PreLoad Delayed

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Jul 21, 2004
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Hate me with all the passion of hatreds hate... but I think it could be safe to say now that the preload has been delayed, even for valve it is getting a bit late... past dinner time, they surley are heading home right now.

10:00pm east for me, more then enough to call it a night, fairly.
Someone get some official news or dare I say that's that.

I hope i'm wrong and they eat dinner at 8:00 or 9:00 pm over there.
Its 7:10pm over here (California) which is the same time as Washington. Give them at least an hour man.

EDIT: Developers go by weird eating schedules anyway.
You shouldn't make a thread saying that it's delayed if you don't have a source to back it up....even if it is a few minutes after 10:00 EST. :|
couldnt you have added this to one of the topics.
I don't think they ever really did specify a certain TIME on Monday...didn't they just say Monday???
We're going to push the start of the preload back until this coming Monday. The main reason was to get out the release (that just happened) to the CS: Source Beta. -Erik
To cause to believe what is not true; mislead.
To lead into error of thought or action, especially by intentionally deceiving
Norwegian politician and first secretary-general of the United Nations

ROFL!!! :laugh:
go through forums and follow this trail.

"the last preload didn't happen until 6:00ish"
"the last preload didn't happen until 6:30-7:00 actually"
and on steam forums
"the last preload didn't happen until 7:30 super duper technically speaking"

....stop the bs. it's over. cry now. this sucks.
you guys will never load, there's no way they will preload tonight or this month for that matter :rolleyes:
i wonder if they will save an ounce of face by at least posting that its not going to happen
oh and i was really relying on them this time... i'm starting to lose hope again. at least we have binks... i guess.

they are always going to toss us binks when we get impatient, it's like a scubby snake for hl2 fans.
captnroger said:
you guys will never load, there's no way they will preload tonight or this month for that matter :rolleyes:

and who the **** u new n00b telling us all kinds of bullshit?
exoeight said:
oh and i was really relying on them this time... i'm starting to lose hope again. at least we have binks... i guess.

they are always going to toss us binks when we get impatient, it's like a scubby snake for hl2 fans.
Scrubby snake... I want a bone, dammit. :(
i was going to put that in rumors and speculation, that whenever they release binks we should just huddle up and cry.
no bone for letters, no hl2 preload... sad day... sad.... =[
Total Available Bandwidth: 8,300.00Mbps

It was 8100 for the longest. Maybe just maybe.
the bandwidth usage hasn't risen above 2,242 Mbps in the past 2 days, and out of 8,000 thats still a lot of bandwidth for hl2 preload
Raziel-Jcd said:
Total Available Bandwidth: 8,300.00Mbps

It was 8100 for the longest. Maybe just maybe.
Everyone's going sleepy.
If I was valve(and I'm not) I would put a gag order on everyone. No more movies no more beta maps. I would just finish the game and announce when the game was gold and then just stfu.
i'm calling it a night in 20, then it's officially the end of a monday for 1/4 the US, which would morally be lieing, although technically monday is until 11:59pm, literally monday is more like until 10:30pm for 1/4 the us... so this is it pretty much, no preload on monday night for me and anyone else that has school or something tomorrow.
Surfer2374 said:
If I was valve(and I'm not) I would put a gag order on everyone. No more movies no more beta maps. I would just finish the game and announce when the game was gold and then just stfu.

that's what they should do, but Valve has a problem with that. They like to give dates that they never meet instead; they can't keep their mouth shut.
"You mean this Monday? Oh we meant Monday next week!"

"And there was this huge bear! And it broke all the computers with HL2 on it."
Oh I get it. Halflife 2 isnt really a game.

Its just 30 bink movies that the consumer gets to figure out which order to put them in.

Valve...recreating the wheel again those crafty sob's.
that's it, if they release it now it's unreasonably late and unfair to 1/4 of the country, we should not have to wait until 10:40pm+ for a preload within the US. they made the statement to the general public, not hardcore hl2 fans alone.

i need to call my gf for mental support, my inner world has collided and i am eternally suffering.

my mind has been tormented by lies and stress long enough.

theres really no good excuse valve can give this time. the hl2 preload content was ready a few days ago, they said this, and there is plenty of bandwidth on the steam content servers right now. what excuse could they possibly have?
exoeight said:
that's it, if they release it now it's unreasonably late and unfair to 1/4 of the country, we should not have to wait until 10:40pm+ for a preload within the US. they made the statement to the general public, not hardcore hl2 fans.

what difference does it make if it preloads at 10 PM EST or 2 AM, it's not like it's going to be the whole game anyway.
It's great how something like Keira Knightley makes us remember the really important things in life: obscenely hot young women.

Good job, Brits.
exoeight said:
that's it, if they release it now it's unreasonably late and unfair to 1/4 of the country, we should not have to wait until 10:40pm+ for a preload within the US. they made the statement to the general public, not hardcore hl2 fans.

well on the other hand, they might be waiting for the late evening when people are off their computers with steam open to preload instead of now when US people are still playing online games and shit
GorgeousOrifice said:
It's great how something like Keira Knightley makes us remember the really important things in life: obscenely hot young women.

Good job, Brits.

amen to that... Even though im a yankee
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