Proof people have it already

Im just waiting on the 16th, its really to close to get upset.
Chris_D said:
Yeah ok, but I can assure you no one's playing it. There'd be hoardes of screenshots by now.
But valve already knew nobody would be able to play it, and they apparently still said it would be released early. So theyd better release it early now if they dont want to be considered liars by even more people than what already think that.
I dont right now btw, i like valve, but it will be hard not to be suspicious of anything they say in future if they dont.
edit: that is of course assuming that valve actually said that (i thought shacknews were joking at the time tbh) and that its being sold
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
actually...if i'm right, that's from Duck and Cover, not fallout. what's the word, shapeshifter?

its from a fallout, and duck and cover might have it, its the fallout guy, Its in one of the manuals i think. that or its from the artwork of the games.
the only thing that bothers me about the pics is that it could be any1, say some1 hu has reviwed it or a store owner, it doesnt mean that stores are actually selling the game
But if you've got hl:s and dod:s then you're gonna have the back catalog.. and it's not there. Explain that.
The one to the left is darker.. anyway, just say it's real! That way, we stand a chance of getting it earlier.
Kelzoth said:
But if you've got hl:s and dod:s then you're gonna have the back catalog.. and it's not there. Explain that.

He doesn't got hl:s or dod:s, nor the back catalog.
Kelzoth said:
But if you've got hl:s and dod:s then you're gonna have the back catalog.. and it's not there. Explain that.

the fact that hl:s and dod:s are in coming soon does not imply that they will be playable/unlocked on the account when they get out. a little like CZ was in "just released". you didnt get to just double click on it and play away.
both (hl:s and dod:s) will probably be playable for a fee
yes some people already have it, but steam wont let them play it anyway. so feel sorry for them, they have the cds the box and everything installed. and cant even play it :( must hurt.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Thing is, we WON'T get it earlier.

Wheres your proof, m8? You're guessing, as we all are. Except, we have an offical statement, you don't.
There's no way it's photoshopped. No one can photoshop this many images this fast.
Kelzoth said:
Wheres your proof, m8? You're guessing, as we all are. Except, we have an offical statement, you don't.

and WHERE is your official statement ? :flame:
Kelzoth said:
Wheres your proof, m8? You're guessing, as we all are. Except, we have an offical statement, you don't.

no you don't, you have a statement on shack news that doesn't even quote anybody...
Kelzoth said:
Wheres your proof, m8? You're guessing, as we all are. Except, we have an offical statement, you don't.

You dont have an official statement, you have a speculative quote from shacknews.
The_Monkey said:
Nope, doesn't have that many smilies showing at the side bar when making a new post. Plus the icons underneath the text box entry area are all for the most part one colour unlike what is shown in that image, and there are only 2 rows of those icons here, that image shows three rows.
Kelzoth said:
Wheres your proof, m8? You're guessing, as we all are. Except, we have an offical statement, you don't.

Guessing? You know what would happen if VALVe unlocked hl2 early? VUG would be PISSED and probably sue them.
The Mullinator said:
Nope, doesn't have that many smilies showing at the side bar when making a new post. Plus the icons underneath the text box entry area are all for the most part one colour unlike what is shown in that imagem, and there are only 2 rows of those icons here, that image shows three rows.

Ah, sorry then. What site is it?

(man, this thread is growing fast!)
So shacknews is definitely where this 'quote' originated? In that case i still think they were joking.