Proof people have it already

Chris_D said:
How is this proof? Anyone can fake something like that. Hell similar things have been done months ago.

it is a fact that HL2 is already in stores. do you think that not even one store in the world leaked it ?
Yeah, there were some damn near convincing Doom 3 fakes. Someone even made a one with floppies.
The earliest I see VALVe releasing HL2 is Monday. They won't unlock it 5 days before its suppose to be released, because not everyone has it, and thus flaming would ensue for people able to play it and people not able to play it.
shapeshifter said:
this is from a major game store.
Probably sold by an individual employee who either didn't know any better or just decided to do it anyway despite store policy.

I doubt any major retailers have decided to allow everyone to buy the game early.
I'm of the firm opinion that it's a fake.
FFS no manual and crappy paper slips for CD cases. But hey, at least they included unsolicited advertising from ATi.
Chris_D said:
How is this proof? Anyone can fake something like that. Hell similar things have been done months ago.

I've seen similar posts on other boards, and the box art, sleeves, CD art, all look identical to that. It would be one hell of a conspiracy if all these people got together and created false photos.
HyperactiveYouth said:
Yeah, there were some damn near convincing Doom 3 fakes. Someone even made a one with floppies.
Floppies? LOL!

Please insert Disk #2482


I hope it's real and we get the game early!! (Steam owners that is)

But there is something unsettling about all this... I somehow feel bad for Valve... Like they hate us or something.. Weird...
Yeah ok, but I can assure you no one's playing it. There'd be hoardes of screenshots by now.
I dunno Chris, it looks pretty legit....I mean, the flyers that came with it laying on his keyboard.

Bah i dunno what im saying lol
Chris_D said:
Yeah ok, but I can assure you no one's playing it. There'd be hoardes of screenshots by now.
Yeah... We kinda established that. :p
Guys there is a post on steam forums, i cant post yet. Tell them about unlocking it if the street date was broken.. they think we're worried.
look on the fallout forums there is alot of people saying they and stores have it etc
VALVe won't break it so early, they aren't stupid, PEOPLE THINK, they would get into another lawsuit with VUG. Yeah not a good idea.
Kelzoth said:
Guys there is a post on steam forums, i cant post yet. Tell them about unlocking it if the street date was broken.. they think we're worried.

I hope they are worried. Might have to live up to thier promise (I hope!)
Thats really fake. Cd's were just burned and labeled and ploped into paper. The box was photoshopped, as you can see its open but there is no writing on the inside.
hendrix13 said:
why would they give oyut white paper cd cases? its FAKE!

becuase theres 6 cd's

most ive ever seen was 3 in a case and it was an enlarged dvd case.
Looks like it's real if you look at the second photo in that thread.

Be interesting to see if Valve actually do unlock it like that supposed "statement from Doug" says - I've never actually seen a comfirmed statement from him, just everyone repeating it over and over (that doesn't make it true).
That's real. Poor bastard, must be frustrating holding those CDs without being able to play.
Its gonna come in paper slips? poop, I always hated thoughs....
Ha ha he knows how all of us pre-loaders feel...those ripe, juicy files just sitting on our hard drive...ready to be played...*sigh*