Random high pitches sounds in one ear?

Which reminds me, I need to get my ears vacuumed again.

Anyone else have this done? Suck out all the... gunk, and immediately after everything sounds like it's coming through over a loud speaker. It's awesome :D

Just dont use a shop vac... could lose a brain lobe that way...
Which reminds me, I need to get my ears vacuumed again.

Anyone else have this done? Suck out all the... gunk, and immediately after everything sounds like it's coming through over a loud speaker. It's awesome :D

Ear wax build up sometimes is the cause of tinnitus.
If you're clean, you hardly ever need that :laugh:
I get the TV thing too. The weird thing is everybody I know thinks I'm nuts when I get annoyed by it because they can't hear the TV while it's just in AUX2 or on mute.

weird, theres actually other people who have the same thing as me D:

every day, constantly theres a ringing in my ear. But its only noticable in a silent room, when there are other sound around, i cant hear the ringing

I think most people get that. A lot of people I know need to sleep with something making noise. Like a fan, or a ticking clock. I myself need to have the fan on, or else the silent ringing would drive me nuts.
I get the ringing every once in a while...
yea, I'll be in school or on teh computer and all of a sound, in only ONE of my ears I hear a loud pitch high frequency sound that diminshes in a few seconds. I know several other people that experience the EXACT same thing. I think a good portion of poeple experience it. It usually happens to me once a week or more.
It's death. And he's calling COLLECT.

Muahahahahahahahahahahaha :flame: