Proof people have it already

Reaktor4 said:
But they wouldnt have to do that. One statement saying that there will be no early release at all would cover it.

Didn't that happen months ago? Didn't they say it was up to Vivendi? Did Vivendi not release a press statement saying November 16th? I don't get it... :borg:
iamaelephant said:
Wow, you have over 1,700 posts - do you actually ever read any of the threads you post in?

See iamelephant, this is what I always complain about here in these fourms.


They just skim along and see what they want.
Reaktor4 said:
But they wouldnt have to do that. One statement saying that there will be no early release at all would cover it.
But every time someone says they played/saw/bought it?
I believe that some people have the game now, but I'm sure they can't play it until it's unlocked. Does anyone know if Valve is obligated by some contract to unlock it no earlier than tuesday? I'm sure that they would like to unlock it as soon as possible so that some people who may not be able to get if from stores yet can get it through Steam.
Sin said:
Icarus, can you please clear this up for us?

Icarus doesn't work for VALVe or VUG, so I am pretty sure he has about the same amount of info, unless he talked to Doug tonight.
Reaktor4 said:
But they wouldnt have to do that. One statement saying that there will be no early release at all would cover it.

Rumour brings exciment and rasies the hype (done pretty well so far).

It's alot cheaper than a million dollar ad frenzy.
cadaveca said:
isn't it properly?

proper is a word.

Main Entry: 1prop·er
Pronunciation: 'prä-p&r
Etymology: Middle English propre proper, own, from Middle French, from Latin proprius own
1 a : referring to one individual only b : belonging to one : OWN c : appointed for the liturgy of a particular day d : represented heraldically in natural color
2 : belonging characteristically to a species or individual : PECULIAR
3 chiefly dialect : GOOD-LOOKING, HANDSOME
4 : very good : EXCELLENT
5 chiefly British : UTTER, ABSOLUTE
6 : strictly limited to a specified thing, place, or idea <the city proper>
7 a : strictly accurate : CORRECT b archaic : VIRTUOUS, RESPECTABLE c : strictly decorous : GENTEEL
8 : marked by suitability, rightness, or appropriateness : FIT
9 : being a mathematical subset (as a subgroup) that does not contain all the elements of the inclusive set from which it is derived

#7+8 is where it applies.
shapeshifter said:
proper is a word.

Main Entry: 1prop·er
Pronunciation: 'prä-p&r
Etymology: Middle English propre proper, own, from Middle French, from Latin proprius own
1 a : referring to one individual only b : belonging to one : OWN c : appointed for the liturgy of a particular day d : represented heraldically in natural color
2 : belonging characteristically to a species or individual : PECULIAR
3 chiefly dialect : GOOD-LOOKING, HANDSOME
4 : very good : EXCELLENT
5 chiefly British : UTTER, ABSOLUTE
6 : strictly limited to a specified thing, place, or idea <the city proper>
7 a : strictly accurate : CORRECT b archaic : VIRTUOUS, RESPECTABLE c : strictly decorous : GENTEEL
8 : marked by suitability, rightness, or appropriateness : FIT
9 : being a mathematical subset (as a subgroup) that does not contain all the elements of the inclusive set from which it is derived

#7+8 is where it applies.
hahahaha nice one
I was just bugging, but you are using the word proper in the past tense in reference to a preposition...THEY do not read PROPERLY. or,alternatively, "The way they read it is not proper."

That's they way i was taught...i'm definately not saying you are wrong... :afro:
well, i'm not going to read through 27 pages of posts, but I will post what I know to be fact.

I was at the EB at Central Station(the one near University of Louisville) today when the FedEx truck came. The guy behind the counter opened the first box which had a bunch of Bad Boys for PS2 and some game guides. Then he opened the second box and gasped. He pulled out a HL2 collector's edition. Yes. EB Games has HL2 in stock.
shapeshifter said:
proper is a word.

Main Entry: 1prop·er
Pronunciation: 'prä-p&r
Etymology: Middle English propre proper, own, from Middle French, from Latin proprius own
1 a : referring to one individual only b : belonging to one : OWN c : appointed for the liturgy of a particular day d : represented heraldically in natural color
2 : belonging characteristically to a species or individual : PECULIAR
3 chiefly dialect : GOOD-LOOKING, HANDSOME
4 : very good : EXCELLENT
5 chiefly British : UTTER, ABSOLUTE
6 : strictly limited to a specified thing, place, or idea <the city proper>
7 a : strictly accurate : CORRECT b archaic : VIRTUOUS, RESPECTABLE c : strictly decorous : GENTEEL
8 : marked by suitability, rightness, or appropriateness : FIT
9 : being a mathematical subset (as a subgroup) that does not contain all the elements of the inclusive set from which it is derived

#7+8 is where it applies.

Actually because you used the word in it's adverb form, properly would be the correct word.
Anthraxxx said:
well, i'm not going to read through 27 pages of posts, but I will post what I know to be fact.

I was at the EB at Central Station(the one near University of Louisville) today when the FedEx truck came. The guy behind the counter opened the first box which had a bunch of Bad Boys for PS2 and some game guides. Then he opened the second box and gasped. He pulled out a HL2 collector's edition. Yes. EB Games has HL2 in stock.

Jeez even New Zealand has it now :)
iamaelephant said:
Actually because you used the word in it's adverb form, properly would be the correct word.

Correct, but this is the internet, and where over 98% of people on these fourms can not even form a sentence, let alone use real words, this makes me a step above them.

Ive added "like" after proper. so now it works :hmph: :upstare:
Well i dunno bout some of you, but it gives me a head-ache reading all these excited hype threads. Just hang on until 16th!
nagual678 said:
you fools are going to get this thread locked.
I remember when saying something like that would get you banned...this is just a "conversation". :smoking:
shapeshifter said:
Correct, but this is the internet, and where over 98% of people on these fourms can not even form a sentence, let alone use real words, this makes me a step above them.

Ive added "like" after proper. so now it works :hmph: :upstare:
Your awesome i just scared my wife and kids i laughed so hard. :thumbs:
Mort1465 said:
But every time someone says they played/saw/bought it?
No they could do it ONCE now and that would be the end of the matter. They should have said shacknews were talking shit, if they are, as soon as they found out about what they posted.
But why have they let this shit go on all night now? How much effort does a single post saying its bs take?
It take some hype-removal from the game. i would not say squat either.
If you have been here for more then a few months you would have known that valve is not the best when it come to PR. But they make up for it when dealing with only a handful of poeple. Like when gabe was sending posters to people that had sent him pictures, or the baby outfit with the HL² logo gabe sent to a new father.

Valve remaining silent is just what they do, like Mr. Ed they only speck when they have something to say.
cadaveca said:
It take some hype-removal from the game. i would not say squat either.

you suddenly made me realize that it is quite a possibility. release day approching, they WOULD do that, wouldn'they.
/goes to sleep
maybe this has been posted - from the AndyB at Voodoo Extreme:

"HL2 requires activation and decryption through Steam before you can play. He may have been able to register his cd key in Steam, but he will not be able to play until we have turned on HL2." - PatrickM - Valve
Spiffae said:
maybe this has been posted - from the AndyB at Voodoo Extreme:

"HL2 requires activation and decryption through Steam before you can play. He may have been able to register his cd key in Steam, but he will not be able to play until we have turned on HL2." - PatrickM - Valve
please know what is going on in a thread before posting obviousness
Mall: Richardson Square Mall

a location of EB in texas that is selling copies right now!! GO GO GO GO!!!
Why Why Why ? You can't play it, Its as useful as a chocalate teapot!!!
I'm certainly glad i bought my purchase off of Steam instead of buying retail. I can't believe VU would package HL2 in crappy CD Sleeves. On top of that there not even including an instruction booklet with Retail.
shapeshifter said:

Doesnt matter if they have it. They cant play simple.
Wel Steam was always the way to go, you still have a choice. Pay your money to Valve you wrote the software or VUD you ****ed you over? Your choice.

Just a thought, Its the same game whoever you pay your money to, who do you think it should go to? maybe a new thread?
vegeta897 said:
Floppies? LOL!

Please insert Disk #2482


I hope it's real and we get the game early!! (Steam owners that is)

But there is something unsettling about all this... I somehow feel bad for Valve... Like they hate us or something.. Weird...

LOL i Saved that here it is.
covertghost said:
I'm certainly glad i bought my purchase off of Steam instead of buying retail. I can't believe VU would package HL2 in crappy CD Sleeves. On top of that there not even including an instruction booklet with Retail.

wtf is the big deal with instructions booklets that so many people are bitching about? WHO THE HELL ****ING CARES?! GET OVER IT.
Raziel-Jcd said:
LOL i Saved that here it is.

That's fricking hilarious!!! I never thought about it, but I can't even imagine how many disks it would take for a 6+ CD game. Remember when a game could be on 1 single floppy disk?? (or am I giving away my age here :p )
synergy said:
wtf is the big deal with instructions booklets that so many people are bitching about? WHO THE HELL ****ING CARES?! GET OVER IT.

I agree, Damn Nerds.

All i Want is the ****ing Game, to be good.
AgentXen said:
I agree, Damn Nerds.

All i Want is the ****ing Game, to be good.

Nothing like being called a nerd on an internet forum about a computer game that isn't even out yet.
iamaelephant said:
Nothing like being called a nerd on an internet forum about a computer game that isn't even out yet.

:dork: :sleep: :dork: :bonce: