Rate the last game you played

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Pro Evo 7 - 9/10

More of the same really, but that still amazing lol. Master League is exellent, AI is better and it feels even more real than ever before. Only flaw is the online play is BLOODY laggy.
Crackdown - 8/10

Replayed it, going for some achievement points in the aftermath of the city clean-up. I really love this game, although it gets a mixed bag of opinions. Delibearting whether to bother with the DLC.... anyone tried it?
Crackdown - 8/10

Replayed it, going for some achievement points in the aftermath of the city clean-up. I really love this game, although it gets a mixed bag of opinions. Delibearting whether to bother with the DLC.... anyone tried it?
Developer console type menu. Harpoon gun. Some other shiznat.

Do eet?
Mario Bros. Strikers 8/10

Biased, since I haven't played console multiplayer in forever and our dorm floor has organized a massive tourney for it.
Sam & Max Episode 1: Culture Shock - 8/10

This was a great adventure game. Great writing, funny, good story. It was a little short though; it only took me about two and a half hours to finish, and I made a point of clicking everything in a room before leaving.

I bought the whole season on Steam though, so I'll finish the rest in the next couple of weeks.

4/10: Waste of 17pounds if you ask me. Terrible game from what i've played
Championship Manager 08 - 7.5/10

Closing the gap on Football Manager every year. The match engine is far better than previous incarnations and more believable than the FM version. It's still got a way to go in terms of getting attributes right for younger players (way too many good youngsters available on free transfers at the start) and general interaction with various elements (teamtalks are particularly weak) but it still has the I'll just play one more match addictiveness and will invariably annoy your wife or girlfriend.... or both.
Soldier Of Fortune 2 - 7/10

Pretty lame story (I instantly saw the plot :|) and simply annoying enemies when playing on normal difficulty. Four shots will kill you instantly and the AI often seems to have a wallhack (shoots through cloth even though I'm sneaking in and haven't fired a shot).

Apart from that, the dismemberment system is very fun. In the original SoF I just fired it up sometimes just to blow people apart; now is not different. Weaponry feel pretty diverse and are fun to use. Except the M4, the recoil on that makes it impossible to aim, even in single fire mode.

The Random Mission Generator actually just generates some hill landscape (every time, no matter if you choose "snow", "desert", "jungle" or another one), puts some stuff in it and pops you in. Fun to play for four maps, then you get tired of having to look for the extraction point.

Haven't had a look at MP, I should try that.
Soldier Of Fortune 2 - 7/10

Pretty lame story (I instantly saw the plot :|) and simply annoying enemies when playing on normal difficulty. Four shots will kill you instantly and the AI often seems to have a wallhack (shoots through cloth even though I'm sneaking in and haven't fired a shot).

Apart from that, the dismemberment system is very fun. In the original SoF I just fired it up sometimes just to blow people apart; now is not different. Weaponry feel pretty diverse and are fun to use. Except the M4, the recoil on that makes it impossible to aim, even in single fire mode.

The Random Mission Generator actually just generates some hill landscape (every time, no matter if you choose "snow", "desert", "jungle" or another one), puts some stuff in it and pops you in. Fun to play for four maps, then you get tired of having to look for the extraction point.

Haven't had a look at MP, I should try that.

I liked SoF1's weapon set a lot better.
Flamethrower ftw.
Call of Duty 4 - 9/10

Let me break it down...

SP - 8/10

Couple of pretty meh missions, but the rest are intense as Hell. The highlight being "All Ghillied Up". Some often braindead AI, looks GORGEOUS though.

MP - 10/10

Willie: Yes what would you like sir?

Friend: I would like some crack?

Willie: Okay okay that's 10 dollars and here's your cha-*SHOTGUN* NO CHANGE FOR YOU INFIDEL!
Hitman Contracts: 7/10

Started off well, awesome as always gameplay and level design, but I found the plot and story to be pretty much non-existant.
Ricochet: Source

100000000000000/10000000000000 AWEOASMEOAMW OMAWODM OAWJDIj238462araw
Hitman Contracts: 7/10

Started off well, awesome as always gameplay and level design, but I found the plot and story to be pretty much non-existant.
Wasn't it just a bunch of levels from older games that served as flashbacks?
Land of the Dead : The Road to Fiddler's Green - 0/10...

I wanted to see how bad it could be... and holy shit it's terrible.
If anyone wanted to know how to **** up a zombie FPS this is it.
No locational damage, headshots are non existent.
Graphics awful.
Guns have zero oomph to them besides the melee weapons which were kind of fun to use.
Bland level design, made shittier by the graphics.

Christ, whatever happened to that incredibly promising City of the Dead game?
It's fun for a little while, but once you beat it, and play a little bit after that, it's kind of dull. It's one of those games you'd play for 2-3 weeks (depending on how much you play it), then just get bored of it.

In fact, since this is the thread for it...

Dead Rising - 7/10

Fun for a little while, but after you're done with it, you probably won't play it much, if at all.
I was staying at a friend's house when they got a 360 and Dead Rising. Her brother sat down to start a new game and stayed there all through the night. When we woke up he'd reached level 50 just driving in and out of the parking garage and had more or less completed everything else after that. Don't think I ever saw him touch it again. :D
Deus Ex 2 Invisible War - Man what a game, even tho its leagues behind the 1st part, its still such a great game. Cant wait for 3 hope they make a master piece.

Wasn't it just a bunch of levels from older games that served as flashbacks?

They were flashbacks, but not from the other games. At least I dont think so. I think it was In Media Res, and the game "started" after all the events you play through happened, and at the end of the game, all the flashbacks are done and you're back in present time.

I just didnt understand what happened, or why.

Also, they're making a third Deus Ex?
The Orange Box - 10/10

Krynn72 said:
Also, they're making a third Deus Ex?

Yes, they are. Don't remember the source, but I hope they make bigger maps this time. Invisible War was very good, but it could have been much better.
This is all it says on wiki.

Deus Ex 3 (unofficial title) will be the third game in the first-person shooter/role-playing game video game series, Deus Ex. It was announced on May 17, 2007 by IGN in an interview with Patrick Melchior, the director of Eidos France, on the French-Canadian television station, MusiquePlus. Neither Warren Spector nor Harvey Smith, who were the main creative directors behind the first two games, are attached to the project.

I think it is official, just google 'deus ex 3'.

But then again.. Original creators aren't there for it...
Deus Ex 2 Invisible War - Man what a game, even tho its leagues behind the 1st part, its still such a great game. Cant wait for 3 hope they make a master piece.


Yeah, it was a good game.
Assassin's Creed - 9/10 so far

So much freedom and stuff to do, wether this will get tedious is yet to be seen.

Crysis - 9/10

Just..awesome fun.
Call of Duty 4 - 9/10

SP: Exellent, lives up to the standards of CoD 1 and 2, and is very challenging on the high difficulties, many moment of pure amazement.

MP: Played it for a few hours and already its better than CoD 2's MP, definately gonna be a huge hit on xfire and gonna be an exellent game for clanning and teamwork etc. I will deffo be going back for years to come.
Zelda : Twilight Princess - 9/10...
Played and beat it at my friend's house, immensely entertaining... and I hate Zelda games!
The Wii really makes a difference.
Call of Duty 4 - 8/10
Single player was good, beat it on a 2 night hireage and was still pretty satisfied with it. Mostly standard shooter fare, but probably the best CoD SP experience to date.

Multi is awesomegood, even though I'm a little burnt out on shooters at the moment. The rank ups are surprisingly addictive...
Soldier of Fortune Payback - 2/10...

Blood and weapon sounds give it a 2, everything else was utter shit.
Combat sucks, graphics are shit, gore is lame, terrible voice acting, cut & paste level design, consolized menus, terrible AI... the list could go on.

The game fails as an action shooter in every possible way.
Soldier of Fortune 3 - 0/10

Took it back 10 minutes after popping it in. **** you Activision.

Blacksite: Area-51 - 8/10

Decent combat, fun weapons, ****ing aliens man.

Assassin's Creed - 9/10

Holy Hell.
COD 4: Ill only rate the SP, because im not into COD's MP.

Freaking intense, all the time. Some of the most unique gameplay situations ive seen in any recent shooter, and it looks fantastic. It runs smoooooooooth too, even on my two year old PC.
Neverwinter Nights 2: 9/10

Does exactly what it says on the tin and does it well. CRPGs ain't to everyone's taste though.
Yes, it's a bit old... but I'm really old fashioned... Plus it's the last game I played!

LOZ: Ocarina of time: 10/10
My favorite game of all time, just beat it again for the tenth time... I REALLY need to pick up Masterquest >_<


As pure shooters go it was excellent fun and delivered satisfaction on pretty much all levels, with good FPS combat, good storyline and good graphics. On the negatives I'd have to say the endless spawning of opponents, until you secured a position did get ludicrous at times, as did seeing the same NPC models again and again. The dog hand to hand combat was stupidly hard (by the time you realize the dogs on you you're generally dead), and some of the later levels were a bit repetitive and a bit of a slog. It is also a surprisingly short game (I really didn't expect it to end when it did). However criticisms aside I definitely recommend it. Can't say I've bothered with the MP, but I'm a TF2 person.
World in Conflict - 10/10
- I love this game...single-player is great, but the multi-player is so godlike that I can't even do it justice in small blurb.
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