preload at 6pm gabe newell

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WAAAY TOO GO gabe newell celebrate tonite haha .. jus playin jus a preload but it will b exciting for the downloading then we gotta wait hopefully till sept 1st for hl2 :):)::)
hopefully the bitching will end with this. im sick of every complainer using this against valve. who cares, we're getting it now, just a little late.
To be honest, if there is any material in this preload that can be used other people (that i cant mention) will have a feild day with this, honestly. But again this is great news.
poseyjmac said:
haha. how is this different from when they said they would preload it the other two times?

It wasnt the same day ... so expect a solid announcment from valve the day the game comes out! woohooo
Lobster said:
It wasnt the same day ... so expect a solid announcment from valve the day the game comes out! woohooo

I hope this date is not missed. Otherwise things are going to get hairy pretty fast.

On the other hand, things are going to get hairy if it does preload.

No win situation.
gabe hates us all here! cos of the few ppl who act like the world owes them somthing, its a shame

cool news tho :)
This thread is going to be absolutely enormous. It's weight just may collapse the internet itself.
mutt said:
gabe hates us all here! cos of the few ppl who act like the world owes them somthing, its a shame

cool news tho :)

He doesnt like to come here because there are just too many of us and the last time i remember people flamed him (pretty lame) so im guessing he went there. GREAT NEWS though !! I honestly didnt think it was going to happen today. :bounce:
Head_Crab_04 said:
I hope this date is not missed. Otherwise things are going to get hairy pretty fast.

On the other hand, things are going to get hairy if it does preload.

No win situation.

why would things get hairy if the preload happens? itll just boost the morale of everyone

Now I have to decide if I want to preload it or not. I was planning on buying the retail version but this is just TOO tempting. I mean HL2? On my computer? Are you kidding me? I can't believe this is actually happening.
Once it's done preloading, we can all stare at the icon in our steam game list :\
yeah i bet vivendi isn't too happy about pre-loading, as it will probably steal some sales from box copies.
^^ I'm sure Vivendi isn't too happy about Steam in general.
poseyjmac said:
yeah i bet vivendi isn't too happy about pre-loading, as it will probably steal some sales from box copies.

Yeah. My conspiracy theory is that Vivendi and other publishing Co are behind the DDOS attacks on Valve. Steam and similar technology could really screw them out of a lot of money if it catches on.
Good news!

But then valve's release dates are less reliable than a plumbers estimate...
thing is if vivendi dont like it, im sure there are hundreds of other publishers willing to snatch it up. i honestly dont thing steam will put THAT big a dent in their profits.
poseyjmac said:
yeah i bet vivendi isn't too happy about pre-loading, as it will probably steal some sales from box copies.

yep which is probablky why this will be the last game with vivendi as valves pub =p

At any rate that a good thing
Pub's have been screwing devs for years. Although the topic is debateable as some people believe the developers have been screwing themselves etc lol. But this is a whole nother discussion for a whole nother thread, on a whole nuther forum.
poseyjmac said:
yeah i bet vivendi isn't too happy about pre-loading, as it will probably steal some sales from box copies.
Some sales, probably - but I guess only a few percent. For the most part it's us rabid fans that'll go for the Steam version, and we're good free marketing. They're still going to be shifting most of the boxes at Walmart/etc. Besides, we don't know what kind of profit Valve/Vivendi make from the Steam version, and in what proportions.
Democritus said:
Yeah. My conspiracy theory is that Vivendi and other publishing Co are behind the DDOS attacks on Valve. Steam and similar technology could really screw them out of a lot of money if it catches on.

I really doubt that. Vivendi wouldn't want to risk losing their rights to sell Half-Life 2 to some other publishing company.
I really think the game is not too far away because it would be a waste of bandwith if they kept it for a long time since people would keep preloading because of formats and what not right ?
Vivendi probably gets a percentage of the profits regardless, plus they can make the HL2 t-shirts.
valve stated in the info from valve thread somewhere that they make around 2x the amount from steam sales.
so with this news killahsin-[CE] is our new celeb eh? :thumbs:
anyway hopefully come 6pm PDT it begins! :cheers:
So are the files that get preloaded encrypted or soemthing, im guessing you cant acess them. Im still kind of confused on what kind of file is actually being preloaded
killahsin-[CE] said:
I believe gabe does things in terms of spreading the love.

Yeah I tried telling my wife that. She wasnt having any of it.
haha im hardly a celeb, another guy posted it mere seconds after me. I just figured why not spread the love? lol

Aknot said:
Yeah I tried telling my wife that. She wasnt having any of it.

Now that made me laugh. Reply of the week
Letters said:
First 100 to preload get it free? :p


/me starts loading and exiting Steam like a madman at 5:58pm PDT only to realize afterwards the pre-load starts half an hour late :rolleyes: :E


Originally Posted by killahsin-[CE]
I believe gabe does things in terms of spreading the love.

Aknot said:
Yeah I tried telling my wife that. She wasnt having any of it.

oh yeah definitely sig material of the year :cheers:
KagePrototype said:
I really doubt that. Vivendi wouldn't want to risk losing their rights to sell Half-Life 2 to some other publishing company.

They wouldn't dump Valve, but if the electronic distribution trend continues, Valve and other developers will dump them OR start publising fewer and fewer unit through them, which won't make them happy.
kungfucheez said:
So are the files that get preloaded encrypted or soemthing, im guessing you cant acess them. Im still kind of confused on what kind of file is actually being preloaded

There will probably be alot of guru crackers waiting to give it try. :flame:
lol, nice, so the November theory is officially thrown out the window.
Democritus said:
They wouldn't dump Valve, but if the electronic distribution trend continues, Valve and other developers will dump them OR start publising fewer and fewer unit through them, which won't make them happy.

You're right, they wouldn't dump Valve...but if they were responsible for DOS attacks, Valve would certainly try to get rid of them.
Whos willing to bet if it doesn't start until 6:15 that people will complain again?
ShadowFox said:
Whos willing to bet if it doesn't start until 6:15 that people will complain again?

there will be complaints even before 6:00, you can count on it.
clarky003 said:
lol, nice, so the November theory is officially thrown out the window.

clarky, just take things with a grain of salt man.. i mean a pre-load is all nice and dandy and everything but i don't think it will cement that HL2 will be out before November...

pple are overlooking the CS:Source beta so much.. but the truth is...its still a bit buggy and as long as thats the case, we won't be seeing HL2 as soon as we'd all like to.
I just hope the preload is 2 weeks or even 1 week before the gold announcement.

Otherwise, I am not sure what the preload signifies.
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