Rate the last game you played

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Call Of Duty 4 9/10
Best one yet, although the shortest. The game really made you care about your squads you fight with through the game, which makes the ending even more awesome, possibly the best ending ever.

Gears Of War PC 8/10
Was enjoying it until it deleted all my saves. Runs great, looks great, just need a patch.

Crysis 9/10
Great combat, great graphics, and surprisingly runs well on high settings on my PC.
Call of Duty IV 9/10

Wonderful singleplayer; fun as hell, intense as shit, beautiful graphics, extreme production quality. It was pretty short though; I beat it in a night.

And it still has nothing on TF2.
TF2 is just shoot the **** out of everything in some insane manor, I cant see how any type of tactics, teamplay or anything but run in and shoot everything can be applied. Just my opinion, Im a CoD series fan, not a TF series fan so chill.

And how on earth do you guys complete games so fast, CoD 4 in a night? It took me a weekend, I dont know you can play for that amount of hours without needing a break lol.

Then go to a CoD4 forum :hmph:

Sorry I didn't know that it was forbidden to have an opposing opinion..
My COD 4 review I wrote on another forum.

Me said:
Just finished it. Don't read this post if you haven't beaten the single-player, as it will contain SPOILERS!!!

I thought it was very very good, just not worth the hype game reviewers have been giving it. It felt just like the other COD titles, just set in the present. Didn't get too repetitive though. Graphics were average, controls were pretty tight. One thing I hate about the COD series is the infinite amount of bad guys. Apparently my little squad of guys is facing off against the whole of Russia and the MidEast. There are points where literally unending amounts of opponents will appear until you finally advance your position. I would rather the enemy AI be smarter and harder to kill, with much fewer of them. Wish my teammates were a bit smarter too. Why it's up to me to kill whole platoons while they take pot-shots, I don't know. I also hated the grenade spamming. Enemies throw grenades with pinpoint accuracy; and rather than bouncing, they just stick to the ground right next to you. I got so sick of lobbing them back, I just took to running away from the grenade indicators and letting them detonate and kill my useless teamates. And the dogs. Oh, those ****ing dogs. I don't think I successfully fended one off once. Always had to kill them before they latched on to me.

Another gripe with the COD series is the way they make you the last action hero. You always play 2 or 3 soldiers who pretty much single-handedly save the world. It's always up to me to do everything. You don't get much of a sense you're part of a team most of the time. Apparently I have expert knowledge of every firearm and explosive in existence and can hack nuclear weapons controls. They did shake it up a bit by killing one of the main characters and delving into the past of a secondary character a bit. I liked that. I was actually saddened quite a bit during my marine's death scene watching the mushroom cloud. I was shocked to see my in-game name in with the other casualties of the blast.

Characters were shallow and predictable. Maybe I'm just jaded/spoiled from playing Half-Life2 though. Enemies, of course are unoffensive to everyone by being stereotypical towel-heads and nondescript Russian mercenaries. The COD franchise is used to killing the universally-hated Nazis, so I guess they didn't want to challenge their fans too much morally. Personally, I would have liked it if it had touched on the how the black and white areas of war have become grey. Sometimes, innocent people get caught up in "Modern warfare". It would be more realistic if a few of the people you encounter didn't neccessarily have to be killed, and doing so had moral reprecussions.

I also don't like how they half-ass the realism. They tout their "modern warfare" tagline a lot, but I don't see it. Marines run straight out into enemy fire without an strategy, get killed, and then you and your buddies run right past their corpses. So much for "no man left behind". The whole storyline is cheesy. Guns aren't even approaching realism. Everyone's got infinite bullets, and somehow my clips refill themselves after every loading screen.

What I did like was all of the parts where the game developers strayed from the norm. Manning the weapons on the AC-130 "Spooky" gunship was insanely fun. I think most of that is due to the care they took in recreating the look of the real-life footage floating around sites like YouTube. It's a bit macabre, but true. While playing that mission, I couldn't help but think of this video.


The sniper mission was the most fun I've had in any FPS campaign mode. It's up there with Bioshock and the any of the Half-life series. Maybe because if I ever entered the armed services, I would want to be a sniper, and they fascinate me so greatly. But that mission.....was so badass. I was a bit disappointed that my "assassination" was so easy to pull off. When my spotter started talking about wind speeds and the Coriolis effect, I was pumped about trying to make a truly hard kill. Unfortunately, it boiled down to simply waiting for my spotter to tell me to shoot and pointing the crosshairs right at my mark's head. After I did it, I ended up going back and killing him the hard way. Taking into account wind and such. It felt like so much more of an accomplishment that way.

The whole point of sniping is to not give away your position, so the second half of the mission was retarded. Shooting down two helicopter gunships? Please. Warding off hundreds of guys with a sniper rifle? I don't think so. Fortunately, this didn't ruin it for me though.

Lastly, the ending was decent. The last level itself, the obligatory car chase with helicopters was so cliche. But the ending was unexpected. Glad I got to cap that guy in the head. The very ending caught me totally off guard however. I'm waiting for the credits to roll because I figure there might be a little easter egg, and all of a sudden I'm storming a hijacked plane with a 2 minute time-limit. That was a great touch.

Overall, it was a great game. It's not the second coming of FPS-Jesus like some sites say, but it was worth my time and money. I know my review seems negative, but I really did enjoy the game. I think it's a brilliant idea to move this series into the present. I'm so frigging sick of WWII games. I would say it's even worth the $80-$100 it might cost you poor ozzies down in Australia

Haven't tried the multiplayer yet, don't really plan to. I'm too hooked on the charm and strategy of Team Fortress 2 to be bother by jumping in to a completely new online game. Heard it's pretty good though.

I give it a 7.5/10
So you think you are being overcritical because you have played Half-Life 2. Well that just made me laugh when you slag off your teammates AI in CoD 4, when in Half-Life 2, your teammates AI (save Alyx and Barney) is about 100x worse.

At least in CoD 4 they actually make an effort to help, distract them on one side of the map so you can get around the other side, and to be quite honest, I saw my teammates make many kills, as well as accurately taking out gun emplacements with well placed grenades etc. In Half-Life 2, the only good thing the rebels did was a mix between, blocking doorways and acting as human shields.

And no you are wrong, Call of Duty has NEVER been trying to stay as realistic as possible, because all the games have been very fast paced and arcadey, which is why the multiplayer has always been really popular. I mean you can play it for an hour and anyone with common sense will see that the developers obviously were not intending to make very realistic.

And whats the deal with Bioshock, am I the only person who did not like that game.
Portal: 9/10

Episode One: 7/10
Not long enough, but HL2 gameplay was still there

Episode 2: 8/10
Ending had been ruined for me
Still, another wonderful title from Valve
Metroid Prime 3. Great controls and as Metroidy as Metroid Prime gets (if you like being all alone and exploring alien planets, you'll love it). It's not as good as the first (which was ****ing awesome), but better than Echoes.

8/10 - it loses a point because the first 30 minutes are crap and Mario Galaxy has set a new standard.
picked up the Witcher the other day ..only played for a bit but wow, a real role playing game with mature themes that doesnt just mean boobs and gore. Havent played enough but intial impressions I'd give it a 9.0 ..the voice acting is especially good for a game developed by people who's first language isnt english ..oh and oblivion seems like a kiddie game in comparison
picked up the Witcher the other day ..only played for a bit but wow, a real role playing game with mature themes that doesnt just mean boobs and gore. Havent played enough but intial impressions I'd give it a 9.0 ..the voice acting is especially good for a game developed by people who's first language isnt english ..oh and oblivion seems like a kiddie game in comparison

Which is why I consider Oblivion to be a piece of crap, precisely and BSthesda unfit for making Fallout 3. Regardless, Witcher is 10/10 for me, and the consequences of your choices are... far reaching, to say the least. Suffice to say, a decision in Act 1 will make itself apparent only in Act 4, after c.a. 15-30 hours of gaming.

Call of Dutay Four gets an 8/10 - good and intense, but feels too arcadey for me and somewhat retarded companion AI (way to charge those three AK-toting rebels, Marine or hide behind an exploding barrel SAS :p ). The Chernobyl assignment was top notch, except for the Ferris Wheel defence. A sniper defending at ranges of 50-100m? Puh-leaze.

Blue Shift completed again - a good, strong novel set in the Half-Life universe, definite 8/10, despite the lack of innovation. Having a central location acting as a focusing point for your activities really helped to set the mood.

Commandos 2 - amazing, although still a bit arcadey at times, since the enemy doesn't seem to notice 95% of sentries and soldiers are missing. Or is it because they have a collectively weak bladder? Regardless, 9/10, might rise to 10/10 once I get to that Panzer IV in Paris.

Team Fortress 2 - 10/10. Nuff said.
Which is why I consider Oblivion to be a piece of crap, precisely and BSthesda unfit for making Fallout 3. Regardless, Witcher is 10/10 for me, and the consequences of your choices are... far reaching, to say the least. Suffice to say, a decision in Act 1 will make itself apparent only in Act 4, after c.a. 15-30 hours of gaming.

well I pissed off the dwarf blasksmith and now he wont talk to me ;(

but to be fair the Witcher was made by european developers for a european audience ..Oblivion/Fallout3 is made for a north american audience ..two different and somewhat dissimiliar markets ..I mean I wonder what the Witcher would have been like had it been made for the xbox

the reality is that for the most part consoles rule in north america whereas in some european markets the console market share is almost non existant so developing exclusively for a segment of the video game audience makes sense for europeans ..but even then they needed a recognisable IP

fallout is too big of a franchise to make the game like the Witcher ..it's limited in sales because of it's target audience ..I guanteee fallout 3 will outsell the Witcher by quite a substantial margin and not just because of the IP
Half-Life 2 (Repeat). Gets a 10/10: Awesome game, just awesome. You all know about it.

HL2EP1: 9.5/10= Citadel made me burp

HL2EP2: 100/10 = No trailers, no ruining, awesome gaming experience.

Portal: <Insert an eight which fell down here>/10 = THE CAKE IS NOT A LIE. COMPANION CUBE IS WITH ME.

And I got another "rank"!
Team Fortress 2: 9.5/10 This game has kept me entertained for hours, and I expected it will for many more. I can see this game being as much of a success as CS. If only Valve would invest in TV advertising - everyone would know what a great game this is. With a few more maps, this game would easily get a solid 10.

Commandos 2 - amazing, although still a bit arcadey at times, since the enemy doesn't seem to notice 95% of sentries and soldiers are missing. Or is it because they have a collectively weak bladder? Regardless, 9/10, might rise to 10/10 once I get to that Panzer IV in Paris.

i love that game.
Oh, I should really pick up Commandos 2. I remember constantly playing the demo for hours, trying to pick off every enemy in the map. Great shit.
i actually played it on the ps2( a few extra characters) :| But kudos to the devs for actually getting the control scheme to work on the dualshock.

The game's missions were epic.
Gears of War - 9/10

Insane, co-op over XBL. Absolute blast. Although there are a few very difficult, extremely punishing areas throughout the campaign (Act 3 almost in its entirety and a certain split path area on act 4) The game at this level and with good communication is a riot.

The AI isn't that great, there's too many areas where the game will drop a locust 3 feet from you and everytime it'll just rush you armed with a shotgun, but there are larger firefights where the groups of enemies do have a go at flanking you/drawing you out/the good old pincer movement.

With a decent co-op partner and some good chat, it can be intense.

Almost knocked a point off for rushing shotgun guys, but stayed my hand for it because knocking points off for enemies you can't handle well sucks.

Point knocked off for ridiculous bugs and some crashes.

i wish they had put the save point before the pumping station in 'Tip of the Iceberg' after you got closer to the station. If you cant remember the exact level then heres a youtube walkthrough of it:

i died so many times to the Theron's torque bow i wanted to smash my 360 controller, then i had to listen to Fenix's plan all over again each time ''ok dom, we're going straight in'' etc, ugh! :angry:
Tribes Vengeance: 8/10

Good ****ing game, and terribly underrated. I've only played the singleplayer, but it's really good stuff; well-designed, highly entertaining and an above average story to boot. Sure, there's some grinding dialogue and voice-acting, but it's enough to keep you going until the end. There are one or two drab levels that hamper the pace, and the “throw player back and forth in the timeline” approach just pisses all over my care mat when the various characters die, but beyond that, I highly recommend it.
Playing beta that I cant mention ..well not playing ..I'm still downloading client

rating so far: Unmentionable Game Beta, downloading score: 100/10

I hope to revisit this post later so I can add a rating for "installing" unmentionable beta and "patching" unmentionable beta
Commandos 3 - 6/10

WTF is this POS user interface? Q/W rotates between weapons which is stupid and some of the cursor icons literally don't look like anything.

*re-installs Commandos 2*
In Tribes, the Princess' eyes care me. Really.

Anyways, replaying Half-Life, AWESOME, age hasn't slowed it one bit. Also, the Gargantua IS vulnerable to conventional weaponry! :p
Assassin's Creed

9.4 is my rating, simply because i could give to shits how repetitive gameplay is when the story is this good. And i truly believe this franchise will grow to be something amazing! We need more stories like this.
Ah, I never (or actually haven't yet) found that part to be too bad, even playing on insane. The problem is that making a push on the pumping station exposes you too much because there's no real brilliant strategic cover to pick off Therons and even drones.

I mostly start failing when lambent wretches are hopping around. :hmph:

CptStern said:
zomg Conan
Playing beta that I cant mention ..well not playing ..I'm still downloading client

rating so far: Unmentionable Game Beta, downloading score: 100/10

I hope to revisit this post later so I can add a rating for "installing" unmentionable beta and "patching" unmentionable beta

Yeah, Im gonna guess thats Conan also.

Assassin's Creed: 9.1/10

Brilliant in every aspect except for the slight predictability of each assassination. The story is absolutely engrossing for me.
rating so far: Unmentionable Game Beta, downloading score: 100/10

Tribes Vengeance: 8/10

Good ****ing game, and terribly underrated. I've only played the singleplayer, but it's really good stuff; well-designed, highly entertaining and an above average story to boot. Sure, there's some grinding dialogue and voice-acting, but it's enough to keep you going until the end. There are one or two drab levels that hamper the pace, and the ?throw player back and forth in the timeline? approach just pisses all over my care mat when the various characters die, but beyond that, I highly recommend it.

Fantastic SP, horrible MP... which is a crime for a Tribes game.

Gladiator : Sword of Vengeance - 7.8/10...
Pretty good, the camera and overly easy difficulty knocks it down though.
I'm not saying it's not not the guy with the really big sword, I'm not saying it's not the guy with the really big sword either
/scratches head

...I dont know anymore ..but it's definately a big fat "could be" ...but then again "perhaps not" always rears it's ugly head
The Witcher - 11/10

Simply that. Unfortunately I feel most RPGs will now feel shallow and unfinished, with Morrowind dropping to a primitive rogue-like and Oblivion... is there even a name for such primitive, unimaginative crap?
Kane And Lynch Dead Men 8/10

Was really enjoying this until the final 3 levels, where it seems the developer just couldn`t be bothered any more.
Some ropey AI also sour the experience.
Apart from that, the graphics are good (pc), story is fantastic and I never got bored of the shootouts, especially when in crowded places and the civilians are getting caught in the crossfire.
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