Proof people have it already

cadaveca said:
to create excitement and keep people the fiasco's called M-A-R-K-E-T-I-N-G....and none is better that word-of-mouth.
it worked, 24 pages and counting
Reaktor4 said:
A moment of sensationalism for a lifetime of destroyed reputation? :/

But who's reputation? It's Vivendi that asked for that stipulation(saem release days), not Valve!
Shacknews' reputation. Who the hell will believe anything they say now?
Well lets review the facts then:-

Someone has 5 cd's of the locked game from there mate at the shop.
No-one plays till valve says so.
Steam users have had it for ages and been playing CS:S for weeks.

So who is the winner?

Anyone who has preloaded via steam!!!
Personally I'd rather have the box cds than play CS: Source right now...Not that I don't like CS: Source, but still.
Mort1465 said:
Well lets review the facts then:-

Someone has 5 cd's of the locked game from there mate at the shop.
No-one plays till valve says so.
Steam users have had it for ages and been playing CS:S for weeks.

So who is the winner?

Anyone who has preloaded via steam!!!

And there's my point...
yes, one guy (who has no connections with valve or VU) says that hl2 WONT be released early and you think that is irrefutable proof............ *sigh* idiots
I also have a box, a cd, some postcards, a hat, some posters and the offical guide. All sent to me today.
iamaelephant said:
That's real. Poor bastard, must be frustrating holding those CDs without being able to play.

yeah.. whats worse than waiting for the game?
having the box and CD/DVDs in ur hands not be able to play it.. :LOL:
DrunkPanda said:
yes, one guy (who has no connections with valve or VU) says that hl2 WONT be released early and you think that is irrefutable proof............ *sigh* idiots
The proof is in the puddin, panda.. and right now my HL2 is still locked.
Wish valve would just tell us and get it over and done with ffs.
We couldve been doing something useful with our time and they let us sit here for hours wondering.. Yes i know were not being physically forced to do this but who isnt gonna when theres hope of getting hl2.
Yes I have been here and seen that, but it never stated an offical snipit of the contact just a VU PR man stating that valve can't release it over steam till the retail release.

Every thing is up to interpretation, you read it as VU saying that valve can't act untill VU gives the word and others read it as when the game hits the streets if VU says so or not.

The simple fact you know no more then any of us and are post your views based on random statments gather over time. And untill VU or Valve post the entire contact for us to read we'll never know exact what valve can or can't do.

Now do I think Valve we unlock it early.. well I hope so but doubt it as a simple 4 and half day wait is nothing. but I think Valve well think about it. There are going to a few upset retail owners looking at a unplayable game they just payed for thinking they can play it today. This well be the first time I have ever hear of when you can buy a game at retail, take it home and not beable to play it for 4 days.

We'll see what happens, either way it gave us something to talk about and I'm thankful for that alone to be frank.
f|uke said:
The proof is in the puddin, panda.. and right now my HL2 is still locked.
i'm not saying that it's not a possibility that the game won't be unlocked. i'm just saying that it's stupid that this guy is so convinced that hl2 can't be released early based on what some forum guy who is neither a valve employee or a mod said. then he says "buahaha". is it really that funny t o him that he isn't getting the game early?
We steam users have the same files, have for ages. Same thing.
btw UK players get it on DVD on retail, europe might?? be the same.
Any enthusiasm for HL2 has been killed by reading all 26 pages of this thread.

Reaktor4 said:
Wish valve would just tell us and get it over and done with ffs.
their silence is indeed strange, it would indicate that they are pondering what to do since a matter of this importance would be treated fastly and that they commented straight after some happenings of lesser importance, such as a dip in the status page..
man i hate it when there are posts saying "some people have played it and here's proof......."

well where is the proof? i dont want to see another dam screenshot of a picture of a CD box or CD case of the game...if you want to prove it to us, then either...

1) show us some never seen before pics of u playing it (spoiler it)
2) make a quick little movie sample of a scene never seen before (spoiler it)
Valve won't release the game early. We've waited this long so how hard is it going to be to wait until the 16th? SHEESH!
YES, BABY! waah, need to get to a store and grab it. :D but i don't think, that i will find any retailer in my region, who already sells it this week.
Grand Architect said:
Yes I have been here and seen that, but it never stated an offical snipit of the contact just a VU PR man stating that valve can't release it over steam till the retail release.

Every thing is up to interpretation, you read it as VU saying that valve can't act untill VU gives the word and others read it as when the game hits the streets if VU says so or not.

The simple fact you know no more then any of us and are post your views based on random statments gather over time. And untill VU or Valve post the entire contact for us to read we'll never know exact what valve can or can't do.

Now do I think Valve we unlock it early.. well I hope so but doubt it as a simple 4 and half day wait is nothing. but I think Valve well think about it. There are going to a few upset retail owners looking at a unplayable game they just payed for thinking they can play it today. This well be the first time I have ever hear of when you can buy a game at retail, take it home and not beable to play it for 4 days.

We'll see what happens, either way it gave us something to talk about and I'm thankful for that alone to be frank.

I agree with you i said earlier...anyone can make a webpage..just like my posts are from "anyone".

Everyone seems to forget about return policies on software...AFAIK, once the package is opened, you cannot get a refund, only a replacement. So even if retail people cannot play, Vivendi/Valve/Whoever still gets thier money.
I think there silence is nothing more than sensible. Some guy has CD's, so what, they are just as useful as beer mats. Why put out a press statement for every twat who thinks he has one up on Valve.
commando said:
man i hate it when there are posts saying "some people have played it and here's proof......."

well where is the proof? i dont want to see another dam screenshot of a picture of a CD box or CD case of the game...if you want to prove it to us, then either...

1) show us some never seen before pics of u playing it (spoiler it)
2) make a quick little movie sample of a scene never seen before (spoiler it)

I don't think any one has said any one is playing it, all thats been said Is that some one Has BOUGHT it.
nagual678 said:
their silence is indeed strange, it would indicate that they are pondering what to do since a matter of this importance would be treated fastly and that they commented straight after some happenings of lesser importance, such as a dip in the status page..
Exactly... they obviously know that saying nothing suggests they are considering what to do, and that in turn suggests that there is truth to the early unlocking due to a broken date. Otherwise wouldnt they just post that it wasnt true?
well if they have BOUGHT it why not install it?

so if u buy it from retail and install it on your comp it will be locked?

how will it be unlocked? do valve know when u install it on your comp?

does everyone have to have steam even if u get it from retail?
commando said:
man i hate it when there are posts saying "some people have played it and here's proof......."

well where is the proof? i dont want to see another dam screenshot of a picture of a CD box or CD case of the game...if you want to prove it to us, then either...

1) show us some never seen before pics of u playing it (spoiler it)
2) make a quick little movie sample of a scene never seen before (spoiler it)

No one has said at any point in this thread that anyone has played it. Get your head out of your ass.
Mort1465 said:
I think there silence is nothing more than sensible. Some guy has CD's, so what, they are just as useful as beer mats. Why put out a press statement for every twat who thinks he has one up on Valve.
But they wouldnt have to do that. One statement saying that there will be no early release at all would cover it.
or perhaps the person who would make this decision is enjoying an evening out with the family and simply can't jump at every forum frenzy.. this is their relaxing time, after the game is done but before all the support kicks in.. they probably have a more exciting life this us!(not hurt by the cash)
commando said:
well if they have BOUGHT it why not install it?

so if u buy it from retail and install it on your comp it will be locked?

how will it be unlocked? do valve know when u install it on your comp?

does everyone have to have steam even if u get it from retail?
Yes. Steam will come with the retail version.
SURELY everyone knows by now you have to install via an internet connection, or have you been living on mars?
commando said:
well if they have BOUGHT it why not install it?

so if u buy it from retail and install it on your comp it will be locked?

how will it be unlocked? do valve know when u install it on your comp?

does everyone have to have steam even if u get it from retail?

Wow, you have over 1,700 posts - do you actually ever read any of the threads you post in?
commando said:
well if they have BOUGHT it why not install it?

so if u buy it from retail and install it on your comp it will be locked?

how will it be unlocked? do valve know when u install it on your comp?

does everyone have to have steam even if u get it from retail?

they did buy it, they did install it. But the cds contain everything you get on steam, so thats what it installs. then you have to ACTIVATE it over steam to even be able to play, like we have been saying for months.