Questions Thread


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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Allot of people (myself included), have been having menial or quick questions that end up derailing other peoples threads.

This thread is for asking small questions. Thing like "where can I find more gold" or "how do I level?".

MY question is, where can I find more Black Bow Bandits. It's a great way to make some low level money, but I have no clue where to look for more, as i've already slain Brugo and stolen all the Bows (hehe, I pickpocketed the bows before I killed them).
Pesmerga said:
Why do people start these kinds of threads.

Would you rather I make five threads stating: "Where can I find more Black Bows?" "Which house should I buy?" "Anybody have any screenshots of what each house upgrade looks like?" "What skills would you suggest I beef up?"...
Yes. The more threads, the more spam, the more fun.

Edit - Sorry just noticed this was in the Oblivion forum and not off-topic. Silly New Posts button.

Ok, serious question: Are there any other cities besides the ones on the map?
Black Bow bandits can be found all along the shore of where Brugo's camp is. You will need to explore a bit around their hide out, but you will find another cave where marauders are fighting black bow bandits. Inside you will find plenty of other treasures, quite a few stones and pumpkin the dog. (Don't kill pumpkin you heartless bastards.)
By the way, the shore I am speaking of is east of leyawin all along the river. There are many caves dotted around there, but stick to the radius of the initial cave and slowly expand. That is where you will find the most.
Also, if you want to find more.. Follow the orc chick, she sometimes says "I am gonna go kill me some black bow bandits, tag along if you wish."

Cities: I don't think there are any other ones except the ones on the map. There are many small settlements and lordships though, but those are not cities.
Pesmerga said:
Yes. The more threads, the more spam, the more fun.

Edit - Sorry just noticed this was in the Oblivion forum and not off-topic. Silly New Posts button.

Ok, serious question: Are there any other cities besides the ones on the map?

There are a few little settlements here and there. The most major I can think of is one just north of Leyawiin, east of the river. There are like, four or five houses there, and people walk around the streets and chat like in the bigger cities.

For the most part though, the settlements outside of the game consist of one house, often a farm.

T3h CuKies said:
Also, if you want to find more.. Follow the orc chick, she sometimes says "I am gonna go kill me some black bow bandits, tag along if you wish."

Yeah, I heard Mazoga walk in and say that once while I was waking up at the White Stallion lodge, but right after she said that, she sat down and started eating.
Pesmerga said:
Ok, serious question: Are there any other cities besides the ones on the map?

There's a place called Hackdirt, south of Chorrol... :|
Is there a maximum to skills like Strength, Agility, and Endurance? I thought I heard someone say 100, but has anyone actually found out?
Laivasse said:
There's a place called Hackdirt, south of Chorrol... :|

That lady in the small roadside inn NE of the Imperial City told me of a small ghost town.

I like that little in. Saw a couple guardsmen come in for a drink :D

AT SKILL LIMITS: I think I saw somewhere in the manual that the ceiling is 100, and the only way to go over is with items. But there are mods out there that let you go over the limit using your abilities benefits that come with your birthsign.

Like, say birthsign gives 60 sneak, and you have 90 sneak not including the birthsign. Normally, it would stop at 100 sneak, but the mod would yeild 150 sneak, with the max being 160.


Anybody know if there's a way to sell back home furnishings? I bought the wall hangings for my little Imperial Shack, but they were nothing like I was expecting. I thought there was going to be little glass hangings on my wall that I could put weapons in for showcase.

Also, are there any homes that have those little glass display stands, like the ones they have in the Mages Guilds?
Now ive searched alot of Oblivion forums for this *SPOILER AHEAD LOOK AWAY IF YOURE AN ASSASIN*:

Where the heck do you buy lockpicks from? I used to buy them from the Dark Brotherhood...but i slaughtered them all as part of the quest. So now im just..befuddled. I find one or 2 now and again, but considering hard locks take like..20 to get it right, i need more. Anyone know of a decent place to constantly get them?
Try the thieves guild, they know what's going on and how to crack houses and whatnot.

If you don't know about the thieves guild, here's a tip: beggars in Imperial City.
ĐynastҰ said:
Now ive searched alot of Oblivion forums for this *SPOILER AHEAD LOOK AWAY IF YOURE AN ASSASIN*:

Where the heck do you buy lockpicks from? I used to buy them from the Dark Brotherhood...but i slaughtered them all as part of the quest. So now im just..befuddled. I find one or 2 now and again, but considering hard locks take like..20 to get it right, i need more. Anyone know of a decent place to constantly get them?

I think you can buy them from a constant source if you join the thieves guild. Play the persuasion game with a beggar and ask them about gray fox to get in on that.

Raid a goblin nest (most caves or mines) to get loads, since they seem to always carry them.

Tbh though if you're taking 20 picks a lock you're approaching it wrong. Just keep knocking at the tumblers over and over until they go up veeeery slowly. That will give you plenty of time to judge when it is stuck at the top - that's when you click, and only then. I can easily do Very Hard locks without losing a pick, the only thing that screws me up is boredom and impatience, when I get flash trying to catch the tumblers at lightning speed.
Two questions:

I'm only near the beggining of the main quest, but all these oblivion gates are starting to spawn. Do I get a quest to close them, or am I supposed to do it on my own? Because I'm too stupid and/or lazy to figure out how to close them without little red markers to help me. D:

Second question: I have about 5,000 gold. Which are the best houses to buy, and how do I buy them? And how do I buy the crappy shack house in Imperial city?
ĐynastҰ said:
Where the heck do you buy lockpicks from?
If your in the thieves guild, get them from Ongar in Bruma.

EDIT: double post! may God forgive me.... :o
just get the skeleton key from the shrine of the nocturnal quest (north east of Leyawiin) the quest gives you an unbreakable lockpick
Teta_Bonita said:
Two questions:

I'm only near the beggining of the main quest, but all these oblivion gates are starting to spawn. Do I get a quest to close them, or am I supposed to do it on my own? Because I'm too stupid and/or lazy to figure out how to close them without little red markers to help me. D:

Second question: I have about 5,000 gold. Which are the best houses to buy, and how do I buy them? And how do I buy the crappy shack house in Imperial city?

You can close them without quests. I have not come across another quest to close one since the Kavatch one, but then again I'm not that far into the game. I've closed 4 or 5 in the game so far, which just entails getting to the top of the central tower and removing the stone or whatever. Once you do that the gate closes and you have a stone that has some nice enchanting abilities.

With the five thousand buy the ghost house in Anvil (the city by the sea). Sleep in it to start the quest going. Once you finish the quest, you'll have a fully furnished house for 5000 gold. The quest does involved one tough fight, so be ready for it.

just get the skeleton key from the shrine of the nocturnal quest (north east of Leyawiin) the quest gives you an unbreakable lockpick

Or if you find lockpicking annoying (with or without the skeleton key) and are a good mage, invest in your alteration skill. It's easy to level up and once you hit 75 you can open hard locks in a second. Very hard locks still need to be picked (I'm not crazy enough to get an alteration of 100), but opening locks by magic is far less tedious than the thief way.

Why am I so fat?
Because you made baby Jesus cry. There I said it.
Raziaar said:
Why am I so fat?

not enough excercise? genetics? too much time sitting in front of a monitor?, an unhealthy love of twinkies?

cheer up, at least you're not this guy


"My eyes!...the goggles do nothing!"

unless you meant in game? if so try running instead of riding a horse/fast traveling

Roland Deschain: with the skeleton key you dont have to play with the tumblers ...just keep hitting auto-try till it opens. I can open any lock in seconds
Theres a settlement North West of Leyawin called Border Watch. I found it on a quest that involved a mad god, stolen cheese, giant rats, and meteoric canines.
Direwolf said:
Theres a settlement North West of Leyawin called Border Watch. I found it on a quest that involved a mad god, stolen cheese, giant rats, and meteoric canines.

ya, you gotta watch out for them, they can strike just about anywhere

Hackdirt D:

Freaked me out goin there at dusk and seeing no people about D:

Any quests possible from peeps in those towns?
Evo said:
Hackdirt D:

Freaked me out goin there at dusk and seeing no people about D:

Any quests possible from peeps in those towns?

That place terrified me... Being rudely awoken by a man with a club didn't really help, either. All the people I talked to just told me to leave.
Jangle said:
That place terrified me... Being rudely awoken by a man with a club didn't really help, either. All the people I talked to just told me to leave.

Yeah exactly the same here. I tried to make friends with them but every time I stop by I end up getting chased away by crazy rambos. Don't want to slaughter them all because they are the closest thing I have to friends, real life included.

It's a quest for the daughter of one of the merchants in Chorrol. They are vampires as I am aware. I haven't done the quest, just killed them all for being rude.

this type of thread has already been created....

i feel forgotten
Teta_Bonita said:
Two questions:

I'm only near the beggining of the main quest, but all these oblivion gates are starting to spawn. Do I get a quest to close them, or am I supposed to do it on my own? Because I'm too stupid and/or lazy to figure out how to close them without little red markers to help me. D:

Second question: I have about 5,000 gold. Which are the best houses to buy, and how do I buy them? And how do I buy the crappy shack house in Imperial city?

If you ask me, the shack in Imperial city is the best. Really, all I do with my house is dress it up and store things in it. Storing things is what homes are for. Having to run up and down stairs to get all of what you need seems stupid.

I love my little imperial shack. Made it look all nice :D

Still trying to figure out how to get rid of those tapestries I bought. Don't want to load up a previous save, but I might have to.
God dammit Stern, the last thing I want to see when I've got my dick in my hand is a picture of a fat hairy man with ghetto jesus bling.
Pesmerga said:
God dammit Stern, the last thing I want to see when I've got my dick in my hand is a picture of a fat hairy man with ghetto jesus bling.

the question here is why was your johnson out while looking at this thread?


/me slowly backs away from Pesmerga ;)
Oh yeah talk naughty to me, Stern, oh yeah, I like it when you talk dirty to me. Oh yeah, just... just a few more seconds... oh yeah Stern.. oh Ooooooh

Eh? What's a johnson. Is that like a fudge bar?
Pesmerga said:
Oh yeah talk naughty to me, Stern, oh yeah, I like it when you talk dirty to me. Oh yeah, just... just a few more seconds... oh yeah Stern.. oh Ooooooh

Eh? What's a johnson. Is that like a fudge bar?

Er... you pack fudge!?


*backs away from pesh*
Good lord, look what you've started Stern.

Oh well, goodbye thread :(
CptStern said:
just get the skeleton key from the shrine of the nocturnal quest (north east of Leyawiin) the quest gives you an unbreakable lockpick

All hail Nocturnal with her superthief cowl and skeleton key!

*backs away from pesh just to be popular*
Teta_Bonita said:
Second question: I have about 5,000 gold. Which are the best houses to buy, and how do I buy them? And how do I buy the crappy shack house in Imperial city?
Never buy a house. Find a house you like, break in and kill anyone inside without them the guards noticing. Then BAM, you got yourself a house.
Cormeh said:

It's a quest for the daughter of one of the merchants in Chorrol. They are vampires as I am aware. I haven't done the quest, just killed them all for being rude.


They aren't vampires.
The Monkey said:
Never buy a house. Find a house you like, break in and kill anyone inside without them the guards noticing. Then BAM, you got yourself a house.

But you can't use it for storage then, the items will disappear...

AiM said:
But you can't use it for storage then, the items will disappear...

No they wont. I've kept things in a "stolen" house for days, and they're still there.
Interesting, from what I read around here the majority agree that storing items in stolen people's chests / box / containers will cause your item to disappear after a certain amount of days.

Not sure about leaving the items on the ground though, I'd assume it'd be the same as if you were leaving it outside (which I guess disappears as well?)

edit: Did a quick google and other people seem to agree that items do disappear from stolen houses

The Monkey said:
When playing the video game known as "Oblivion"Never buy a house. Find a virtual house you like, break in and kill anyone(providing they are simulated and definately not real) inside without them the guards noticing. Then BAM, you got yourself a virtual house.

* Edited for legal concerns (there's a rumour going round that Jack Thompson is reading this thread).