This is extremely disturbing. Why the **** are you praying for me? Am I getting sent to some godforsaken internment camp or something where I sure to die? Do I have some incurable, agnozing wasting diease that will destroy me eventually?

The only times that I want to hear that is

#1. National Examinations for College Education Ability
#2. WW3

I have my finals in a week and this thread made me login.... :/

"I'll pray for you" - This is extremely disturbing. Why the **** are you praying for me? Am I getting sent to some godforsaken internment camp or something where I sure to die? Do I have some incurable, agnozing wasting diease that will destroy me eventually?

The only times that I want to hear that is

#1. National Examinations for College Education Ability
#2. WW3


I read "internet camp" and I was like "do those exist?", but also "what has that got to do with anything?"
Hey, none of us here needed internet camp. We were born this way.
it all depends on context ..saying "I'll pray for you" after you reveal you dont believe in god is not the same as if they were to say "I'll pray for you" after you reveal you have cancer or just lost someone close ...I draw the line at slipping in the lord or jesus in a sentence when participating in a conversation immediately makes me roll my eyes. example: "...and the lord said" ..or "...jesus taught us that .." ..I immediately lower an imaginary dunce cap on the head of the person speaking

I mentally facepalm.

Brainpalm if you will.
Want to know what it means? It's the same as going, "I'll root for you" or "I'm hoping you'll do good." Basically, they're giving you confidence to do your best, I don't udnerstand why this would offend you. It's basically the best compliment you can get, ever. People don't normally use this phrase anyway unless your going to war or surgery or some other possible chance of dying scenario.. You people maybe just need to respect these people, for they are really thinking for you, and hoping you'll do your best. If someone says I'll pray for you because you aren't Christian, and hope one day you will become one, you won't get a guest pass.. it's simply hoping that one day you will open your eyes to Christianity, and that they helped you on that way. Does everyone understand? Huh.
Want to know what it means? It's the same as going, "I'll root for you" or "I'm hoping you'll do good." Basically, they're giving you confidence to do your best, I don't udnerstand why this would offend you. It's basically the best compliment you can get, ever. People don't normally use this phrase anyway unless your going to war or surgery or some other possible chance of dying scenario.. You people maybe just need to respect these people, for they are really thinking for you, and hoping you'll do your best. If someone says I'll pray for you because you aren't Christian, and hope one day you will become one, you won't get a guest pass.. it's simply hoping that one day you will open your eyes to Christianity, and that they helped you on that way. Does everyone understand? Huh.

I can't really unleash a scathing diatribe here, because I know you're very young, compared to me. However... since you did put it out there...

You people maybe just need to respect these people, for they are really thinking for you, and hoping you'll do your best.

First of all, addressing anyone as "you people" instantly screams "I'm better than you". Stop the habit now, and you may recover.

Secondly, who are YOU to tell ME who I should respect? Why should I respect them, exactly? Because they tell me they'll pray for me? What? Why? I don't need their prayers, I don't want their prayers, and I certainly won't be joining them to pray...ever. Now, before you go all postal, let me continue: If anyone shows concern for me, in a time of need, I appreciate them. Appreciation and respect are entirely different things. Care and concern do not get an automatic "Respect" card. Those are super-special rarities in my deck o' cards.

I'm not a Christianity hater, per se. I think it's great that you have found a savior. I have too. Me. I don't harbor ill-will towards religious folks, I just don't want to be force-fed information I know is not relevant or important for me in my path. You follow your God's instruction book, and I'll follow my own. The Internet allowed us to meet in the middle, and nobody died. We both win.

Oh, and if that's the best compliment I'll ever get, I hope I die soon.
I really need to stay away from these religous topics.
I, personally, feel that absolutely NO religon makes any sense, even Atheism makes no sense, As I don't see it as a religon. I think that everything is total shite and I hate everyone. I think this fact is going to eventually lead me to become depressed. Bah.
For someone who's been brought up in a religious background. Atheism can be a difficult concept.
atheism is an easy concept to understand openly reject fairy tales ..I mean it's pretty easy to not believe in santa clause, so i dont see it being different than that
Well, it annoys me cause its another way they are forcing their religion upon me. They can't just say "Good luck" or "I hope things get better". They have to bring imginary friends into the equation.
Well, it annoys me cause its another way they are forcing their religion upon me. They can't just say "Good luck" or "I hope things get better". They have to bring imginary friends into the equation.

....... :dozey:
Wtf is wrong with you? Are you retarded?

Well, since I probably know more about the physical structure of the brain, an idea of how it functions, and you know, generally a superior understanding of biology then you (based on the fact that your post was incredibly pointless, and a cute attempt at a barb at that, and I actually had an education in human biology), I'de say I'm not retarded, basing it off the assumption that retards are incapable of understanding even fairly simple concepts let alone the advanced idea's presented in a specific field of study.

In lamen terms, if you've had a sufficient scientific education and actually understand the concepts and ideas presented, your probably a safe bet for being in the average/above average intellectual crowd.

On the other hand, people who do rather amusingly dumb things like stick their hands into electrically precarious openings, play with sharp and/or bladed objects, make rather random pointless comments to others, and generally end up on America's Dumbest Home Videos, in a natural environment free of the "padded walls" of human civilization, will probably quickly earn themselves a Darwin Award.

I call it my lame-o hypothesis.

Edit: Oh and for the record, in case my first post confuses anyone else, I am not bothered mainly because it doesn't really hurt me at all, I can live with folk not liking me and trying to bug with by saying something, no worse then cussing.

And lastly, because, in case my point was missed in my eccentric fanciful first post, I feel that sooner or later down the line of human history, baring a catastrophe that sends us back to the stone age, our understanding of the universe and everything in it will grow with time to a point where it will be beyond all and any logic or reason to believe in a god or gods.

I think that so far religion is only as widespread as it is, because lets face it, in the grand scheme of things, human understanding of the sciences are like, only a few hundred years old at least. In essence, I believe we are merely going through another phase of our infancy.

So if you take the far look into consideration, why take offense at "I will pray for you"?.

Someone talking to themselves in their mind doesn't impede your ability to seek out modern medical knowledge and treatment, it doesn't really do anything to you.

That and I'm just not that easily offended.
maybe they are equally annoyed at people who say "good luck" instead of "I'll pray for you". but they don't force you to use their version.

damn I made a really good argument. I'm really proud of myself now.
Quite good. But then political correctness kicks in, and everyone's forced to say "Happy Times" constantly for fear of being offensive.
I doubt that. "happy" kinda sounds like you're making fun of homosexuals. and you can't use "times" either, it might be considered a reference to the person's age.
Ooh, point. "May You Live In Interesting Times" will have to do :P
That doesn't work either, because what if I'm a time traveler and the time I come from sucks? You're just insulting me.
That doesn't work either, because what if I'm a time traveler and the time I come from sucks? You're just insulting me.

It's from a Terry Pratchett book. It was actually, ironically, considered an insult.

So yeah, in which case "I wish you'd just f*ck off you ignorant twat" would work, because then everyone's equally happy (or not). Perfectly politically correct.
"I'm going to pray for you".

This really ****ing offends me, and I'm not sure why.

Do you guys get offended if somebody offers to pray for you? I don't know why, but it always seems to me to be somewhat... condescending. "Oh, listen, I'm sorry you reject God; since I'm on much better terms with him and surely will get into heaven, I'll ask if I can get you a guest pass as well".

Seriously. Pisses me off.


I know it's well meant, but it's like... how can I put this... it's just... offensive.

I don't know, maybe it's the mode of expression, rather than the good will itself. If they just said "Good luck" that'd be fine, but...

Actually come to think of it, if I were doing something and the usage of "I'll pray for you" was in the context of "Good Luck" I don't think I would really mind. I'm more offended when it's like "Oh, you're an Athiest/Buddhist? I'll pray for you."
I think it's cute.
It's from a Terry Pratchett book. It was actually, ironically, considered an insult.

So yeah, in which case "I wish you'd just f*ck off you ignorant twat" would work, because then everyone's equally happy (or not). Perfectly politically correct.

Yeah, but Pratchett stole it from the Chinese, where it is an actual curse.

...I think.

It might be a compliment. I forget.
Yeah, but Pratchett stole it from the Chinese, where it is an actual curse.

Yes. Or the other way round. In typical Pratchett style :p

And it's not China, it's the counterweight continent ;)